Pipe for floor heating: types of pipes + advantages and disadvantages of each option

Equipping heating, homeowners often prefer to radiant floor heating instead of traditional solutions with radiators. It is used as the primary, contingency, or additional heating source. It is easy to use, effective, it does not take up valuable space in the interior.

The main element of the system - a pipe for floor heating, which is necessary to select it properly and make a competent project, to ensure the full functioning of heating.

The content of the article:

  • Basic requirements for pipes
  • Types of equipment for floor heating
    • Universal brassware
    • Reliable and inexpensive plastic pipes
    • Durable and environmentally polypropylene
    • Availability and strength XLPE
  • Rating reliable manufacturers
  • How to calculate the required amount of pipes
  • Useful videos on the topic

Basic requirements for pipes

The range of pipes in the building materials market is quite extensive. It is important not to get lost in it and take the most correct decision.

The first thing to look for when choosing - purpose products. The equipment should be made for the installation of heating it, but not for water.

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Ease of use underfloor heating
Heated floor is operated at a relatively low temperature fluid - up to 55 degrees. Despite this, he fully and evenly warms the area, saving about 30% energy

Furthermore, it should not lose sight of a number of factors, allows you to check whether the device complies with the standard specifications:

  1. durability to various external influences. From this nuance term loop service depends. Qualitative materials are readily tolerate high temperature, protected from corrosion, have a smooth inner cover, not accumulate lime.
  2. Optimal weight. The installation of the underfloor heating is forbidden to use heavy steel products. They overlap and overload is not recommended for use in closed systems, building regulations.
  3. sufficient strength. At high tube operating pressure with the inner side presses the heating medium from the outside - screed. In the event of possible critical extremes, they must be designed for 10 bar.
  4. acceptable length. Any compound in the circuit made via couplings, fittings or welding, are considered potential area for leakage and clogging. Determining the desired length pipes during special calculations. Typically, the material is produced in coils and sold by the meter.
  5. Flexibility and elasticity. Structures well bendable by hand, will not crack and break, will easily achieve the desired curved shape with a suitable bend radius.

The most common diameters - 16, 18 and 20 mm. Choosing a pipe arrangement for a warm floor water should consider one point: a smaller diameter will increase the resistance of the liquid and, consequently, reduce the efficiency of heat exchange.

Increasing rate, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the screed. Such manipulations will increase the load on the floor and will raise the level of the floor, which is not acceptable for each room.

Choosing the diameter of the pipe
When buying a pipe diameter is chosen considering a maximum possible extension of the system in a particular case. Exemplary mean values ​​are as follows: 16 mm - 60-70 m; 20 mm - 80-90 m; 26 mm - 100-120 m

The diameter of the product affects the limiting contour length. The more footage, in a more pronounced risk of exceeding the capacity of the circulation pump and the occurrence of fluid retention at the site.

Types of equipment for floor heating

Manufacturers of tubes made of many different materials. Among them are budget and expensive models. They all have their advantages, disadvantages and limitations. The selected material depends on how often will be necessary to opening the floor for repair.

Universal brassware

Copper heating pipes are characterized by maximum durability and excellent thermal conductivity. We are developing a lot of new technologies, but the copper maintains its position and does not lose relevance.

On its surface does not breed bacteria, it is not afraid of corrosion processes inherent in the wet environment, which creates a heat transfer fluid, almost stoically withstand any mechanical exposure.

Heated floor using the copper pipes
The equipment works well in both low and high temperatures. Copper pipes do not crack, do not burst or melt in the range from -100 to +250 degrees. Subject to the construction requirements and the manufacturer's recommendations, they can easily last for at least 50 years, which will pay for the initial costs

Copper also has a few drawbacks. The most significant of them - the high price, including on the connecting portion of the costs, fittings, fasteners, which should not be made of steel.

Furthermore, the material is sensitive to water quality. If it is too hard or acidic, triggered by the launch of the negative electrochemical processes that reduce the operation several times.

Go to last restriction should include complexity of installation. To carry it out, you need a car or a bender. Since this equipment is expensive to install underfloor heating have to invite a team of specialists.

Reliable and inexpensive plastic pipes

Heated floor repoussage equipped in each case 2-3. This is due to its affordable price and good technical characteristics. The composite material is made of a thin aluminum strip, welded ultrasonically butt or lap.

polyethylene layers inside and outside are fixed by special adhesive compositions. Products can withstand up to 110 degrees when heated, without changing the original appearance. Due to the bending radius of the pipes, it is possible to lay more coils during assembly, thereby achieving greater heat transfer from the system.

bending radius of metal plastic
The maximum bending radius of metal products equals 8 times the outside diameter. They are very light in weight, quickly and easily bent to the desired angle, suitable for any type of installation - double spiral, snail, snake

The aluminum layer provides good thermal conductivity, the polymer portion increases the resistance to damage and overgrowing deposits of the substances contained in the water, the influence of an aggressive environment.

