We grow on the window an exotic lychee tree

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Some people believe that growing an exotic fruit at home is an impossible dream. However, bold gardeners broke a well-established stereotype and as a reward they received a pretty lychee tree with its unique fruits. To do this, it is enough to deal with the basic rules of growing the plant and a cute overseas guest will live on the window.

External Characterization of the Tree

Under natural conditions, the tree is found in China and Thailand. It grows to a height of 30 meters and bears fruits similar to cherries or small plums. There are other tree names, such as:

  • "Paradise grapes";
  • "Fruit of Love";
  • "Chinese Cherry";
  • Ligi;
  • Lisi;
  • "Chinese plum".

The Litchi tree belongs to the Sapindo family and is beautifully cultivated at home. In a closed space, the plant can reach 2.5 meters in height, which is quite acceptable for a houseplant. In Russia, the fruit is grown in the gardens. At the same time, it is carefully protected from frost and dry winds. Such extreme conditions lead to loss of foliage and the appearance of cracks in the trunk and branches.

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Litchi has oblong, fleshy leaves of a slightly brilliant character. Color - dark green. In the center of the plate is the main vein, from which the branching in different directions. Such a “stamping” is considered a highlight of the overseas guest. The shape of the leaves resemble an elongated ellipse, lowered to the base of the plant.

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The egg-shaped fruits of the lychee tree are small, about 4 cm in diameter. Outside they are covered with a bumpy skin. The taste is reminiscent of grapes or plums, as indicated by the different names of the tree.

Exotic Lychee fruits are widely used to treat various heart diseases, obesity problems and blood formation.

Secrets of growing a house

Since the plant has a number of useful properties, many grow it as a houseplant. However, the following aspects should be considered for this:

  • air temperature in the living room;
  • competent irrigation mode;
  • soil composition for planting.

The process of growing a litchi tree at home begins with the acquisition of the fruit itself. Ripe fruit is cut, removing the bone from it. After that, it is thoroughly washed and planted in the prepared soil.

It is advisable to immediately lower the Stone into the soil, as it quickly loses its germination. To achieve the ultimate goal - to grow a lychee tree, it is better to use a few seeds.

When the bone is already in the ground, the container is covered with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse microclimate. Then the container is placed in a warm place and waiting for the first leaves to appear. As a rule, after 2 or 3 weeks from the soil rises the first green. During this period, the film is removed so that the plant can actively develop. From May to the beginning of September, the lychee tree needs to observe the correct temperature regime, which does not exceed 35 degrees Celsius.

When the first shoots appear, the temperature in the room should be within 25 degrees.

After the formation of green shoots, they need to be watered moderately every day. Thus, conditions are created that resemble the natural environment in which the lychee grows. Over time, the seedlings will rise above the soil to 20 cm in height. From this moment on, the root system of the plant begins to develop, which slows down the growth of the ground portion of the fruit.

In order for the roots to grow freely in different directions, it is desirable to transplant the seedling into a bulk container.

Rules for the care of exotic fruits

When a tree begins to take root and rise above the ground, it must provide enough light. An ideal place for him is the window sill of a large window. It is important that the plant has access to the lighting 12 hours a day. In winter, wise gardeners use artificial lighting.

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Home care for the lychee tree provides competent watering. The plant does not like extreme drought, as well as excess moisture. Therefore, it is desirable to constantly monitor him. If the house has low humidity, the sapling should be sprayed with a spray bottle. Water for this is first defended, in order to clear large impurities and bring to room temperature. Otherwise, the plant may suffer.

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It is important to feed the plant in a timely manner. The first time it should be done 3 months after landing. To do this, use a dressing that is rich in minerals. The next dose is made when the tree is 1 year old. After another year, fertilizers are poured into the ground every 2 months. Thanks to competent feeding in the house will grow a magnificent lychee tree, as shown in the photo provided.

Prune the plant only in the first two years to give it a beautiful shape. Subsequently, only dried branches or foliage are removed. If you do frequent pruning, disrupted the formation of paniculate inflorescences. So, the fruits will not appear soon. Despite this, many gardeners admire the lychee tree at home. It may be worth trying to grow an exotic tree and enjoy the taste of overseas fruits.

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