Installation Enclosures: step by step instructions for installation Escutcheon in concrete and drywall

Socket - it is not only the mandatory functional wiring element that is used to connect electrical appliances, but also a significant detail of the interior.

Trouble-free operation outlet, as well as its neat appearance to a large extent depend on how well done the installation, do not you? To make a correct installation, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that are present in this work, one of which - correct installation Enclosures.

You have never done installation Escutcheon and afraid to make mistakes? We will help you to deal with all the features - in the article discussed in detail the variety of installation boxes and fine setting of each.

Also focus on assembling Enclosures in common types of substrates - concrete, drywall, wall, lined with tiles. Visual material is supplemented by photos and useful content online.

The content of the article:

  • Types and Characteristics Enclosures
    • Podrozetnik choose the material walls
    • What is the shape of manufactured products?
    • The size of the boxes
    • Material manufacturing assembling boxes
  • instagram viewer
  • The basic rules of installation Escutcheon
  • Assembling a concrete base Escutcheon
    • Step # 1 - The execution of the markings on the wall
    • Step # 2 - punching holes in concrete
    • Step # 3 - installation box into the wall
    • Step # 4 - to combine several Enclosures
  • Installation boxes in hollow walls
  • Mounting Escutcheon in ceramic tiles
  • Nuances Multibox installation on plinth
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Types and Characteristics Enclosures

Modern outlets and by type, and by way of installation are significantly different from those that were placed in the homes of the Soviet era.

If they had simply build into the wall without changing opportunities, today and install them, and if necessary, to change socket, It is not particularly difficult.

And all this thanks Enclosures, which, in essence, is the box, securely holds in its bosom outlet and at the same time ensuring its fire safety.

Enclosures come in different shapes and sizes, different materials, manufacturing and installation process, so before you buy, you need to understand their views.

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Functional purpose

Escutcheon - mounting device, designed to secure the wiring accessories flush

The specifics of the installation Escutcheon

Regardless of whether the installation is carried out singly or in groups Enclosures, before their assembly held shtroblenie walls

Concealed wiring in a brick wall

When deepening in the brick or concrete wall mounting the boxes or cups are fixed alabaster

Fixation in the wall of plasterboard

Mounting Escutcheon in partitions and false walls of plasterboard is produced by means of adjustable lugs

Enclosures Group in the casing of the CAP

Almost all building materials and slab variants used in the rough wall covering, suitable for installation in their podrozetnik

socket strip in the wall of a log house

In the line of products for the flush, you can find options for arrangement of log and lumber buildings

Apparatus power point in podrozetnik

Enclosures are used to set the unit switches, power points and sockets blocks

Reliable fixation mechanisms

During operation "cranky" mechanism easier to pull in Enclosures. With its use quickly and accurately installing

Functional purpose

Functional purpose

The specifics of the installation Escutcheon

The specifics of the installation Escutcheon

Concealed wiring in a brick wall

Concealed wiring in a brick wall

Fixation in the wall of plasterboard

Fixation in the wall of plasterboard

Enclosures Group in the casing of the CAP

Enclosures Group in the casing of the CAP

socket strip in the wall of a log house

socket strip in the wall of a log house

Apparatus power point in podrozetnik

Apparatus power point in podrozetnik

Reliable fixation mechanisms

Reliable fixation mechanisms

Podrozetnik choose the material walls

The main selection criterion is the material of the walls, which will be produced in the installation Enclosures.

On this basis there is the following classification of the boxes:

  • construction designed for installation in walls made of hard materials such as concrete, reinforced concrete, aerated concrete, brick;
  • glasses wall made of composite materials: drywall, plastic plates, particleboard, plywood and others.

Escutcheon In the first case is a circular glass, on which there are no additional elements. It is fixed in the wall using mortar.

In its walls or the bottom there are mounting holes for the supply wiring. When installing Escutcheon enough to remove the jumper plug and squeeze.

plastic Escutcheon

Enclosures with side docking ports allow you to quickly and easily carry out installation of two or more outlets

For the installation of several, adjacent outlets can use the glasses, which is laterally securing mechanism. Enclosures are joined to each other by means of special slots and are combined into blocks.

The boxes for plasterboard has special pressing plastic or metal tabs for fastening elements in the cavity wall. The clamps are secured with screws that are rotating, adjust their position.

Escutcheon for plasterboard walls

By turning the screw occurs lifting or lowering of the presser foot. Clockwise rotation brings the pressing member to the wall, and fixes the glass to plasterboard

What is the shape of manufactured products?

