In these heating systems is not the easiest method of installation, it is not acceptable anywhere. Water heated floors under tiles most often satisfied with the owners of private houses and cottages. This is a convenient and aesthetic option heating dwellings, which can be used as main or auxiliary heating method.
In our proposed article describes in detail the rules of design and construction of floor heating systems with water coolant. We will talk about how to carry out the installation of a heating system directly, and then put it on top of the floor tiles. With the result will be an ideal view of our councils.
The content of the article:
- The specificity and function
- Design rules and calculations
- system installation steps
- The nuances of laying floor tiles
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
The specificity and function
Radiant floor is a narrow tube, arranged in a coupler in a specific pattern. Pipes connected to the collector and the collector - to the radiator, usually the boiler. At start up the hot water circuit, which heats the floor covering, and then - the room air.
The peculiarity of water underfloor heating is that it usually requires installation of the "wet" construction works, ie screed. In addition, the technical standards is not recommended to perform the laying of such systems in high-rise buildings. But for the owners of private housing, this option can be very attractive.
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Ceramic floor tiles and porcelain - the optimum types of coatings for stacking on top of heating systems. They are excellent conductors of heat

According to technical essence water floor heating system is a heating circuit with own circulation pump, air vent, a safety valve or a group listed element

Unlike traditional water heating system in the underfloor heating is not standard instruments. Are used instead of the pipe, which circulates water heated boiler

Water pipe floors are stacked in a specific order according to a predetermined pattern with a pitch of not more than the length of the stop owners

The main disadvantage of water sexes is that the pipeline could leak once. For this reason, laying water circuits in multi-storey buildings are not allowed

Before laying the tiles is filled screed water system, increasing the heat transfer area, the spacer pipe and provide a basis for tiling

Traditional and semi-dry screed significantly increase the mass of the system, that is the second reason for prohibiting the use in high-rise buildings. Few will be able to lighten the weight of the polymer composition fills

Water floor heating system in the device harder than electric, but operating costs significantly more profitable

Ceramic coating for warm floors

The collector assembly underfloor heating

Thermally Conductive elements Systems

Rules laying Floor System

The main disadvantage of water loop

Screed over water heating circuit

Filling resin screed

The main advantage of water heating
Despite the difficulties with the laying, operating costs of the water the floor with the right calculation and implementation will be significantly less than for electric counterparts. The water in such a system should not be heated too much, to about 30-40 degrees. In this case, the room warms up evenly, and heat losses are minimal.
Design rules and calculations
As with any construction work, installation of water floor heating should be started with the project. To do this, fit an ordinary exercise book in a section. It recommended as closely as possible to sustain the scale of each room in which such a system would be laid.
First, you must put the outline of the room, mark her doorway, windows, exterior walls and other similar elements. If the room is large, and a device decompression seams, they should also be reflected in the plan.
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Before designing layouts underfloor is necessary to determine the type of pipe because they have several different bending radius

When using copper tubing requires to calculate in advance the maximum possible bend radius so as not to generate portions which increase the pressure and reduce the speed of movement of coolant

Metal-plastic piping future warm floor water does not need such calculations. The main thing that was not turning in the layout more than 90º

Likewise, the heating construction comes in outdoor coil of pipes made of crosslinked polyethylene

Accounting for bending pipes for design

The necessary calculations for copper

Plastic pipe in the apparatus

Heated floor XLPE
underfloor heating pipe must not coincide with the line. If there is a crossing, the pipe section at this interval should hide piece under protective corrugated tube. It put on top of the underfloor heating pipe.

