Radiant Floor Heating to adjust a little more complicated than electric counterparts. The adjustment functions are performed by two important device - a mixing unit for floor heating and manifold supplying water uniformly to all the circuits of the system.
Can be prepared using the optimum temperature of the coolant as well as its quantity, i.e., do the job of heating equipment as efficient as possible. But how to perform the installation of this important site? On this and we will talk in this article.
We consider in detail especially water underfloor installation in high-rise building, and simultaneously analyze the device and the basic functions assigned to the mixing unit.
Material articles we added colorful pictures and the thematic video collector assembly and installation of the finer points of mixing unit for water floor heating.
The content of the article:
- Functions of the mixing unit and the device
- The purpose of using the collector
Features water-floor installation in high-rise building
- How to make a water floor in an apartment building?
- Subtleties collector installation
- Manufacturing collector improvised
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Functions of the mixing unit and the device
This node is also called mix with a module, which is fully consistent with its intended purpose. This device is designed to mix water from the boiler, with it well, but because of the feedback loop threads to receive coolant at an acceptable temperature.
The boiler heats the water is usually quite strong, up to 80-90 degrees. For underfloor heating systems, such a tall temperature, so the coolant must be diluted, and the easiest way to do this with the help of reverse flow, which has cooled.
Such devices establish a heating system with two or more working rings if Heated floor is additional heating means at the same time with radiators, and when the house is heated only by the warm floor.

Mixing assembly for floor heating with a heat transfer fluid organization includes a number of temperature sensors and regulating head, which allows to apply the coolant circuit with the desired temperature
The main components of the mixing unit - is a two-way valves with thermostats, three or chetyrehodovoy valve and circulation pump.
If the boiler is already equipped with such a pump, for the warm floor will have to buy another device, it will work separately. On the coolant radiator is usually fed with a temperature of 70-90 degrees but for underfloor it will cool to 35-40 degrees.
Here's how the process is carried out in the mix with the cooled return water system three-way stopcock:
- Hot water is supplied to the boiler.
- Heat transfer fluid passes three-way valve and reaches the circuit leading to the underfloor heating manifold.
- The temperature sensor detects the liquid temperature.
- In terms of temperature higher than normal, activated three-way valve.
- It opens, begins with the mixing of coolant flow of cooled fluid return line.
- When the coolant temperature decreases to a predetermined level, the valve overlap.
The two-way valve closes the flow to the loop portion of the new coolant, circulating through it until the water has cooled to a desired temperature mark.
Four-reinforcing device to warm floors are divided into two types: X-shaped, operating on the principle two-way valves, and rotary, allowing to make the mixing of the hot coolant from the tank line in impeccably accurate proportions.
In addition to the pump and valve for installation and use of the mixing unit will need a sensor, and a thermostat which disables the pump, if the water temperature is too high.
Often mixing unit is sold with a collector, but if it is not supplied, it is necessary to acquire and properly install the necessary elements.
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Purpose of the mixing unit is to reduce the coolant temperature entering the boiler directly from the low-temperature heating systems - Heated floor

In circuits with a feed inlet pipe to the manifold mixing nodes recommended to equip raskhodamerami, and put on the pipe otbratki balancing valves

For mixing had time to cool down the return to re-enter the coolant in the mixing units include two-, three- and four-way valves designed for automatic or manual adjustment of the flow water

The three- and four-way valves rod adjustment of mixing cold water flow occurs due to movement of the rod in the device, responsive to the temperature sensor readings

Using the four-way mixing device eliminates the tie-bypass system, as can Handling hot coolant flows and return within one housing, and not to send the hot water around through the bypass

To the cooled water to the mixing of the hot stream is fully automatic, servo valves are used

Setting the mixing unit can be formed not only immediately adjacent to the collector. Perhaps its location in the boiler room of a private house

Node for the control and adjustment of the coolant temperature by admixing the return can be purchased ready for operation or collect their own separate components

