How to grow potatoes on Mitlayder on a small dacha

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If you are already familiar with the traditional way of planting potatoes, but consider that it has outlived itself, it’s time to turn to the practice of foreign experts. For example, many gardeners began to apply the method of planting potatoes under straw. This is a famous Dutch technology. Another popular method is planting tubers in boxes or bags. Each technology has advantages. Gardeners select the one that fits specifically for the existing site.

If the garden area is small - only 6 acres - you can try planting potatoes according to Mitlayder. The world-renowned consultant for gardening and farming, Meatlider has developed recommendations, the implementation of which allows you to collect a large amount of large potatoes from a small vegetable garden.

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What is the difference between a kitchen garden equipped according to Mitlayder?

You can distinguish the garden according to Mitlayder with the naked eye. What gives the technique?

  1. First, the distance between the rows of potatoes.
  2. Secondly, ideally even narrow rows with greenery alternating with a wide row spacing.
  3. Thirdly, the orientation of the ridges in strict accordance with the parties of the world( from north to south).
  4. Fourth, small wooden sides enclosing rows.
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But these are only external signs that do not give information about the essence of the planting. To gain a deeper understanding of the technology, it is necessary to understand the methodology in more detail.

Necessary conditions for planting potatoes:

  1. The soil for planting should be prepared in the fall. Add humus or other suitable fertilizers. To dig up
  2. If the plot is located on a slope, it must be leveled. Ridges in this case it is better to arrange across the slope, so that they look like peculiar steps.
  3. In the spring, they dig up the site again, but not completely. The plots between rows must be left untouched.
  4. It is necessary to provide for a distance of about 1 m between rows of potatoes. If the culture is not sprawling, it can be reduced to 90 cm. At the same time, the ridge width should be at least 30 cm, but not more than 45 cm.
  5. fenced with wooden sides. Their height can be 10 - 15 cm. That's enough.

Planting material, the author advises to choose varietal and certified, only in this case, the probability of high yields is guaranteed.

How to plant potatoes?

The technology of planting potatoes is as follows:

  • in each row digging holes in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
  • , in a hole about 12 cm deep, first put humus or biohumus, and then germinated potatoes;
  • further the hole is covered with earth, and care for it comes down to systematic irrigation and fertilization.

Fertilizing during the entire time of cultivation needs to be done three times: with the appearance of sprouts, when the sprouts reach 15 cm tall and at the beginning of budding.

Features of nutrient input

Regular application of essential nutrients to the soil is one of the fundamental principles of potato cultivation technology. It provides proper nutrition of plants and their rapid growth. Recommend to choose one of the proposed composition of the nutrient mixture.

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Mixture number 1. 100 g of a mixture of 40 g of boric acid and 5 kg of dolomite flour must be applied per 1 meter of soil. If the soil is depleted and has not been fertilized for a long time, or it contains loams, you can add 150-200 g of fertilizer each.

Mixture number 2. For processing 1 meter will require 50 g of the composition. It consists of 1 kg of magnesium sulfate, urea and potassium sulfate, 6 kg of nitroforoski and 15 g of boric acid.

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The system of proper watering

From the gardener throughout the season will not need to loosen the soil, which will greatly facilitate the care of plants. This is not necessary because the roots are located in the upper layer of the soil, and it is very easy to damage them. However, it is necessary to water the potatoes systematically, especially in the hot summer. It is recommended to do it in the drop way. So water gets directly to the root area. Drop irrigation eliminates fungal diseases, reduces the possibility of weed growth and minimizes the risk of leaf burns.

Regular watering is the basis for good tuber development. If the garden is not equipped with an irrigation system, or there is a risk of lack of water, it is better to abandon the technology of high-yielding cultivation.

Why do potatoes produce high yields?

  1. The distance when planting potatoes is calculated in such a way that the roots get enough air, moisture and fertilizer. Due to good aeration of the soil, the tubers develop fully.
  2. A three-fold top-dressing with a special mixture ensures a good result even on scanty soils.
  3. An important factor is also the use of varietal potatoes.
  4. A wide distance between rows allows you to remove pests and weeds in time.

The main condition for success is the implementation of all the instructions of the agricultural consultant and compliance with agricultural techniques.

Planting Potatoes in Mitlider Rows - Video

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