How to soundproof a tongue-and-groove plate

Tongue-and-groove plate (GWP) - a building material used for the construction of interior partitions. Suitable for use only in rooms with normal humidity. GWP is made of gypsum and a number of special additives, which, for example, can reduce the friability of the material and at the same time increase its resistance to moisture. On sale there are hollow and full-bodied tongue-and-groove blocks.


During the construction of partitions, GWP is not laid on mortar, but on a special gypsum adhesive with increased elasticity. The adhesive does not differ in strong strength, but this is compensated by the fact that the tongue-and-groove plate is fastened with a spike in groove lock.

Advantages of GWP:

  1. The material is lightweight, working with it is quite simple.
  2. When laying, very little glue is used.
  3. It is not necessary to plaster the finished partition.
  4. Since partitions from GWP are quite thin, saving space is obtained.


  1. The stove is very afraid of moisture.
  2. Partitions from GWP are rather flimsy, and can not withstand high loads - so, to attach to such a wall, for example, a normal electric boiler will not work.
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  3. If the building gives a slight precipitate, which sometimes happens with new buildings, or a small earthquake occurs, the partition from the GWP may crack.

And it is worth mentioning separately about the most unpleasant and serious disadvantage of GWP - very poor sound insulation. Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims 43 dB, in a room with partitions from the GWP you can hear everything that is happening in the neighboring rooms.


Sound insulation of partitions from GWP

In specialized forums, they offer many ways to deal with this problem, up to and including overlaying a partition from the tongue-and-groove plate on both sides. The method is radical and far from always suitable. And why then build a rebuilding from GWP, if you can immediately use a brick.
An elegant and, at the same time, an effective solution was developed by the German manufacturer Knauf. The sound insulator is a special KNAUF-Akuboard sheet with a sticker of multilayer fleece on the back.


The soundproof sheet is attached to the partition with screws. This is done without any gap between the surface and the sound insulator. A frame for sheets is also not needed, since the feature of this sound absorber is that the denser it is pressed to the surface, the better it damps extraneous sounds. Therefore, at least 16 self-tapping screws are used to fasten one sheet - more can be, but not less.


Another feature of this sound insulator is that it works only on a plate with a thickness of at least 80 mm. Otherwise, you have to look for alternative options.

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