Mixing unit for underfloor arrangement

Technical equipment manifold assembly

Three-way mixer before the stem pump

Rod mixers in underfloor heating systems

Four way mixing spindle unit

The mixing valve with a servoproivodom

Location next to the collector node

Mixing unit, factory assembled
Thus it is necessary to implement such a procedure, first put the three-way valve, then - the circulation pump after it is connected manifold. With this arrangement the pump will supply coolant through the valve. If you put the pump before the valve, the latter just will not work, because the flow is simply directed properly.
On the tube through which cooled coolant flows, it is necessary to put a check valve to the cold water does not flow back into the system.
Another useful element that provides normal operation of the mixing unit in a two-way tap systems - bypass. If the collector will be closed all openings, coolant goes into the system to bypass and will circulate along a closed path, until cool.
In heating systems with two-way shut-off and regulating bypass valve - a required element. In systems with three- and four-way valves can be free to do without it. True, coupled with the three-way valve bypass allows you to adjust both quantitative and qualitative indicators of coolant.
In addition to bypass two-way valve circuit is required to include the balancing valve, by which the regulated amount of coolant flowing through the bypass. This device is necessary to control the portions of lukewarm water, mixed with the hot coolant.

Three-way mixing device for floor heating water arranged in such a way as to control the temperature of the coolant, flow mixing cold and hot water
A set of devices, which is called the mixing unit can be purchased in the store as a ready-made kit. But, in the opinion of experienced craftsmen, the purchase of individual units will be more reliable, and cheaper. Dvuhodovymi system with valves and thermostats are suitable for compact circuits with small boilers.
Choosing a three- or four-way valve, it is necessary to take into account its performance and size of the area, which is serviced by the system.
On small squares will be enough device that transmits about 2 cubic meters. m heating medium per hour. But if we are talking about an area of over 50 square meters. m, it is better to take a mixing valve with a capacity of 4 cubic meters per hour.
On top of it there is an adjusting cap, it can be used to expose the coolant temperature. Adjustment is not always required because the manufacturer usually puts this figure at an acceptable level.
Performance models of three-way valves are not only with caps, but also with the servos. However, by connecting the mixing unit is required to be taken into account especially a radiator heating system.

When connecting the mixing unit water floor heating simultaneously with one-pipe heating system the radiator, the bypass should always be left in the open position
Bypass - a necessary element during installation of the mixing unit. Experts recommend to install a bypass valve on it. This is necessary so that when excessive pressure occurs in the system of the coolant has been redirected to the return line.
An important condition for a one-pipe heating system - bypass should remain open to on coolant loop continuously fed stream. But when you connect to two-pipe system Bypass should be closed.
If the floor is the main water heating means, and it is possible to do without the installation of the mixing unit, if desired.

If water Heated floor is set as the auxiliary heating radiator when the double pipe system, the bypass must be closed
In this case, the water temperature regulator functions entering the circuit performs thermostat. In this case, the heat transfer fluid, heated to 70-90 degrees, will immediately fall on the floor heating system.
As soon as this hot stream reaches the return manifold mounted in the place the thermostat detects an elevated temperature and the coolant circulation stops. When the water cools down to a predetermined temperature, e.g., up to 40 degrees, the thermostat operates, and circulation resumes.
This option has a significant drawback - not all flooring is easy to tolerate heat up to 80 degrees. Neither parquet or linoleum to a heating mode can not be used, but for the ceramic tile is a perfectly acceptable option.
Another case where a mixing unit is not required, when the coolant is heated by the heat pump, since the water temperature is unlikely to be greater than 40 degrees. By the way, Heat pump It can be made with their own hands, to save on the purchase of expensive equipment.
The purpose of using the collector
Collector - a device, by which coolant flow is distributed over separate circuits water floor, then returns back to heating. Collector node looks like two pipes with holes, which connect circuits of the system.
The presence of the distribution manifold in the scheme of the organization of the floor heating provides the ability to control the amount of coolant flow. One of the collector tubes - feed, it receives hot water and connected to inputs of circuits water floor.
Return line circuits connected to the return pipe collector. The holes, which runs a connection, usually equipped with screw, fitting, or other compounds.

The manifold consists of a number of elements such as collector proper (1 and 2), an adapter for Majewski crane (3); the drain valve (4); air vent (5); the valve (6); the bracket (7); cone (8)
It also set various devices by which to regulate the coolant flow indicators. The simplest embodiment of the manifold of industrial production - a pipe with a connector which is referred to as a Euro. This is quite convenient and reliable assembly, but it does not allow to control the flow of water.
To effectively use such a device, it is necessary in addition to purchase and install a number of elements.
A little difficult to find the DPRK production manifold. In addition to the compounds of the outlets are fitted gate valves, no automatic means for controlling the flow provided. This is an excellent and inexpensive embodiment of a water floor in a small area with two or three loops of the same length.
Such a system does not require complex management. But large areas of the collector of this type would have to complement the automation.
Furthermore, spacing between the flow and return section of the Chinese devices does not match standards adopted in Europe, which could cause problems when connecting it with the instruments of the European production.
Ball valves in such devices are sensitive to water of low quality, they eventually begin to leak. To fix the problem, it suffices to replace the O-rings, but you have to reckon with the fact that the need for such repairs will periodically occur.
If the water system operation floor is supposed to be automated, it makes sense to purchase a minimum of collector control valve.
Such valves can be installed servos connected to thermostats in the rooms. This will provide automatic control of coolant flow in accordance with the data on the temperature of air in a particular room.