In this scheme are designated in detail all the layers and elements of water underfloor: Feed damper, insulation, pipe, plate, floor
After that, the terms refer to the installation location of fixed pieces of furniture that fit snugly to the floor. In these places, to lay the heating circuit does not make any sense. It may even create unnecessary load on the heating circuit.
The plan should be saved and used each time, when the room is carried out the repair or rearrangement of furniture. Now it is necessary to choose a convenient place to put the collector cabinet.
Then you need to decide on the circuit layout of pipes, and draw it on the plan, subject to certain requirements:
- The length of one circuit, i.e. pipes connected to the manifold, should not be more than 100-120 linear meters.
- The length of the individual circuits connected to a common manifold, must be approximately the same, the difference should not exceed 15 m.
- The distance between the pipes circuit shall be 150 mm, but in areas with severe winter climate, can slightly reduce the step to increase the intensity of warming.
- It should not be laid directly to the pipe along the wall, you need to indent approximately 150-300 mm.
- Circuit should consist of solid pipe covering, twisting, soldering or any other compound unacceptable.
Calculating the number of pipes and drafting It can be charged by a professional engineer who will take into account not only the features of the system, but also the characteristics of the heating equipment. A simpler way - to use a special program or online calculator designed specifically for such purposes.
These programs are used as a reference sample embodiment water floor heating, and adjusts it using the correction coefficients depending on the specific parameters. You will need to enter information about the diameter and material of the pipe, step of stacking, features a floor covering, screed, etc.

This diagram shows three variants of the layout of water piping underfloor heating. If the hot flow and the "return pipes" are stacked in parallel (first and third embodiment), the floor will be warmed uniformly
Underfloor pipe layout operate in two basic schemes: "snake" or "snail". Preferred is a "snail". In this case the pipe through which hot water enters the system, is laid parallel to the pipes, which moves the cooled coolant. As a result of the heat from hot spots transmitted cooled part of the circuit that provides a more uniform heating of the room.
"Snake" - a series circuit pipe laying, it is more suitable for areas with limited space. Sometimes using both circuit layouts: large areas - "snail", and small, for example, in a short hallway, in the bathroom, use the "snake". It makes sense to clarify the characteristics of the boiler, from which the heat transfer fluid will flow.
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Often, the design, and then the warm water in the device floor traditional circuit layout used in the complex

The optimal pitch between rows of tubes of water underfloor considered interval from 22.5 to 30.0 cm. It is determined in accordance with the required heat flow density per 1 m

Based on the data obtained in testing water circuits, it is recognized that the coolant pressure at 100 meters purlins falls to 0.2 atm. Therefore, it is considered a marginal length

A floor water circuit can be heated to 20 square meters. In the case of arrangement of a large room hosts several circuits with a separate connecting rings of the heating pipe to the manifold

In areas with the body without legs furniture layout plan so that the conduit loop has been removed from the cabinet or rack for at least 10 cm

Floor water piping must deviate from the load-bearing walls and partitions 15 - 30 cm

By reducing the pitch between the pipes, especially their feed portions to insulate them required to avoid overheating and needless loss of heat in these areas

In the case of rotation at 180º conduit pipe loop is laid in the form of pears to avoid flattening and pressure changes

Complex pipe layout schemes underfloor

The optimal spacing between elements

The maximum length of the floor system circuit

Limiting heating area

layout rules in rooms with furniture

The indentation of the heating system from the wall

Insulation tubes at step reduction

The device grusheoobraznyh loops
Heated floor should not warm up more than 30-40 degrees, about this and must be heating the coolant temperature. Some models of boilers are designed for higher temperatures. Perhaps the operation of the equipment will have to adjust, or replace it completely.
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Water floor heating systems are allowed to hold the wooden base, since coolant temperature does not usually exceed 55º

Due to insufficient bearing capacity of the wooden sub-floor screed is not poured. Its function is performed by lags and non-combustible insulation

To enhance the thermal effect of the water circuits is laid on foil insulated substrate or metal guide

Design rules of underfloor heating in the house with a wooden bottom overlap are no different from the above standards

Radiant floor heating on wooden base

The specifics of the construction of wooden floors

Devices to enhance heat transfer

Designing underfloor heating in a wooden house
With the rules for calculating pipes, the choice of material and determination stacking step introduce articleEntirely dedicated to the issues of designing of water underfloor heating systems.
system installation steps
Usually work on laying of water underfloor heating is carried out in the following order:
- Removing the old flooring.
- Cleaning and leveling the ground.
- Mounting the damper tape.
- Laying insulation.
- Installation of reflective film.
- Stacking pipes in accordance with the previously prepared circuit.
- Pouring concrete screed.
- Laying of floor covering.
basis for installation of water floor It is not difficult to prepare under the tile. It is necessary to remove all the unnecessary layers, when it comes to dismantling the old floor. Thereafter, the surface must be leveled, for example, seal the recess and crack repair mortar. After that, remove dust and dirt: grease stains, paint, etc.
Of course, the results will not be visible after the installation of underfloor heating systems, but also the preparation of the base should be aligned as much as possible. Roughness and dirt may impair the quality of the subsequent assembly.
Along the walls placed special damping tape. Some inexperienced Wizard's material leans against the wall, hoping that subsequent filling reliably squeeze it to the surface.

