How to choose the right polyurethane foam for insulation


  1. Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam
  2. Selection of sprayed polyurethane foam
  3. Selection of polyurethane foam plates

On the eve of winter frosts, many are thinking about the organization of appropriate insulation to make their homes as comfortable and economical as possible. It is not too late to tackle this issue so that the first serious chills can be found in a warm and cozy home. But the process of insulation is preceded by the process of selecting the insulating material. Today, polyurethane foam is in high demand, which has a lot of advantages. Its main advantages, as well as the basic parameters of the choice, require more careful consideration.

Polyurethane foam is obtained on the basis of the reaction of polyol and isocyanate, with the addition of water to which carbon dioxide is formed. The result is a porous material, more than 70% of which is occupied by air bubbles, which gives this type of insulation unique properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam

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Considering the key properties of this material, it is worth noting that it is widely used and in the form of plates, and in the form of sprayed insulation .In principle, most properties are common, but there are still some differences. So, what are the advantages of for polyurethane foam ?

  • Very is the low thermal conductivity index of the , which makes it possible to call the material the best heat insulator among all known and used insulants. So, its thermal conductivity is 0.019 W / m * K: for comparison, the same indicator for popular mineral wool is about 0.041 W / m * K.
  • Polyurethane foam can be called relatively durable material , which will forget about the problems with thermal insulation for the next 25-30 years. But modern studies show that its durability is even greater.
  • The material is completely safe for people’s and cannot cause allergies or any other more serious illness.
  • This material has good resistance to temperature extremes , extremely low and high temperatures, it will not crack, thus forming cold bridges, through which frost can penetrate the house, reducing the level of protection of the dwelling;
  • Resistance to rotting and the emergence of rodents;
  • Fire Resistance.
  • Low weight insulation does not weigh down the building structure.
  • Polyurethane carries the effects of many acids, alkalis and petroleum products, and when coated with metal surfaces it even protects against corrosion.
  • The material is also a good sound insulator , so you can make the house not only much warmer, but also calmer, which is especially important in cases of close proximity to major traffic intersections.
  • Low water absorption capacity.

Separately, it is worth noting all the advantages of spray coatings from polyurethane foam .So, the spraying technology itself allows you to create a complete monolithic coating that perfectly fills all cracks and difficult to reach relief forms. The absence of seams and tatters that are formed during the cutting process affects the appearance of the surface: it turns out to be virtually perfect and even. Sprayed polystyrene foam has a high adhesion to all types of surface, and it “sticks” well to indirect walls. Before spraying any special composition, it is unnecessary to process the surface, and additional fasteners are not needed, which can also be considered a competitive advantage.

As for polyurethane foam boards, they can also boast a number of additional advantages at their lower price. So, their installation can be carried out at any time of the year, the process itself is quite simple, and if necessary, the plates can be trimmed or sawn to give optimum dimensions. For mounting insulation does not need an additional frame or something like that: just enough glue applied along the edge of the plate and diagonal, as well as plastic dowels. Panels can be made with a locking mechanism, so that in the end the room is as protected from external influence as possible. In addition, unlike the sprayed polyurethane foam, in this case does not need individual protection against aerosol mist.

The disadvantages of this type of insulation include the following qualities:

  • He is afraid of direct ultraviolet , which can lead to its gradual destruction, but the way out of this situation is quite simple, because it is necessary to apply a protective coating in the form of paint or plaster,which is still applied on top of any insulation.
  • The material is highly flammable and does not sustain combustion, but under prolonged exposure to very high temperatures, may start to smolder .That is why you should not use it near places that can get very warm, or simply use additional protection.
  • Sprayed polyurethane foam can not be applied on cold surfaces , so work on its application have a strict seasonality, which can not be said about the plates.
  • If the wind is too strong, overspray of the sprayed polyurethane foam occurs.
  • Work on the application of sprayed insulation should be carried out only in personal protective equipment, since the aerosol formed by is very dangerous to health .But for several hours the frozen layer of polyurethane foam becomes completely safe.
  • It is undesirable to use this heat-insulating material when warming the roof of shingles, which can overheat and lose some of their properties.
  • The price of polyurethane foam is not the lowest , but the buyer receives the material with the highest thermal insulation performance.

As you can see, many of the drawbacks of polyurethane foam are easily negated, which makes it one of the most optimal materials for insulation. Today, it is sprayed polyurethane foam that enjoys ever-increasing demand, and it is called as a heater for the future .All this allows the use of in various areas of : for warming houses, industrial buildings, roofs, floors, walls, etc.