To automate the water floor heating system to supply the collector set flow (marked with frames), and on the return pipe put connectors for servo drives (blue cap below)
The most difficult to control the water floor system in which individual contours significantly vary in length, but usually is what happens in complex systems. In this situation, the best choice would be a collector on the pitch is installed flow meters, and on the return pipe - sockets designed for mounting actuators.
Using flow can be adjusted coolant flow rate, and in conjunction with the actuators thermostats allow to establish a suitable temperature for each circuit.
If necessary, the automatic regulation is not, you can purchase a supply manifold with flowmeter, and the reverse - with the usual Flow tap.
It so happens that it is impossible to choose the collector with the number of sockets for the connection that corresponds to the project. Then you can take the device "with a stock". And the extra hole plugs simply close.
This solution can be useful if you later need to add water to the floor system, a couple of stitches.
Features water-floor installation in high-rise building
It is believed that the construction of the water system in the floor of high-rise buildings is not possible, but this is not true. In practice, the implementation of such a project can be implemented, but requires approval of the supplier of central heating services. Can arrange them only on the ground floors of buildings.
How to make a water floor in an apartment building?
There are two options: the complete replacement of the radiator system water floor or the installation of additional heating system, along with the operation of the radiator.

The optimal place to connect the system water floor heating in an apartment house - a place where the total riser tank line is connected to the backbone, the escaping heat carrier in the boiler room
In the first case, you must carefully calculate the coolant flow in the new system, because it must conform to the same volume. Optionally reconstruct all the heating in the apartment, you can use only one bathroom.
If the water floor plays the role of the auxiliary heating, heat registers needed. In addition, it is necessary to clarify whether a central heating system to block the increased power and coolant flow.
If the high-rise building has a radiator system with an upper wiring, the connection of the water floor is best carried out at the junction of the return the total of the riser to the pipeline leading to the boiler room. be sure to put the filters before the water floor.
This is necessary, given the poor quality of the coolant in the domestic centralized systems, or floor heating circuit very quickly becomes clogged.
Filters should be cleaned regularly. They are more than relevant when connected directly to the CO system, but the use of a heat exchanger help to make the problem less severe blockages, and the work of the water floor - more stable.
But it will need to mount expansion tankHeat exchanger, security group and a filter.
Subtleties collector installation
When installing the water reservoir feeding the floor portion of the device must be placed above the return. You can do and vice versa, but a lot of sense a permutation is not.
The collector will work just under upper return pipe of the heat from the supply side will be transmitted backflow, i.e., Thermal energy is simply lost.

It is extremely important in the installation of a water collector unit floor to connect all the elements of the device in the correct order, for example, using this scheme
An important point - the installation of flow meters. They should be installed just on the supply part, to "return pipe" these elements are useless.
In addition to the reservoir, flow and temperature sensors for servo mount will need the drain valve, and Majewski crane with an adapter, connecting elements for the pipes of the water floor, the shut-off valve, etc.

Unlike heating collectors for installation of floor heating water flow is always mounted on the feed and return line to give servos with thermostats
To install all of these devices is the collector box. This metal box with a door, within the guides are adjustable. Such an arrangement greatly facilitates the installation, but it is not cheap.
Therefore, if in the vicinity of the installation site has a suitable niche sizes, you can use it.
If the collector is installed without a special enclosure, it should be hung on brackets. As for the collector installation site, it is a rule in this regard: the higher, the better, that is, mounted collector is best at the top of the system.