Flaws, fix the water floor heating: the film is cut flush with the wall, not tucked under the insulation, damper tape just lying along the walls, it is not fixed
This tactic is not justified, between the tape and wall voids and the material is deformed. The tape should be attached to the wall with screws, so that it lies tightly and maintain a correct position. As insulation material is often used extruded polystyrene.
This is a reliable material which is supplied in the form of plates Conveniently compound. If the basis on which stacked plates, even, they will not sway after installation. Placed on top of a reflective film. Very convenient, if it is provided with a marking, which will facilitate the layout of the pipes.
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Significantly facilitate the process of laying the pipeline according to the project are inscribed insulating substrate on roofed subfloor

When using a tube lined substrate staples underfloor attached to the Draft concrete base

If the system is placed under a heating plate heat insulation, in the substrate with the use of the cells is not necessary. The layout and fastening of the pipes then made to the metal reinforcing wire mesh

It is easier and much faster cable installation of underfloor heating for manufactured specifically for these insulation boards with guiding lugs, in which the pipes simply snap

Laying coil substrate lined on

Brackets for fixing pipes to the subfloor

Fastening pipes to a metal mesh

The polymeric substrate having guide lugs
You can use more modern versions of insulationDesigned specifically for laying underfloor. On the surface of such materials, there are special grooves, which significantly facilitate the laying of pipes. Film for such insulation is not required.

EXAMPLE correct installation and the damper film tape under Radiant Floor: film securely tucked under the insulation, the tape adheres to the wall
You should not cut the film is flush with the wall. Material is charged under a layer of heat-insulating material, that it is slightly stretched and not shifted. On film you need to lay the mounting grid, and you can start laying the pipes.
Most often used for floor heating plastic pipesAs the most reliable and relatively inexpensive. The unit of floor heating systems are also used extensively XLPE pipes and soft copper tube.
Tubes are placed on a grid in accordance with previously compiled project and fixed conventional plastic clips in increments of about one meter. It is not necessary to fix the pipe on the grid too hard. Under the influence of heat they can expand a little, and under cooling - shrink. You need to leave a little space for the process.

In this photo shows the correct pipe-laying water underfloor: distance therebetween soaked exactly structure gently bent at a right angle
When laying the coils need to carefully observe the distance between the pipes and an offset from the wall. If these distances will "walk", then in the future floor heating will be performed unevenly. Congestion will soon lead to breakdown of the system, and repair cost is quite expensive.

This example careless pipe-laying water underfloor: fuzzy bends, the distance between pipes in sections varies significantly
Now you need to install the collector and connect the underfloor heating circuit to it. This device can be assembled on their own, but it's easier and cheaper to buy a ready-made model. looks Collector mixing unit as a neat locker inside controls are floor heating system and connectors for pipes.

This diagram shows the location of the water reservoir and the warm floor heating system in the autonomous private home or cottage
Each circuit is connected to the collector twice to the opening through which will flow hot water, and the outlet port for returning the cooled coolant to the heat exchanger boiler. Pipes secured by special clamping nuts which are supplied together with the collector.
Of course, the collector must be connected to the boiler in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Before filling, check the system a new underfloor heating, ie fulfill his molding.
For this include boiler and hot water is fed into the system under pressure which is 50% higher than normal working. In this state, the system should be left for about two hours.
At this time you need to inspect pipes and detect defects, such as:
- places where the pipe is clamped fixing clamp;
- leaks in places pipe connections to other elements of the system;
- violation of the integrity of the heating circuit.
If deficiencies are found, they must be removed and then re-execute the molding system. You can then proceed to the screed. In the process of a stacked pipes should be handled very carefully so you do not accidentally move them or damage.