The choice of sprayed polyurethane foam

All the work on spraying polyurethane foam is carried out by professionals, and the durability of the thermal insulation layer depends on their skill level. In this case, it is worthwhile to carefully approach only to the question of the choice of specialists, taking advantage of the recommendations of friends or reviews on the Internet. However, in order to control the work of the brigade and choose the right one, you need to be aware of what thickness you will need to spray, what density, and what brand to choose the material.

So, the structure of the cells of the material must be closed: in this case, the material has high strength and can be used in various fields. Insulation with open-cell structure is affected by moisture, more fragile and brittle.

Depending on where the insulation will be used, it is important to choose the correct for the required density of .It should be noted that this indicator does not affect the non-insulating properties: the insulation with a density of 30 and 60 kg / m3 will be equally reliable. The difference is only in terms of waterproofing: the thicker the layer of insulation is used, the more reliable the waterproofing will be, because polyurethane foam has similar properties, and using it will not need an extra layer of waterproofing. If you need to insulate the foundation or basement, then you need to choose insulation with a density of at least 23 kg / m3.

The thickness of the layer of polyurethane foam must be at least 50 mm, despite the material of the surface: for wood, for metal, and for brick, the required layer remains approximately the same. The required thickness is selected depending on climatic conditions, their own requirements and some other parameters.

It is clear that self-spraying of polyurethane foam will not work, so pay attention to at the level of specialists, and also to what equipment they use with .Its high quality will provide high quality insulation while saving material. Preference should be given to the technique that operates under high pressure.

The brand of material for insulation can also tell a lot. It is better to choose those brands that have already proven to be high quality. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Basf is a German company that is considered a recognized leader in the chemical industry. Among other products, it also produces polyurethane foam, which is widely represented in Russia. Moreover, the company is so interested in the domestic market and wants to please the buyer that it has made a special type of insulation that can be applied at low temperatures.
  2. Baymer is another German manufacturer that has established itself well in the market and is in steady demand among professionals.
  3. Synthesia is a Spanish company that has wide representation in Russia. Today, the production of polyurethane systems has become the main activity, and the direct delivery of materials of European quality allows us to create the most comfortable conditions in the room.
  4. Huntsman-NMG - a company that has a lot of offices around the world, includingin many regions of Russia. The products have all the necessary documentation and are also certified according to ISO
  5. “Izolan” standard - polyurethane systems that are manufactured in Russia. The plant in Vladimir is equipped with modern equipment and uses only modern technologies, which allows it to produce materials of the highest quality, while competing with European companies.

Chinese and Belarusian polyurethane foam is also on the market, but its quality is not the highest, so professionals using similar products should be treated with caution.

The choice of polyurethane foam plates

When choosing, you should pay attention to all the necessary certificates of conformity, which will guarantee that the material will not bring any harm to health. In addition, it is important that the appropriate storage conditions are respected so that the material does not lose its operational properties. Taking into account the fact that polyurethane foam is afraid of direct sunlight, it is better to store it under a canopy. It is important that the packaging is complete and reliably protects the material from external influences.

For sale there are both ordinary plates and plates with a protective reflective layer , which improves the insulating qualities and also becomes a powerful barrier to dangerous ultraviolet rays.

But an important role in the choice of products is played by the name of the manufacturer, as well as its reputation, reviews about it. All this allows you to select several companies that you should trust. Here are some of them:

  1. Penoflot PC has been on the market since 1988 and specializes in the manufacture of polyurethane foam products, includingplatesAll products have the appropriate certification, which confirms the high culture of production and the quality of the finished product.
  2. "TIS" is another domestic company that uses the latest equipment and is constantly working to improve product quality, conducting research and introducing innovations. The main place among the company's products is occupied by polyurethane foam plates, which are controlled at each stage of production and meet all requirements.
  3. SK LLC is a relatively young organization that has already loudly declared itself. The company itself manufactures heat-insulating plates and, if necessary, is engaged in their installation.
  4. "Lissant" is a group of factories that specializes in the production of insulation boards, primarily polyurethane foam. The company uses only high-quality raw materials, conducts continuous monitoring of products, which ensures the maintenance of consistently high quality products.
  5. PE “TeploEkonom” is a Belarusian company operating since 2009.It produces both heat-insulating plates from polyurethane foam, and performs its spraying.
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