9 materials for decorating kitchen walls


  1. №1.Ceramic tile
  2. №2.Painting
  3. №3.Wallpaper
  4. №4.Decorative plaster
  5. №5.Natural and decorative stone
  6. №6.Wooden lining
  7. №7.Plastic panels
  8. №8.Glass panels
  9. №9.Metal
  10. At the end of the

, the kitchen is the room where we spend a considerable amount of time preparing and eating food, which is why special attention should be paid to the finishing of this room. Moreover, the kitchen is also characterized by quite specific conditions, because there are always smells, steam, humidity, and the surface of the walls can be directly affected by splashes of grease and products. Based on all this, it becomes clear how important is to choose the right finishing material for the walls in the kitchen , which would meet all aesthetic and operational requirements. Today there are plenty to choose from, and we offer you the most popular options.

# 1.Ceramic Tiles

Even a couple of decades ago, most of the kitchens were completely finished with ceramic tiles, and for good reason. Today, the interior fashion has changed a bit, and the

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is increasingly trimming only the working area with ceramic tiles. This material is most suitable for the kitchen, especially for the part where all the cooking processes take place. The main advantages of ceramic tiles can be called:

  • a huge range of , because tiles can vary in size, shape and type of surface. It can be glossy or embossed, matte or glossy, have any shade, pattern, ornament, imitate any material. In general, this is a real space for fantasy;
  • moisture resistance .The material is not affected by moisture, does not absorb it, so for the kitchen, and especially for the work area, fits perfectly;
  • low flammability ;
  • ease of care , because all the dirt and grease particles can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth, and if necessary, you can use detergents. For the kitchen, it makes sense to choose a tile with the designation AA - a symbol of the fact that the material withstands the effects of aggressive substances;
  • wear resistance and durability .

Some types of tiles are very decent, but when combining two finishing materials, when tiles are used only in the apron area, you can afford to buy ceramic tiles from a reputable manufacturer with a guarantee of quality and reliability. It is also worth noting that it is not so easy to lay tiles on the wall yourself, so may need the help of specialists. Some also opt for the mosaic, which is similar to tile in properties, but allows you to create slightly different decorative effects.


Paint the walls in the kitchen - is one of the budget options , but far from the worst. Since the paint can be completely different, even any shades, in the kitchen, you can create exactly the interior that is needed. You can mix different shades, create drawings and patterns, but with all this it is important that the paint meets the minimum requirements, retractable features of the kitchen room. So, the surface should be easy to wash, and therefore, to be moisture resistant. Among the other advantages of paint, it is worth noting ease of application - anyone can cope, as well as excellent maintainability, since it is very easy to update the coating with a new layer of paint .

To use this finishing option, it is important to properly prepare the surface of the walls of the : they must be smooth and free from defects, because the cracks and cavities will be strongly noticeable under the paint. By the way, the glossy finish often looks better, it is easier to clean, but it will emphasize all the irregularities, so often the choice falls on the matte paint.

What paints will be for the walls in the kitchen?

  • acrylic and latex .They are easy to apply, dry quickly, adhere well to the base, any shade can be achieved with a color scheme, but before painting it is necessary to dry the walls well: after they have been plastered, several weeks should pass. Acrylic paint is even more durable and moisture resistant than latex. The surface painted with such paint is easy to clean, it does not lose vapor permeability. Latex paints are often used for coloring wallpaper for painting, they demonstrate excellent durability and strength;
  • alkyd paints today are used infrequently, because when they are applied and dried, an unpleasant pungent odor is formed. As for the rest, they are excellent for kitchens: wear-resistant, moisture-proof, tolerate temperature drops, the influence of direct sunlight, easy to apply, economical;
  • silicone inks combine the advantages of previous paint types. They have stunning performance properties, dry quickly and can be applied on newly plastered walls. Their only minus is the high price.

It is better to use even moisture-resistant paints away from the working area in order to reduce the risk of fat and particles of different products falling on the surface. Combining various finishing materials in the kitchen, besides, is a great way to highlight cooking and eating areas.


Wallpapers in the minds of many are associated with comfort, so why not bring this comfort to the dinner table? Yes, no doubt, there is no place in the kitchen for paper wallpaper and many other natural materials, but there are also such wallpapers that quite normally withstand the conditions of this room. The advantages of the wallpaper include the economy, the relative ease of installation of the , as well as the effects that can be achieved with their help, because the range of wallpaper is simply amazing.

vinyl wallpapers are the best fit for the kitchen. They are not afraid of moisture, they can be washed, and in some cases even rub with a brush, they do not fade, do not absorb odors, are not afraid of ingress of fat and dirt, are durable and attractive in appearance. Their only drawback is the inability to breathe, which can adversely affect the microclimate. But there is a solution: it is better to air or use the most modern type of finish - wallpaper made of solid vinyl .

non-woven wallpapers do not have the main drawback of vinyl wallpapers - they are breathable. For the rest of the properties, they are almost not inferior, being also moisture resistant and durable. Some types of such wallpaper can be painted several times.

For the kitchen, you can also use glass wall paper , which demonstrate excellent reliability, durability, moisture resistance and fire resistance. They can be painted in any color, they reinforce walls, hide flaws. Glass fiber scary even use in the working area of ​​the kitchen. liquid wallpapers , which are characterized by ease of application and lack of seams, also show themselves well. In the area of ​​the dining table, you can use waterproof wallpaper and even paper wallpaper with water-repellent impregnation , but the second option is not very durable.

