Rules for choosing snowplows to give

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The owners of country and country houses in winter are faced with the problem of snow removal. To facilitate this task, the snow blower is necessary. To choose the right model of it will help some of the recommendations and rules for choosing a snow plow for the garden.

Which snow removal equipment to choose for?

Snowfall is an inevitable phenomenon in winter. And if there is a little snowfall, then it is possible to clean the yard, paths or necessary grounds with a shovel. But when a large amount of snow falls, a shovel alone will not help. It is necessary to use the services of snow removal equipment to give.

The modern market offers many models, types and types of snow blowers. From the diversity of the existing model range you need to choose the best option that would correspond to all the wishes and requests.

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In essence, a snowplow is a special compact mechanism that consists of an auger( rotating body), an impeller( spiral blades), a power unit( engine), a housing with covers( a device that carries out the direction of snow throwing).With the help of the impeller, the snow rises into the intake casing, then, turning into a small fraction, flies out through a vertical pipe with a rounded tip-casing. He orients the direction of the snow that comes out of the snow removal mechanism. The distance to which the snow is thrown, can reach five meters.

Types of snow removal equipment:

  • Single-stage mechanisms are designed for cleaning small areas of fluffy or wet, not icy snow. Most often, such devices are made without power. They are best suited to people who have good physical abilities, since this type of technology must be pushed. The distinctive advantage of single-stage mechanisms is increased maneuverability and low weight;
  • More productive two-stage models with powerful engines. They move on their own on tracked or wheeled tractors and are able to remove large areas of any snow, even ice. The principle of the mechanisms is to scoop the snow with a bucket. Then, through the auger and the rotor, the snow is forcefully thrown into the side. The snow throwing distance can reach up to 15 m.

If the territory of the dacha is small, single-stage snowplows are suitable for the dacha. Two-stage snow removal equipment is designed for enhanced cleaning of icy snow in large areas.

Types of

snow removal equipment All snow removal equipment is divided into two types: electric and fuel. This parameter allows the future owner to determine the desired model of the power unit.

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Electric auger drive allows you to perform their functions quietly, without unnecessary noise. This is a significant advantage, since such a machine can be used at any time of the day without inconvenience to neighbors and residents. It is lightweight, easy to manage( just plug in the power cord and press the start button).Despite this, maneuverability is significantly limited, since the standard cable lasts for 50 m. Distance from the power source. Works from a network 220B.

Electric snow plow models are in great demand among summer residents because they are environmentally friendly, more affordable, easy to store and transport, and do not need special care and maintenance. The blades of the auger are equipped with rubber pads that prevent damage to the surface of the pads, tracks. The only indirect inconvenience is binding to the power source and inability to move independently.

Use electric snow blowers best for fresh snow. If the snow is already settled, and a crust has formed on it, then it should be removed carefully, removing it in small layers.

A significant advantage of the petrol snowplow is engine power. The range of such snow blowers offers gardeners two-stroke and four-stroke engines, with a capacity of 5.5 horsepower. They are equipped with a metal casing, wheeled or tracked drive, snow bucket and auger-rotary mechanism that allows throwing snow at a distance of 8 m. The weight of the entire body of a gasoline snowplow is 60 kg. The operator only sets the direction.

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Minor flaw - the frequent failure of some parts( belts, gears, engine components, discs).Snow can be cleaned in any remote areas, since they are not tied to a power source. Thanks to the engine power, it is possible to clean even the icy snow, which lies more than 2 weeks.

snow plow review If you review the snow plow, you should look at the most popular brands that produce quality equipment: MTD, Partner, Husqvarna. You can choose and buy at the right price the best products tested in various conditions.

Owners of large suburban areas choose universal equipment in the form of mini tractors or motoblocks. This is a multifunctional technique that is used in winter as a snow blower and in summer as a tillage tool( for example, MTD LN 200 H, Husqvarna PF 21 AWD).

How to choose the right snow removal equipment for the garden:

  • Cleaning of small terraces. If there is not enough time at the dacha in winter, it will be enough to purchase an AL-KO SnowLine 46 E electric snow blower. It is practical and convenient, it is easy to control and does not require much storage space;
  • Cleaning a small area. Husqvarna ST 121 E snow blowers, or MTD M Series snow throwers can be used to clean loose snow that has recently fallen. These are more functional models that can clear more snow in the area near the house. They are equipped with two-stroke or four-stroke engines;

  • Clearing large amounts of snow in large areas. Such models as MTD series ME and Husqvarna ST 268EP are best suited for this purpose. These are self-propelled snow blowers with petrol engines. They can be both tracked and wheeled, have the function of heating the handles and can move independently. To start the motor used starter. Engine type - two-stroke( screw + rotor);
  • Cleaning of large areas with a variety of relief. For these tasks requires a powerful technique. Such is the Husqvarna ST 268 EPT and MTD OPTIMA ME 66 T. They have a tracked drive. Machine weight - up to 200 kg. Engine power from 9 hpThey work in all conditions and easily cope with large snow and ice in large areas.
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execution algorithm Each model of a snowplow has its own characteristics and performance characteristics. Given the diversity of the model range, you need to buy the mechanism that will meet all the necessary requirements and best cope with the task.

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