How to repair TV with your own hands

TV with your own hands How appropriate is repairing a TV with your own hands? There is an opinion that the days when household appliances pleased with their simplicity have passed, and most of the problems could be corrected by simple manipulations with a soldering iron and a basic set of tools. According to most people, the era of modern technology has arrived, and it is possible to find the cause of faults in modern household appliances only in a specially equipped workshop.

But along with the development of technology, the ingenuity of self-taught masters is growing, so you shouldn’t give up and call a repair team at the first signs of faults. Any TV - LCD, LED, plasma TV or the traditional kinescopic version - regardless of the brand, whether it will be JVS, Panasonic or LG - can fail.

It is quite possible to fix some of the damage yourself, you just have to get acquainted with a number of tips from experts. The main thing is to be patient and not to do rash actions.

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Most experts agree that the country of the manufacturer is not of key importance in the repair. The colorful description in the advertising booklet will keep saying about the incredible uniqueness and advanced technologies, but in reality everything is much simpler. And in the repair of domestic and in the repair of imported dishwashers used a standard system that is 100% justified and copes with the task. Yes, modern LCD and LED products from JVC or LG will last longer than their domestic counterparts and will not require frequent repairs, but if a breakdown has already occurred, the pattern remains the same:

  1. Running an
  2. diagnostics Identifying the cause of a breakdown
  3. Troubleshooting( repair or replacement of parts).

Table of Contents

  • 1 Repair of LCD TVs
  • 2 Repair of TVs with plasma screen
  • 3 Repair of CRT TVs

Repair of LCD TVs

It is quite possible to cope with a number of liquid crystal( LCD) LCD and LED TVs problems and without professional professionals. But still you need to be careful - such products cost a lot of money, and if you are incompetent in this area, you can only aggravate the situation.

Before proceeding with the repair, read the instructions and a detailed description of the operation of your equipment. Even without extensive knowledge in this area, it can be understood that the repair of LCD and LED TVs is different from the repair of picture tubes - here you will not encounter the usual broken posistors, etc. The main task is to determine why the backlight has failed.

The description of LCD and LED technologies states that the difference lies only in the way of illumination. In the first case, the backlight is carried out using fluorescent or fluorescent lamps, and in the second - using LEDs. The differences usually end there, be it JVC LT-20B70BS, JVC LT-20E50S or Philips 40PFS6409 / 12.

The cause of the malfunction may be a lack of power. To check the availability of power, you must:

  • remove the back cover;
  • disconnect the wires connected to the matrix;
  • connect to the contacts preassigned working lamp.

In some cases, not one, but several light sources are provided. Therefore it is necessary to test each of them. To do this, you need to remove the matrix and turn on the TV in the network - so you will see which lamp is faulty.

Having determined the non-working LCD or LED TV lamp, you can proceed to replace it. At this stage you will need to show maximum attention and accuracy. Sometimes the lamp can be removed even without dismantling the matrix - it is enough just to move the protective elements with a rubber gasket and remove the light bulb with a soldering iron. The installation of the lamp is carried out in the same way. An important point - when replacing, choose a light bulb that is identical in size to a burnt one.

If you see “unhealthy” bands on the matrix, it means that the causes of malfunctions are hidden in it. To repair the TV receiver, you will need to replace the matrix. If the new matrix is ​​at hand, install it and turn on the TV - so you can make sure that the reason is in it.

The damage to the screen is often the cause of faults. Changing the LCD or LCD screen of the TV is not recommended - it would be better to buy a new device. The same can be said about the matrix of liquid crystals.

Repair of plasma TVs

In the case of plasma screens, you can act according to the above scheme. As already mentioned, the scheme is almost the same, it remains only to adapt it to each specific case. This description is perfect for all plasma products, you only need to stock up the necessary tool.

Repair of kinescopic TVs

One cannot say that such samples of equipment have finally sunk into oblivion - televisions with a cathode-ray tube are quite common in our time and are in special demand among connoisseurs of the classics. It is easier to repair such a television receiver because the technology is much simpler. The description of repair diagnostics given in this article is suitable not only for outdated TVs, but also for a new generation of picture tubes, such as JVC AV-1407FE, JVC AV-1400AE or JVC AV-1400UE.

Before proceeding with the repair, they usually dismantle the main board of the television receiver - this is how the master gets more space. Then you can start looking for a problem.

If the device does not show any signs of activity, the problem may lie in the blown fuse. This is the most common problem in the kinescopic apparatus of the old sample. Repair the TV in this case is quite easy - you just need to remove the old fuse and replace it with a working light bulb up to 100 watts. Connect it to the terminals, and if the lamp is lit, it means the power is supplied and the parts are protected from further combustion.

Also, the problem may lie in the burnt branch of the diode bridge. To determine the problem will allow the standard dialing - read the description of this process, and proceed.

If the posistor is burned, it is responsible for removing the potential from the kinescope, you will need to test the removal circuit. To do this, turn it off and then connect the receiver to the network. If the previously active light goes out - your fears were justified. Both the posistor and the entire loop may burn, and in order to repair the TV, it will be necessary to determine the exact source of the problems. This can be done by measuring the resistance - the first two of the four outputs of the posistor level the potential, the other two go to the heating chain. Between the first two the resistance will be a few Ohms, between the second the indicator can reach 600.

You can turn off the loop completely by cutting the contacts of the posistor for connection with the tube demagnetization loop. So you simplify the testing process - it will be enough just to see if the light is on or not. If not, you need to find another cable covering the cathode-ray tube. Then remove the posistor and trace the lamp behavior.

It is possible that the reasons for the breakdown lie elsewhere, and it will be even easier to repair the TV.For example, problems with the outlet, power cord and other household problems. After reading the description of the most common damage, you quickly find the root of evil and fix the problem. Do not forget to be guided by the passport attached to the TV, study the description of the basic principles of your equipment and view thematic videos.

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