№4.Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a no less popular type of finish. Today the construction market offers a lot of different options with which you can create a unique and original coating. The plus of decorative plaster is that from the same composition always produces a unique drawing, which can be formed independently. Most types of plaster formulations are easy to apply yourself, but some will require the help of professionals, for example, when it comes to Venetian plaster.

The advantages of decorative plaster also include , the possibility of applying to any type of material and the seamless final surface of .With this finish, you can to mask some of the flaws on the surface of the , and the walls themselves do not lose the ability to "breathe."Many compounds include fungicides and antiseptics in order to prevent the emergence and development of mold, which often affects wet rooms, includingand the kitchen. plaster differs in wear resistance, it is not so easy to damage it, it is durable, does not attract dust, and therefore is easy to clean. The plastered surface can be washed, in which case it is easy to repair, it is not afraid of temperature changes, fire resistant.

Plaster as well as wallpaper, it is better not to use in the area of ​​direct contact with water and dirt. If you plan to perform some kind of designer unique finish with plaster, then it will be difficult to cope with your own efforts, and almost anyone will master the most common plastering process. It is also worth being prepared that cracks may appear on the plastered surface.

№5.Natural and decorative stone

With the help of stone, the kitchen interior can be transformed beyond recognition. Natural stone has many advantages: it is not afraid of water, does not burn, is hygienic and is almost always easy to maintain .You can use marble, granite, slate, sandstone, or any other kind of stone that best meets the specific design idea. But natural stone is an expensive pleasure: the material itself and the installation work are rather expensive, and the material also weighs decently.

A great alternative to natural stone - is an artificial analogue of .It looks very similar to natural, is made of cement, sand, plasticizers and dyes, and it can be given any appearance, so it can imitate any kind of natural stone. Such material is lightweight, easy to install and maintain, is much cheaper than natural stone, tolerates moisture, does not burn, is durable and durable, it can be washed and even rubbed .True, in terms of service life, it loses to natural stone, but this disadvantage is completely offset by its price, ease, and other useful operational properties.

Stone carries so well all the effects that are possible in the kitchen that it can be used to decorate walls in the apron area, not to mention decorating the dining area. But you need to be cautious with a stone: when it is a decoration of a part of a room, the room looks stylish and unusual, but if all walls are decorated with stone, there will be no trace of comfort and warmth. This is an option for those who want to stylize their kitchen as a castle.

№6.Wooden paneling

What can be better than natural wood in the decoration of the room, because it brings a special comfort and gives a unique flavor. A great option is to use wooden lining, which, while maintaining all the positive qualities of wood, in the process of processing receives a number of other qualities that are useful in exploitation. As a result, this finishing material boasts with a chic appearance , naturalness, with the ability to withstand the influence of moisture, temperature drops, sunlight .The material is easy to clean, and many even risk using it to decorate the working area of ​​the kitchen. But with all this it is worth bearing in mind that wooden paneling "steals" the useful kitchen area, and each wall will be 4-5 cm closer to the center.

Pine, lime, alder, oak and teak wall paneling is perfect for kitchen conditions. Naturally, this pleasure is not cheap, but plastic lining can be called a more affordable analogue.

№7.Plastic panels

Plastic panels are an excellent material for decorating kitchen walls. Under this collective name usually mean PVC lining with a width of up to 12.5 cm and a length of 3 m, wall panels with a width of up to 50 cm and PVC sheets with a width of 80 cm to 2 m and a length of 4 m. Eachof these types of materials to their advantages in terms of ease of installation and appearance of the finished finish. In terms of performance, they all boast the same advantages of :

  • ease of installation and ease of construction;
  • ease of care , because the plastic can be washed using even detergents, except for abrasives;
  • moisture resistance , so do not be afraid of contacting the panel with water, and they will never start a fungus or mold;
  • panels perfectly tolerate temperature fluctuations , can withstand temperatures up to 1200C, but still right next to an open fire it is better not to use them;
  • profitability ;
  • has a huge range of possible colors for , so you can create almost any kitchen interior.

At the same time, has several drawbacks, including , low strength, not very good wear resistance. .In addition, during prolonged contact with direct sunlight, the previous color of the finish may be damaged. When purchasing such material, it is important to make sure that there are certificates confirming the safety of the products.

№8.Glass panels

A rather unusual and quite rare way to decorate the walls in the kitchen. Glass panels can be used in the working area, as well as in the dining room , they have excellent operational and decorative qualities. So, can be applied to glass with any pattern, even an photo, which means the kitchen will receive an exclusive design. For the manufacture of panels used durable armored glass, which is difficult to break, but even if damaged, it can not cause harm to others. Such finishing material is sufficient. is simple in installation and maintenance, is not afraid of water, high temperatures, will not become a place for the development of mold .Glass panels are durable, and the pattern on them will be preserved in its original form for a very long time. They are not afraid of strong heat, temperature drops, and all splashes and dirt from them are very easy to wipe. All this, together with a chic appearance makes glass panels ideal for decorating the kitchen.

No. 9.Metal

At first glance, metal walls seem to be something unacceptable, but for the design of a kitchen apron, they are quite fit. This option is great for kitchens in high-tech and minimalism. This is a very practical and durable finishing material, which perfectly tolerates the effects of moisture, splashes, and high temperatures. It is better to opt for stainless steel.

You can create metal walls in the kitchen by using different materials: it is metal overlay for plywood or chipboard of a certain size, metal mosaic or tile with metal surface .

At the end of

As you can see, there are a lot of different finishing materials for arranging the kitchen. Some of them can be called universal, others are suitable for a certain part of this room. When combining different materials, you can create in the kitchen room a unique interior that will meet all aesthetic and operational requirements.

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