The most widely acquired Enclosures circular shape. For them it is very easy to make a hole in the wall with a variety of devices.

Round glasses can be used for mounting a single outlet or switch, and group them by attaching to each other by connecting nodes.

Square boxes even though not as frequently used, but have certain advantages. Their volume is much greater, so that they can hide a lot of wires.

Often they are used for the installation of the system components "smart House". There are single and group Enclosures square shape, designed to fit up to five outlets.

On sale there and oval boxes, which, as well as square and have a large interior space. They are convenient in that they can be immediately connect the double outlet. All the products described above are mounted on the walls and are used for hidden wiring.

There is another type of mounting boxes, which stand somewhat apart - plastic lining or otherwise Multibox intended for outdoor installation on a plinth. They are designed for one or several outlets and usually have a square shape.

Podrozetnik on plinth

Such plastic linings type of installation may only apply to the dismountable skirting boards, plastic,

External Enclosures are of two modifications - with the installation of construction until the middle of the plinth or to the floor. Since Multibox mounted on top of a plinth, their distinguishing feature is the aesthetic appeal and original design.

The size of the boxes

An important parameter Enclosures are their sizes, which are selected based on the specific installation conditions. Fork diameter size of 60-70 mm, depth - 25-80 mm.

Standard designs have external dimensions 45 x 68 mm, thus it is necessary to take into account that the internal depth in this case is 40, and a diameter of 65 mm.

Scheme docking Escutcheon

When the group setting several round Escutcheon, one of them having an increased depth may in addition to its main purpose to serve as a junction box

Glasses of increased size whose depth is about 80 mm, it is advisable to apply when wiring is no junction box, and its functions are performed by himself Escutcheon. As for the square-products, as a rule, they have a size of 70x70 or 60x60 mm.

Material manufacturing assembling boxes

The most popular are Enclosures made of fire-retardant plastic. They can be installed in concrete walls and structures made of composite materials.

There are also metal boxes, which in earlier times were used everywhere, but today they are almost forced out plastic products.

Enclosures of metal are installed, usually during installation electrical wiring in wooden houses. They are made of galvanized steel or non-ferrous metal and not weldable, connection to the metal tube is made by soldering.

metal podrozetnik

For safety reasons and to prevent fires, when installing wiring in wooden houses is necessary to use metal Enclosures

The basic rules of installation Escutcheon

Before any installation Escutcheon, you must choose a place to install it. But as the socket - source of increased danger, to its placement in some areas special requirements prescribed in "Rules for Electrical Installation" (RB).

According to the EMP:

  • from the outlet to a pipe which passes gas should be not less than 50 cm;
  • outlet in the bathroom which can be installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the source of spray (washbasin, shower, bath);
  • installation of switches is recommended to produce the side where the door handle is located, at the same time distance from the apparatus to the floor should be up to 100 cm;
  • Do not install the outlet in saunas, bathhouses, rooms where washing is carried out.

For the rest of premises of special rules exist. Post sockets need so that their use was convenient for all family members.

It is also necessary to follow the safety requirements, and set the device taking into account the location of the electrical appliances in the house, so that they can reach the cords sockets without extensions.

You may also be interested in information about the installation of the nuances sockets stiralki or sockets for electric stoves.

Placement of outlets and switches

Recommended installation location of sockets and switches in the room in terms of practicality and convenience,

Assembling a concrete base Escutcheon

If you have already decided where you will be in the socket, you can proceed to installation, which consists of several stages.

Before you install podrozetnik in concrete, is the markup, and then make holes in the wall and is preparing a plaster solution.

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Drilling the wall for installation Escutcheon

Step 1: To set Escutcheon are drilling a hole in the wall. For brick and concrete select the bit for concrete, plasterboard - wood

Removal of material from the drilled hole

Step 2: chisel destroy the material within the drilled hole. Carefully finalizing its chisel

Performing fitting Escutcheon

Step 3: Example podrozetnik to the installation site. It should be placed loosely in the hole so that the outer edge is flush with the wall

Prepare holes for the introduction of wiring

Step 4: Carefully, using a sharp knife construction, break out "plug" holes through which the wire will be supplied

Purification of the drill hole from dust

Step 5: Brushing with bristles of medium hardness purify hole from dust generated during drilling, causes soil

The application of the fixing composition

Step 6: Apply the hole plaster or plaster prepared only necessary to mount the box volume is distributed evenly and quickly the composition

Installing the Escutcheon prepared in niche

Step 7: Install the Escutcheon into the recess with the amended solution. Align its position, focusing on the plane of the wall and the mounting cup fixtures