After water floor heating pipes are fixed, they must be covered with some protective material to prevent accidental damage
To prepare the solution should use special dry mixes that are designed for the installation of floor heating. Such formulations are designed for permanent heating process stacked in the thickness of screed structures. The SCA package usually indicate a method for its preparation, which should be followed.
An important point - the shelf life of the finished composition. This time period should be taken into account during the work. Before pouring tube is filled with cold water to compensate for the pressure of the composition and prevent deformation.
Thickness screed above the pipe It should be about three centimeters. Now we need to wait for the complete drying of the screed, and only after that to start laying the flooring.

For the preparation of the special CAS use solution for mounting the water floor heating. Tie layer above the pipe must be at least three centimeters
The nuances of laying floor tiles
The process device of this floor covering is not too complex, but requires the attention and precision of technology. Here, too, you need to start with the project, choose a design and circuit stacking of separate elements.
This can be a normal method of horizontal and diagonal option, and even the whole picture of the tiles. The more complex the design, the more elements will have to trim.
It is not always possible to lay only whole tiles. Plan the layout so you need to cut the elements were not in sight: in the far corner, under furniture, etc.
To determine how many tiles you need for a particular room, you can use one of the online calculators. It is more convenient, though it is possible to perform calculations by hand, using the compiled plan.
Floor should take the floor tile with a rough surface. An important point - the class of abrasion material. The more people and the more frequently visited the room, the higher should be an indicator. At the time of purchase must consider not only the design, but also the batch number. All packages tile must be from the same batch.
Elements with the same design of the various parties may differ shade. The difference is negligible, but after installation it will become apparent. Even after the installation Keep the original packaging with batch number in case you need to purchase multiple items.
In addition to the tile need to buy glue for tiles and trowel for its application, the plastic cross-shaped guides, the primer and the composition for grouting. Of the tools may also need a regular trowel, rubber spatula to grout, cloth, measuring tape and building level, Tile, etc.
If installation of floor heating is correct, the ground under the tiles is smooth and clean. It is necessary to process the primer composition in accordance with the instructions and wait until dry. After that start directly to the laying of tiles. Begin either from the corner or the center, i.e. with the most prominent sites.
First you need to make the marks on the ground. To do this in the middle of the room parallel to the longest wall is carried out a straight line, and then again in the middle, draw a line perpendicular to the first. In the doorway to the floor nailed wooden bar-limiter.
On the backside of the separate tiles put a small amount of tile adhesive and distribute it on the surface of a toothed spatula. Sometimes it is more convenient to apply the glue on the tiles, and on the base, about one square meter, the glue does not dry out.

Floor tile is laid on the adhesive layer, and the distance between individual elements is fixed via spacers cruciate
Tile put in place and slightly pressed against the base. In the same manner, and placed the remaining elements. Between the tiles put special cross-shaped guides. They help to maintain the same distance between the individual elements of the entire area.
Once laid the first row, you should carefully check how exactly is a tile with the help of a spirit level. This check is performed constantly, the whole floor was perfectly flat. If the room has a sink, the tile is laid with a slight slope toward the drain.

The quality of laying the floor tiles should always be checked with a spirit level to adjust the position of the elements when necessary
This point is usually taken into account even when the base unit under the tile. Once all the tiles are laid, it is necessary to wait at least 12 hours, to the tile adhesive has had time to dry. Now you can remove the dividers and start grouting. The composition may be in the tone of the tile, and a contrasting color, it all depends on the design.
Grout is applied in small portions to the seam region and triturated special rubber spatula, the movement must be crosswise directed in different directions. Residues grout immediately removed from the surface with a cloth, e.g., microfiber.
When the grout has hardened a bit, you need to check how full the seam. If the grout was not enough, repeat the grouting on this site.
About that, how is the floor heating device under the linoleum, learn from next article, With the content of which we recommend reviewing.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Detailed instructions on the installation of water floor heating is presented in the following footage:
The process of laying floor tiles can be found here:
Radiant Floor Heating - reliable and convenient heating system, which allows to make the house comfortable and cozy. When correctly installed it for many years will serve its purpose perfectly. The flooring is ceramic tile can be considered the best choice to combine with underfloor heating of this type.
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