Types of waterproofing materials used in construction


  1. Paint waterproofing
  • Application of bitumen paint waterproofing
  • Oak waterproofing
    • Installation of waterproofing
  • Lubricating waterproofing
    • Application omazochnoy waterproofing
  • Plastered waterproofing
    • Application of plaster waterproofing
  • Penetrating waterproofing
    • Application of penetrating waterproofing
  • Sprayable waterproofing
    • Application sprayed waterproofing

    This article will tell you abouttypes of waterproofingand their purpose. The modern construction market is represented by a variety of waterproofing materials that are designed effectively protect the foundation, roof, walls, floors of the structure from the harmful effects of groundwater moisture, atmospheric precipitation. Carrying out of protective works should be carried out qualitatively with use of that waterproofing which should be used in each separate case under rules of civil work. Each type of waterproofing has its advantages and disadvantages, it can be used in different construction works. Let's take a closer look at each type of modern protective material that is used today.

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    Paint waterproofing

    Paint waterproofing is awaterproof film, which is formed by applying to the surface of liquid or plastic materials, such as bitumen (the most common waterproofing material), mastic or special paint and varnish, which have the appropriate properties, that is, resistance moisture.

    Bituminous mastics have different fillers - lime, asbestos, talcum, which will make the waterproofing of quality and guaranteeprotection against capillary moisturein the wall or floor of the building structure. Modern waterproofing paints or varnishes have in their structure synthetic resins and plastics, which will also create an excellent protection against wet environments. The main types of painting waterproofing material are bitumen, rubber, acrylic, polyurethane and silicone mixtures.

    Application of bitumen paint waterproofing

    To apply bituminous hot mastics, the mixture should be heated to 170 degrees Celsius to it was easily applied and well penetrated into all the cracks and irregularities through which it can penetrate moisture. For cold mastic heating is not required, theyimmediately ready for use, but are more expensive than the first option. Cold mastics require warming up at an ambient temperature of + 5 degrees. They are made from furyl, epoxy, perchlorovinyl and other resins on a synthetic basis.


    Before carrying out work on waterproofing with bituminous mastic, it is necessary to treat the surface with a composition of one part of the bitumen itself and three parts of white spirit or gasoline. Then the compositionapplied with a roller, with a brush or a faster method with a spray gun or spray gun. Paint waterproofing is also considered a gas-flame spraying method, in which the paint is applied at least in two layers with a time interval of about 15 hours. The thickness of bitumen in this case should be 2 millimeters.

    Oak waterproofing

    This type of waterproofing combines at once two types - it is the paint protection, and actually okleychnaya, therefore it has great efficiency, perfectly protecting brick, concrete, metal and other surface. Oak waterproofing means surface coatingroll or sheet materials, for example, such as ruberoid or extruded polystyrene foam, which are pasted on bituminous mastics of a cold or hot application method.

    The main type of pasting materials is roll waterproofing, which is a huge choice in modern building supermarkets, designed for different waterproofing works. The most accessible roll material isruberoid.

    Installation of waterproofing


    When carrying out waterproofing waterproofing bitumen mastic is used, and not bitumen-rubber. It is necessary to conduct the pasting of the roll material in several layers, while maintaining a certain interval, letting the layer dry. One of the speciesroll materialsare foil-isoizol, metal, waterproof, glass-fiber, reinforced asphalt mats, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride films. Also used fibergroup, insula, briol.

    When carrying out waterproofing works with okleychnymi materials, tightly rolled and glued with bitumen or similar mastic, connecting the edges overlap by 10-15 centimeters. The last layer is mandatorycovered with bituminous mastichot type and, if possible, close the brick or other wall. On the foundation, this waterproofing can be strengthened by digging with clay.

    Lubricating waterproofing

    This waterproofing is a different liquid formulations of mastics and solutions (sludges) to create seamless continuous waterproofing layers. This can be one or more layers, depending on the degree of protection required. itdurable waterproofing, which is resistant to physical and mechanical influences, has good resistance to aggressive chemical and aqueous media. Also, it is flexible enough to avoid cracking in the future under the influence of weather conditions or uneven precipitation at home.

    Classify the lubricating waterproofing can be divided into two main groups - mineral and bitumen masses.

    • In the first case, it is a mixture on a cement base (white or gray Portland cement) with the inclusion of specialpolymers and granules. They are supplied as a dry powder, which is diluted with water in certain proportions.
    • In the second case, the basis of the waterproofing mixture is bitumen, which is covered by a layer of not less than 4 millimeters and additionally reinforced with a suitable reinforcing mesh.

    Application omazochnoy waterproofing

    If you use seamless cement waterproofing, then such a protective coating can withstand, quitehigh pressurein 7 atmospheres, which is equivalent to immersion to a depth of about 70 meters. It is often used for waterproofing pools that require good protection from water and in basements to prevent moisture from entering the house or stop the active flow. Can be applied to different substrates of concrete, cement or brick.