Removal of excess solution

Step 8: Excess composition extruded from the orifice during installation Escutcheon remove workshop, at the same time leveling the solution around the

Drilling the wall for installation Escutcheon

Drilling the wall for installation Escutcheon

Removal of material from the drilled hole

Removal of material from the drilled hole

Performing fitting Escutcheon

Performing fitting Escutcheon

Prepare holes for the introduction of wiring

Prepare holes for the introduction of wiring

Purification of the drill hole from dust

Purification of the drill hole from dust

The application of the fixing composition

The application of the fixing composition

Installing the Escutcheon prepared in niche

Installing the Escutcheon prepared in niche

Removal of excess solution

Removal of excess solution

Step # 1 - The execution of the markings on the wall

The sequence of works on the markup looks like this:

  • measure out using the tape measure from the floor to the intended place of installation Escutcheon;
  • if the floor covering is not yet bed, it is necessary to add another 5 cm;
  • Using a builder's level, draw two lines: horizontal and vertical from the point of intersection in the place where the box will be installed;
  • attach the glass to the wall and draw around it with a pencil.

If you have to install two or more Enclosures, first with the help of a spirit level draw a horizontal line. It should be located at that distance from the floor, which will be available outlet.

Find the center of the first box and draw a vertical line through it. Then put exactly 71 mm and a second vertical slide. In this place will be in the center of the second glass. Marking the next Enclosures made similarly.

Partitioning walls at the outlet

When installing multiple Enclosures must be very clear to perform layout and determine the horizontal line correctly so that all the boxes are at the same level

Step # 2 - punching holes in concrete

Make a hole in the brick or concrete wall in several ways. The simplest of them - with the help of the crown on the concrete with pobeditovymi teeth, which she, crashing into the wall, making a circle of the desired size.

In the center there is a bit of a drill pobedita for breaching the central hole.

Because standard Enclosures have an outer diameter of 67-68 mm is suitable crown diameter 70 mm for operation. The nozzle was put on a drill or hammer drill, mounted on the marked line and doing a hole.

Then, the nozzle is withdrawn and from the hole with a hammer and chisel distracting the rest there concrete layer.

The hole in the concrete for Escutcheon

The hole should be 4-5 mm deeper than the height of the Escutcheon, this crown is necessary to completely sink into the wall

If there is no crown on the concrete, it is possible to make a hole with a drill with a drill pobeditovym. First, on the entire depth of the nozzle central drilled hole and then drill the same hole made on the circle line.

The more, the easier it will be required to gouge the hole diameter and depth with a hammer or chisel hammer.

Another way - to make a square hole using a grinder with an attachment in the form of a diamond blade. First erupt central lines, and then - around the perimeter of the Escutcheon. Process as always ends with a chisel hammer.

Step # 3 - installation box into the wall

Once the hole is made, it must be well cleaned and insert the Escutcheon for fitting. He must be free to enter the width and depth should be about 5 mm margin for the solution.

If everything was as it should, it is now necessary from the top or the bottom of the hole (depending on the location of the premises wiring) to make a pass for laying wires.

Shtroblenie walls under wiring

From the drill to make a hole (in the soft walls of a chisel or a chisel) laid Stroebe, which will go on an electrically

Podrozetnik also need to prepare. Turn it upside where the slots for wires and cut through one of them with a knife. We get to the wire and insert into the wall box for verification.

To fix glass solution is prepared from gypsum or plaster, which should have the consistency of sour cream. It is worth considering that the solution of this material hardens very quickly, and you have no more than three to four minutes to complete the installation process Escutcheon. After five minutes, the mixture is no longer suitable.

Two minutes before the stacking box in a wall opening is moistened with water. Once the liquid is absorbed, spatula gypsum layer superimposed on its walls. The glass wire is threaded, the rear portion thereof is also smeared solution and Escutcheon inserted into the hole.

Adjust the position of the box in such a way that its edge is flush with the wall and the screws are horizontal.

Hole for Escutcheon

For full cup fixation, into all the cracks and gaps also laid solution and then daubed with a mixture of gypsum wall around Escutcheon

Step # 4 - to combine several Enclosures

As counting performed two or more Escutcheon described above. Making holes produced by the same methods as for the single box. The only difference - the need to join together the holes. This can be done with a chisel or grinder.

Before assembling, Enclosures need to dock with each other by the side of the fastening element. Wall installation is similar to installing a single cup.

The important point to which it is necessary to pay attention when mounting block boxes is strictly exposed Escutcheon horizontally during their fixation in the wall plaster solution. It is necessary that part of the installation carried out only with the help of a spirit level.