Wardrobe for the collector - a very convenient device that facilitates the installation of water floor heating system. But if you want to save money, it may be replaced by a niche in the wall
This is due to the need to remove air from the system got into it, which at the top manifold mounted bleed screw. In addition, it is best to install the collector at equal distance from all the facilities, ie closer to the center of the system, the length of the individual circuits differ minimally.
To one collector can usually be attached to only nine separate rings underfloor heating. If the heating system is too complex and need to mount more than nine contours, need two or more collectors.
In high-rise building to place the collector at the top is not always possible. Then you can put it and below, even in the cellar. But the problem of removal of excess air system have to decide otherwise.
Bleed screw on the collector is useless. An air exhaust with shut-off valve installed in front of him will have to install on the return pipe of each circuit.
Installation is performed in the area between the pipe and the collector, to the bleed screw should allow easy access.
Thus, if the reservoir is too low, instead of one bleed screw will need as much air vent, as the contours will be laid. Plus the same amount of shut-off valves.
Installation of the collector is conducted by the following scheme:
- Installing the collector cabinet or preparing a special niche.
- Assembling the collector, the installation of additional modules: actuators, flow meters, etc.
- Compound feed collector with a pipe leading from the boiler.
- Install shut-off valve in the return flow collector.
- Installing the collector cabinet / niche.
- Pipe fitting to the flow and return part.
- Mounting of the mixing unit.
- installation quality control, elimination of shortcomings.
Usually, the collector begin before the pipe laying and screed, so keep in mind that at the end of the work floor level will rise significantly. Manifold cabinet already take this into account.
But when the assembly is carried out by means of brackets, the device should be placed about one meter away from the sub-floor.

It is not necessary to install a collector of water underfloor heating is too low, the lack of space can create problems when connecting the pipes to the connectors
It is not necessary to suspend the collector is too low, this situation may hinder the process of connecting pipes. Compound with polypropylene pipes which lead from the boiler operates via the connector on which there is a nut thread coupling for the collector and polypropylene tubes.
Air vent must be installed at the top collector, and his head is facing up. But head elements such as flowmeters and actuators in a particular installation will be directed downwards.
Normally, the thread on the collector is made of three quarters of an inch, and the bleed screw have poluduyuymovuyu thread, so you need to use an adapter. Adapter should be appropriate for the collector material.
On the return pipe collector has two threads, one of them needed to connect to the heating boiler, and the second - to set the shut-off valve.
All threaded connections need for a seal which can be realized by a sealing ring, or if such a ring is absent, underwinding hemp, linen yarn FUM ribbons etc.

When collecting water mixing unit for floor heating all threaded connections must be carefully sealed with FUM tape or other materials
When you connect the multilayer pipe connector pipe collector edge razvaltsevat need and clean. This measure will save seals from accidental damage.
After that, the pipe should be put on the union nut, then - crimp washer, carefully attach the tube to the connector, tighten the nut hand, and then tighten the wrench gently.
Before or after the collector must install a mixing unit. If you are installing this unit for some reason are not available, instead mounted bypass with shut-off valve.
The mixing is usually secured by means of coupling nuts. Such components require the obligatory use of rubber gaskets.
Manufacturing collector improvised
To make the collector pipes of polypropylene, it is advisable to use the design diameter of 32 mm or 25 mm, tees and the corresponding stop valves.
How many will be connected to floor heating loops, so the tee and valves required for the collector. It will also need to purchase a circulating pump and a valve for the mixing unit.

If the system of water underfloor heating is not in need of serious automatic adjustment, you can make your own or buy a collector simple model with conventional shut-off valves
For soldering pipes need special soldering iron, as well as at least a minimal experience of using such equipment. From tees and pipes form inlet and outlet header section. Pipe sections should be very short, so that the tees were separated very small space.
Thereafter soldered shut-off valves and fittings for connection to the pump, etc. This simple device will cost inexpensive, if not installed flowmeters and other controls.
But more advanced collector of plastic is easier to buy than done, the cost of such a device is small.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Interesting material for assembly and installation of the mixing unit:
Clip shows a kit of elements manifold assembly process:
About the self-production of inexpensive collector described in this video:
Distribution as well as mixing units - very important elements for the water floor. Without them it is possible, only if the system includes only one or two circuits and a small footprint.
But if you decide to create high-quality water floor, then all of these components need to assemble and install the right system to operate with maximum efficiency and minimum cost.
You are responsible for the installation of water sex is not the first year and, in practice, familiar with all the subtleties of this process? Share your experiences in the comments to the article - novice installers, this information will be extremely useful.
Or maybe you find an error or discrepancy between the material presented in the article, theoretical standards? Write to us, please, about it in the comment block.