The walls are insulated material quality, so the sound of coolant flow does not reach the room. Metal-may well work out regularly as well as copper - up to half a century.

Among the shortcomings should be noted detrimental effects of sharp temperature drops to the inner surface of pipes. With regard to the bending, then there need to be especially careful. When the repeated bending and twisting is unacceptable likelihood of damage to the layers of aluminum.

Buying composition pipe for warm water floor, always evaluate the quality of gluing. Destruction of adhesive material leads to its separation and undesirable leakage fields in the compounds.

Diagnosis adhesive composition pipe fragment can be carried out by heating to 100 degrees. On the right technology and the strength of the materials used will speak unchanging appearance of the cut after the completion of the experiment.

Driving device water underfloor
Radiant floor heating is in great demand. He is a perfect substitute alternate electrical equipment that consumes a lot of electricity, and holds significant additional load on the wiring

Carrying out the installation can not be over-clamped joints collar nuts. On the validity of fixing, and corresponds to the diameter of pipes and fittings made of metal will depend on the performance of the entire system.

Durable and environmentally polypropylene

Polypropylene heating products placed much less the previous version. The reason is the excessive rigidity of the material. Polypropylene bending radius approximately equal to the diameter of the pipe 8, which creates inconveniences during assembly.

For example, if a polypropylene tube diameter is 16 mm, the minimum step of stacking sections to it - 128 mm. This distance is not always fully ensure the desired heat output.

Also, there are two more nuance:

  • a high level of linear expansion;
  • additional requirements for the temperature in the room.

Where installed circuit should not be colder than 15 degrees, and it is unrealistic for regions dominated by the harsh climate.

Polypropylene heating products
Polypropylene tubes demand to install water pipes. Stack using them warm floor is not entirely practical due to their specific drawbacks

The material has obvious advantages: it is inexpensive, environmentally friendly, durable. When connecting pipe sections used for welding tips or Socolest.

After heat-soldering products are heavy-duty almost monolithic. They should be taken only for small rooms.

Availability and strength XLPE

Pipes made of polyethylene improved, compacted under high pressure, have a higher density compared with the conventional material.

Thanks to the innovative technology used in manufacturing, they are interconnected hydrocarbon molecule that confers PEX products unique properties.

The material is not afraid of temperature jumps, not damaged with time and resistant to external influences. In many ways, its quality and durability, and is determined by the degree of cross-linking method.

PEX-pipes and the heat-resistant polyethylene
Buyers very often take PEX-pipes for the heat-resistant polyethylene. It should be understood that these are different materials. Crosslinked polyethylene ahead analogue of lifetimes, the degree of strength and resistance to aggressive operating conditions

The optimal rate for underfloor heating - 65-80 percent of the crosslinking density. The higher the value, the greater the price of the product. Insufficient degree of negative displays a performance.

Not the last role is played and the method of connection of molecules, which can be:

  • peroxide - PEX-a;
  • silane - PEX-b;
  • Radiation - PEX-c;
  • nitrogen - PEX-d.

The most reliable, but also the most expensive option - a model with marking PEX-a. A little easier and affordable products are PEX-b.

Crosslinked polyethylene has attracted several other advantages:

  • normal operation at a temperature of 0-95 degrees;
  • molecular memory, restoring the original form after heating;
  • good tolerance of differential pressure;
  • a great flexibility and softness;
  • lack of sensitivity to chemicals, fungi, bacteria;
  • health safety, isolation eliminates the possibility of harmful compounds.

In addition, the high boundary level of material melting temperature (150 degrees) and burning (400 degrees). Although the recommended operating range of 0-95, a crosslinked polyethylene pipe can maintain the strength of -50 to +150 degrees. However, it should be borne in mind that the duration of the product life is shorter in a regular high loads.

Suppliers produce pipes in bulk bays that accommodate up to 600 meters. It is very convenient for installation: they can easily fit into a single circuit without using soldering. Because of the special elasticity of the device should be fixed with additional fasteners to help prevent unwinding.