    Depending on the type of material used, the surface is waterproofed using hot or cold coating. It should be noted that bituminous mastics and sealants on the same basis are goodIsolate a dry surface, but have a toxicity that should be taken into account. If you do not want to use toxic waterproofing, you will have to increase the budget and purchase two-component polyurethane mixtures that are free from this defect and are completely non-toxic.

    Plastered waterproofing

    Depending on the materials used, plastering waterproofing can be divided into three subspecies.

    • First -cement plaster, which is applied to the surface by a layer with a thickness of 5 to 40 millimeters. Application of cement-sand mortar with the addition of hydrophobisers or mineral fillers is done layer by layer. The solution is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1 or 1 to 2. The total thickness of the plaster is a strong waterproofing layer.
    • The second -asphaltic plaster, which is applied by a layer up to 4 millimeters in several layers, usually 2-3 layers, but it is possible and more. The coating is a protection from hot or cold mastics. After application it is required to createbrick protection layeror a concrete layer when creating a vertical waterproofing. With a horizontal waterproofing, two layers of 7-8 mm are created, which is protected by a screed made of cement mortar or concrete.
    • The third -cast asphalt waterproofing. representshot mastic solution, which is poured into the cavity between the protective wall and the insulated surface. This is with a vertical waterproofing. In case of horizontal protection against moisture, the solution should be leveled on the surface, and then covered with an additional cementitious screed.

    Application of plaster waterproofing

    Most often apply plaster waterproofing in places where a large amount of moisture is concentrated. For example, very often the pools are waterproofed by this kind ofprotection against moisture. Also, such waterproofing in the bathroom or other rooms with a high level of humidity is very effective. In addition, it is used as an anti-filtration and anticorrosion protection for inclined and vertical surfaces.

    Still use plaster waterproofing on concrete, metal or brick surfaces. Layers of such protection from the side where it comes fromhydrostatic head. If such a head is variable, then it is necessary to fix the waterproofing between the rigid bearing structures, for example, masonry.

    Penetrating waterproofing

    This type of waterproofing ensures good waterproofness of concrete structures. A feature of these waterproofing materials is that they can be used, both at the beginning of the construction process, and at the final stages of the work. In the future, penetrating waterproofing can be used forrestore lost propertieswater resistance of building structures. Compositions are a structure that penetrates deep into the surface with a porous structure.

    In addition to penetrating properties into the surface and creating a moisture barrier, this waterproofing has the property of preventing corrosion processes in reinforcing structures. Also, penetrant protection compositions canto withstand chemical attackand significantly increase the surface resistance. Significantly increases the service life of building structures that have been treated with penetrating waterproofing. This allows you to solve several tasks at once when performing protection against moisture penetration.

    Application of penetrating waterproofing

    An example of conducting waterproofing works using penetrating waterproofing is applying a solution from portland cement and fine-grained sand, in which chemically active ingredients stimulating process of self-healing of cracksand their prevention. After applying this protective layer to the concrete surface of the wall or floor, the surface strength increases by a rather impressive 20%.

    In addition, the feature of penetrating waterproofing is frost resistance. It does not require surface priming, its leveling or ideal dryness. Also no protective wall or additional backfill is required. This waterproofing is prettyuniversaland has a lot of advantages over others, thanks to the property to strengthen and waterproof the surface walls and floors without the need to strengthen additional structures such as metal reinforcement grid.

    Sprayable waterproofing

    The composition of the waterproofing mixture is sprayed using a spray gun or a special airless spraying unit. The composition that is sprayed over the surface isliquid rubberor other similar acrylic composition sprayed onto absolutely any surface. This waterproofing is now quite popular and is quite affordable for small budgets.


    In connection with the growing demand for this waterproofing material, they began to produce a very strong sprayed waterproofing onbased on polyurethane, acrylic or traditional bituminous compositions. Waterproofing has a long service life, which, undoubtedly, will interest people who want to maximize Protect your home from penetration of moisture and further destruction and corrosion of walls, floors or foundation.

    Application sprayed waterproofing

    Unique properties of sprayed waterproofing allows you to maintain its anti-corrosion properties and protection against moisture penetrationfor 50 years, which is an impressive time and gives a great advantage over other types of waterproofing. The drying time of this composition on the surface is about 10-20 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer that was applied. The versatility of this waterproofing gives it an extensive field of application, thanks to its resistance to aggressive environments. These materials have good soundproofing and anti-corrosion properties.

    This waterproofing is used in the manufacture and repair of cranes for construction purposes, protecting pipelines from breakthroughs and creating an additional layer of protection. Also in the scope of use is the processing of machine parts in the corresponding production facilities andcreation of a protective layeron the decks of ships. In addition, waterproofing spraying with color composition on sports grounds is used. This very effective waterproofing spraying will make it possible to protect the structure even from a high level of humidity under different conditions. Versatility and good protection offer advantages over traditional waterproofing.

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