Growing radish in a greenhouse - the secrets of experienced gardeners

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Seasonal use of fresh greens has long become year-round. To do this, even in the coldest regions build greenhouses. Greenhouse requires a special agrotechnical cultivation of crops. This is costly in the midst of winter to heat and light large areas. Cultivation of radish in a greenhouse, forcing out onions and lettuce will cause less difficulty. The named cultures grow quickly, during the winter you can make a few turns.

Soil Preparation

Radish roots go down to the soil to a depth of 25 cm. Therefore, sowing into the soil requires a loose fertile substrate, which will be seasoned per hundred:

  • humus - 500 kg;
  • superphosphate - 3.0-4.5 kg;
  • Calimagnese — 3.0 or sulfate sulfate — 1.8 kg;
  • ammonium nitrate - 2.5 kg.

Careful digging of the soil with these components will ensure the rapid development of the radish. Use fresh manure can not, radish will be tasteless and tough.

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Winter sowing of radish on the soil suggests heating. A warm water or electric circuit must be laid. Another method of heating will be the device of the base of the ridges using biofuels. Plant residues laid down and manure burn and generate heat, the earth remains in the middle of winter optimally heated. This bed can work in the autumn cultivation of radish in the greenhouse.

Without heating up the soil, winter cultivation can be carried out on container shelves. This allows you to multiply the use of a warm contour. Radish grows in small containers and cassette method in this case is applicable.

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It is not economically viable to grow vegetables in small country greenhouses during the coldest months, December and January. In a small volume it is difficult to keep warm in the cold. Production of large heated greenhouses operate independently of the temperature behind the circuit.

Temperature and light conditions

In order for seeds to quickly produce seedlings, a soil temperature of about 18 degrees is required. Seeds can grow at 3 degrees, only the development will be slow. When sowing radish becomes clear after the greenhouse is ready. Only by observing the light, thermal conditions and watering can you get a full harvest.

To speed up germination and obtain seed plants, you can make thickened sowing in a bowl and ready seedlings to swoop down to a permanent place. At the same time, the survival rate of radish is excellent, and the period of cultivation is reduced.

For the development of a root crop after germination, the temperature in the ground is 10 degrees, with a filling of 15-18.If at the same time the norms of illumination of 1300-1500 lux are observed, the root crop will grow standard. The temperature in the greenhouse is regulated. At night, it should not exceed 10 degrees, on an overcast day is enough 12. With a lack of lighting or with an increased day light, there is a strelkovanie. Therefore, it is important to establish in the winter greenhouse the optimal mode of additional illumination.

Heating of the greenhouse in the winter can take place using a wood waste furnace with conduction of exhaust pipes around the perimeter, or installing propane or electric heaters. At the same time it is necessary to provide heating of water for irrigation and compliance with humidity within 70%.

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How to plant radish

Radish seeds should be designed for growing in a greenhouse and fresh. Preparation for sowing consists in dressing them in a solution of potassium permanganate and germination. Sowing radish can be done in several ways:

  • private;
  • under the marker;
  • cassette.

The seeds in the row and under the marker are buried by 2 cm. It is in the depth of the soil that when other conditions are met that a larger root crop develops. The distance between the rows should be about 10 cm, with a continuous seeding of 5x5 cm. A sufficient passage for maintenance is left between the ribbons. The cassettes are assembled into blocks, and have an area for the development of the root crop of 5x5 cm. The blocks are placed both on outdoor ridges and on multi-tiered racks.

It is the cassette method that makes it possible to grow radish in the greenhouse on the shelves and make full use of the heated volume. In this case, radish in cassettes should be watered with water supply or fertilizer mixture from below, through the drainage hole.

How to grow radish

In an unheated greenhouse, the source of the creation of warm earth is biofuels. At the same time, the radish roots should not touch fresh manure. The temperature during seed germination should be 18 degrees, with the development of the outlet 10, with a filling of 18-20.Grown seedlings of radish seeds will allow to bypass the first stage of temperature increase and reduce the time spent in the greenhouse root.

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Illumination of less than 900 lux will retard the development of the root crop and become one of the factors of rifling. To extrusion of the tops of water is promoted by daytime temperatures above 24 degrees and daylight hours, over 12 hours. The higher the light intensity and the lower the temperature, the larger the roots are formed. How to grow radish , if the greenhouse is not equipped with lighting? In low light conditions, thickened plantings and high temperature, root crops are not formed.

When drying the soil, the taste of radish worsens. Watering should be 2 times a week with a flow rate of 15 liters of water per square square. It is advisable to use sprinkling, especially at high temperatures. Watering plants can be combined with dressing. Suppose drip irrigation and bay pallets in the cassette method.

Cruciferous fleas are dangerous pests of radish in a greenhouse. You can get rid of them with ash and tobacco dust. But sometimes invasion of field mice is destructive. You can get rid of them by planting a cat in the greenhouse or catching pests on vegetable bait.

Bacterial diseases, downy mildew and bacteriosis are possible if airing is not observed and plantings are thickened. You need to choose for sowing resistant varieties of radish.

The vegetation period for growing a root in a greenhouse takes about 45 days. It is optimal to collect two crops of radish in the offseason, and then put a greenhouse under the cultivation of heat-loving crops.

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