Bending XLPE
XLPE pipes good bend in any direction. Curved material can restore the original shape after exposure to high temperatures, so it is recommended carefully mounted on a substrate or specialized fixtures

The latter limitation is the need to be handled with care during transportation and installation. Pipes covered antidiffuznym layer preventing oxygen ingress into the inner structure of the material. If you damage it, count on the most long-term operation does not make sense.

Rating reliable manufacturers

Considering different options everything for the pipeline system of floor heating, it is better to stop on the brands which have already positively established itself in the construction market. Buying proven products will ensure a functioning and efficient operation of the equipment. Real users distinguish these several different manufacturers of pipes.

Sanext. Italian company engaged in the manufacture of products from cross-linked polyethylene for new technologies in accordance with the standard requirements.

It equips pipes for floor heating power anti-oxygen barrier, causing them to three-layer coating, which reduces noise levels. The minimum bending diameter products - 10 cm. The company claims that its product is designed for 50 years of uninterrupted service.

Aquatherm. German factory producing polyethylene pipes made by the extrusion method. Finished product has high elasticity and small bending radius.

Products are not prone to thermal aging, corrosion, oxidation. Operate at pressures up to 10 bar and provide a good sound insulation.

German pipe Aquatherm
Accessories for heating systems Aquatherm brand occupy rating positions on the technical characteristics and quality. Even with a small thickness of the product can withstand the maximum temperature and pressure indicators

Uponor. Finnish brand which produces products of metal and cross-linked polyethylene. Pipes not reduce the inner diameter due to encrustation and corrosion, exhibit resistance to chemical additives contained in the water.

The product does not lose its characteristics in contact with building materials - concrete, lime, gypsum mortar. Additional security layers protect against mechanical impact and the entry of oxygen into the system.

Rehau. Another good-quality German company, which supplies high-quality goods of PEX material. Its distinctive feature - hundred warranty period subject to the operating mode in which the temperature readings do not exceed the level of 60 degrees.

Pipes silent feature structure have high heat resistance and insulation. They are durable, flexible, do not burst at a voltage withstand loads of up to 100 degrees in emergency situations.

Pipes for underfloor heating company Rehau
Products brand Rehau, connecting slip-on sleeves, enjoy record popularity among buyers. With their participation mounted floor heating system a variety of configurations

Valtec. The Italian factory, are made of polyethylene and plastic pipes for floor heating. They are good conductors of heat, light and easy to install, allow the implementation of different sizes circuit without superfluous elements. Products work well in harsh environments and can not be destructive effects of chemicals.

How to calculate the required amount of pipes

After selecting the optimal view of the pipeline should not rush into buying. The first thing you need to calculate how much material is required in order to build a quality floor heating.

Pipe laying scheme spiral
In an embodiment of stacking of the type "spiral" heat is distributed evenly across the surface due to the rational arrangement of coils. In the scheme there is practically no sharp breaks that removes the restriction on the use of pipes with a large radius bend

Make accurate calculations will drawn on graph paper stacking scheme. It is transferred on a scale plan of the room, displaying the available appliances and large furniture. The heating circuit is drawn in the area of ​​free space.

There are two basic schemes of laying:

  1. Spiral. The pipe is laid coils, double-spaced, which gradually go to the middle of the room, constantly repeating the perimeter of the loop. Reaching the central point, they come back to the collector.
  2. snake. The pipeline is laid along the entire perimeter, and then parallel to the wall. Segments meet at the starting point. In this circuit area, approximate to a frame can be warmed more remote site.
  3. double helix It is most often used in areas of complex shape, when it is required to allocate land on the heating intensity.

The recommended length of the pipeline in a single loop - no more than 80 meters. Otherwise, the coolant will cool, decreasing the heating efficiency.

If the room is too large, it is advisable to divide it into separate sectors. Edge spacing between adjacent lines for uniform heating of no more than 35 centimeters - the interval must be reduced in places of great heat. It should also take into account the 15-20-inch indent from the walls.

Laying pipes for floor heating professionals
Given the uncertainty in their ability to apply sensible to draw up a competent engineering design, selection and installation of equipment to professionals. Even though it involves additional costs, but pays off after a short time

When the drawing is ready, you can start the calculation. Everything is simple: First measured the total length of the circuit, then the resulting value is multiplied by the scale. By the final figure is better to add a few extra meters.

Useful videos on the topic

Tips for choosing the equipment for floor heating:

A video on how to choose the diameter of the product:

A test of strength for different types of pipes:

On the quality of materials and components will depend on the effectiveness of the service water floor heating. The correct choice will allow to equip the most economical, comfortable and aesthetic heating system in the house.

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