Growing cascade and super cascade petunias

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has long been on the shelves of specialty stores appeared a great number of varieties and hybrids of cascading petunias - lianopodobnoy covered an incredible amount of bright, juicy, bewitching eyes flowers, beautythat amazes the flora lovers with a combination of simplicity and magnificence.

However, it’s not so easy to get the desired result - often, the shoots do not reach the promised length, the size and brightness of the flowers are far from what the manufacturer announced, and their number on the plant is not what we would like to see.

In order to get the flowers that any gardener dreams of, it is necessary to follow the rules of growing petunias, create all the necessary conditions for the growth and development of the plant, just to love floriculture, appreciate the flowers, be ready to give them your energy, your time and energy.

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Agrotechnics of growing cascade petunias

Sow the seeds of petunias best in light, well-aerated soil mixtures, the main component of which is peat. Sowing is carried out from mid-February to April, on the surface, the seeds are not sprinkled with soil, they are watered( it is best done using a spray bottle), then the containers are covered with a film or glass.

In order to get friendly strong shoots, it is necessary to provide crops with a high level of humidity and good illumination, the temperature of the medium at this stage should be within the range of 18 to 21 ° C.

When early sowing seeds, seedlings need additional lighting( on average, the backlight should be turned on 15 - 19 hours), otherwise, their growth will be less active, the plants will get a sickly sickly appearance, and the whole meaning of early sowing will come to naught.

If we compare the growth rates of ordinary and cascade petunias, then it should be noted that the latter develops more intensively. After the formation of the basal runaway, the lateral, horizontally growing, immediately begin to actively develop, so the pick should be done in time so that the lack of space for growth does not inhibit the overall development of the plant.

The picking is carried out in the phase of the first true leaf, during this period the plant is quite fragile, so special care is needed, you can use tweezers to avoid damaging the seedlings. Transplanting is done in separate cups or pots( peat can be) - this is a necessary condition for free and rapid growth of the root system.

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You can do without picking, if you use granulated seeds - they are quite suitable size for spot sowing. Such seed material, of course, has a higher cost, but the work is much simpler and the seedlings suffer less from your manipulations.

An important factor in growing petunia cascade is the level of humidity. It is for its maintenance that it is necessary to cover the seedlings, but as they grow, the plants must get used to the natural conditions. For this, after the appearance of the first sheet, it is recommended to start hardening: open the film daily( or move the glass), gradually increasing the time( from 5-7 minutes to several hours) of airing, each time opening the boxes with seedlings more and more.

After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the seedlings of super cascade petunias become less whimsical, the plants quickly gain strength, actively grow and develop. Accordingly, require more nutrients for development.

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It is wiser to start feeding about 20 to 25 days after picking, best of all with complex water-soluble mineral fertilizers, however, it should be borne in mind that the concentration of the nutrient solution for irrigation should be made weakerthan indicated on the package, so as not to damage the delicate root system of excess nitrogen. The following feeding is done in two weeks with mineral or organic-mineral compounds.

Transplantation in open ground, or in suspended pots made in the third decade of May, when the threat of frost has passed, the soil warms up sufficiently, but the hot weather has not yet set and the sun is not able to cause burns to your colors.

For the prevention of stress after the landing of a petunia on a permanent place, you can conduct a course of spraying growth stimulants, such as "Epin", "Zircon".

To get a beautiful neat and powerful cascade petunia bush, the photo of which is presented below, you need to remember one important rule:

Cascade and super cascade varieties and petunia hybrids do not pinch! This has a negative effect on growth and development, and also weakens and inhibits the plant.

It is best to plant petunias in sunny areas, which will allow it to bloom abundantly, pleasing the eye with bright, healthy, large flowers that densely cover shoots.

During the flowering period, top dressing is carried out once a week, watering as the soil dries out, timely loosening the topsoil creates good air exchange and water permeability, which is a guarantee of health and active development of the root system, and hence its above-ground part.

The popular varieties of cascade petunias

Among the great variety of hybrids and varieties of cascade petunias, the following gardeners have won the greatest favor of flower growers:

  • Petunia Dubbl Cascade;
  • Petunia Jokonda;
  • Petunia Ramblin;
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Petunia Dubbl Cascade, which stands out with its huge terry flowers of bright attractive colors with a pleasant aroma, neat bush covered with emerald-green leaves, is one of the most beautiful representatives of one-year flowers.

But, of course, one of the most attractive species is Petunia Gioconda - multicolored, creeping, cascading. A chic low bush with strongly branching shoots, densely covered with flowers, whose diameter reaches 5-6 cm, will become a real gem of the garden. Looks great in hanging pots, provided that its capacity is not less than 10 liters. A great advantage is the ability of this plant to adapt to the widest temperature range, which allows not only to grow this variety in different climatic zones, but also to preserve it in winter.

Surfiniian cascade Ramblin petunia hybrid( blooms two weeks earlier than others) is not the most desirable in the garden - the height of the bush does not exceed 40 cm, but creeping shoots are able to reach a full meter in length, which allows you to create magnificent vertical compositions insuspended flower pots. The abundance of flowers, early flowering, unpretentious care and a long flowering period - these are the main characteristics of this type of petunias.

Looking at all this beauty and splendor, multicolor and brightness, for sure, in the head of a novice grower, the question arises: which sort to give preference to? There are no advisers here, it is difficult to find an unequivocal answer. .. although no. There is. Choose one of each type!

Tips when planting petunias for seedlings - read this article!

Video: growing a super cascade petunia

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