Installing the Escutcheon in concrete

The figure clearly shows all the stages of the installation of several podrozetnik a concrete wall

Installation boxes in hollow walls

Enclosures intended for walls of composite materials, in particular plasterboard, have a somewhat different design than mounting boxes for concrete and masonry substrates.

Fixing of glass in the wall is made without plaster solution that allows you to Escutcheon installation in plasterboard much faster and easier.

A hole in the drywall for Escutcheon

For making holes is better to use the crown of the tree, as they are obtained straight and neat, which facilitates the installation Escutcheon

The upper barrel portion are four screws arranged in pairs. Two of them slightly protrude outward and are intended for fastening of the switch or outlet.

Two other slightly recessed Escutcheon. At the bottom of each screw is metal or plastic lug which, when scrolling the screw starts moving and fixes the box into plasterboard.

Installing the Escutcheon in drywall

Before inserting the glass into a wall, perform a pre-made aperture in the rear of the electrically box

Before you install the Escutcheon, do the layout as described above. Make a hole in the drywall is much easier than in the concrete wall. You can just cut a circle with a knife or drill along the contour of a drill, and then cut through it with the same knife.

However, using these methods is not very smooth edges. In addition, gypsum board - the material is quite fragile and can break.

It is best to do the job with the help of the crown of the tree. After the prepared hole, display it and insert Escutcheon wire so that the screws are arranged horizontally. Fix the glass in the drywall, screwing clockwise two recessed screw.

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Preparation Escutcheon Drywall

For fixing in plasterboards Enclosures are equipped with specific bindings with tie rods

Features mounting mounting cups

After installation Escutcheon in a pre-formed hole and check its position locking screws are tightened in a clockwise direction

Rules tightening clamping screws

Coupling bolts should be tightened not just "all the way". They alternately tighten up until podrozetnik decides perfect position

Foromirovanie holes for wiring entry

In order to podrozetnik can be inserted wires for connection of wiring devices, it is necessary to break down the "plug"

Preparation Escutcheon Drywall

Preparation Escutcheon Drywall

Features mounting mounting cups

Features mounting mounting cups

Rules tightening clamping screws

Rules tightening clamping screws

Foromirovanie holes for wiring entry

Foromirovanie holes for wiring entry

Mounting Escutcheon in ceramic tiles

If necessary, install plug or switch on the wall, which is supposed to coat the tile, marking and cutting a hole in the concrete produced prior to finishing. The resulting depressions in advance laid the electrical wires.

After laying the tiles again made signs, and it drilled holes required depth. The tile is best to drill diamond crown periodically cooling with water.

The recess is laid a plaster solution, it is also applied to the rear portion Escutcheon box and then pressed into the hole and aligned.

Installing the Escutcheon in tile

To set the number of outlets in advance is a pattern in which first wall is marked, and then after it is applied to the cladding tiles, and it drilled holes

Nuances Multibox installation on plinth

What if the house has already been made quality repairs, but needed one more point to connect electrical appliances?

In this case, it is not necessary to tear off the new wallpaper and Stroebe wall, you can make a socket directly on the plinth.

Multibox installation on plinth

Multibox meet all types of standard single socket. They can be placed not only power, but also the telephone sockets and connectors cable internet

Note, however, that this method can only be applied to plastic moldings collapsible type with a cable channel. Before installing podrozetnik, you must lay the wire inside the plinth.

To do this, remove the cover from the part in which will be located outlet. This operation is performed on the angle, or from the nearest plug, just pry the lid with a screwdriver and carefully remove.

Cut the baseboard so as to form a gap, the width of which corresponds to the size of the plastic lining. Insert the Multibox, thread into the hole in the housing is carried out, and secure Escutcheon dowels.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

How is the installation Enclosures into a concrete wall, you can see in the following video:

All podrozetnik unit installation process in the plasterboard is described in detail in the video:

Installation of plastic lining on the plinth is shown in the video:

To learn how to install podrozetnik occurs in tile, see video clip:

Mounting Escutcheon though seems very simple at first glance, but it has its complexities and nuances that need to be taken into account during the work to after some time did not have to re-plant the loosened dirt and reinstall instruments.

On how correctly and competently Enclosures are installed depends on the durability and appearance of the outlet or switch.

You put your hands in the house podrozetnik concrete or brick wall? Or podrozetnik mounted in drywall? Share your experiences, tell us about the difficulties that have arisen during the installation process. Many beginners useful your advice - leave your comments below this article.

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