How to deal with bites and itch, in the garden and in the house. We want to share home remedies that can be used to resist mosquitoes and relieve the itching of bites. The need to keep away from the places where mosquitoes accumulate and to suffer from the effects of their bites can ruin the impression of even the warmest summer days. When the heat comes, it becomes problematic to go outside and not be attacked by hungry insects. Moreover, no one wants to wear long clothes in summer to protect the body from bites. However, mosquitoes do not care at all.
Not all mosquitoes feed on blood. Males consume nectar, while females need high-protein blood to feed growing eggs. They prefer to bite the wrists and ankles, where blood vessels are closest to the surface of the skin. At the moment of the bite, the mosquito injects an anticoagulant, with which any disease that an insect suffers( encephalitis, malaria, yellow fever) enters the body. If, in addition to the itch, you observe complications after being bitten, check your symptoms for a possible illness.
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Home Remedies
There are several effective ways:
- Eucalyptus oil can be used to keep insects at a distance.
- Wiping the skin with baby oil or vanilla extract drives mosquitoes and midges away.
- One of the most effective scaring agents is apple cider vinegar applied to the skin. If you include it in your diet, your body will gradually begin to smell them and serve as an insect repellent. For these purposes, you can drink a refreshing summer drink “switch”, which includes apple cider vinegar.
- Some people believe that garlic protects against summer midges, peels it and swallows whole teeth. Others use garlic tablets or rub garlic, radish or onion juice directly into the skin.
Although garlic juice does not provide a pleasant smell, it will definitely help repel mosquitoes.
How to keep mosquitoes away from your area
You can scatter a little rosemary or sage on the coals - the smoke will drive the mosquitoes away.
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To minimize the number of mosquitoes, destroy their breeding places on your site. They need standing water to lay their eggs, so start by draining puddles, old cans, buckets and flower pots. If you have your own pond, do not worry. Reservoirs are always chosen by dragonflies, and this is the most dangerous enemy of mosquitoes.
Some people believe that some plants can repel many types of insects. These include marigolds, chrysanthemums, asters and Caucasian chamomile, as well as herbs such as basil, anise and coriander.
Add a few drops of citronella to each gallon of exterior wall paint. It does not affect the quality of the composition, but it will not allow the midges to spoil the freshly painted surface.
Did you know that one small bat can eat up to 600 mosquitoes in an hour? Get such a pet on your site.
Consider that using pesticides to kill mosquitoes can do more harm to good insects, such as dragonflies and fireflies. Therefore, first try to do with home remedies before using chemicals.
How to deal with bites and itching
Cooling of the area around the bite helps well. The capillaries below the surface of the skin narrow, and the tumor is reduced. Try a cold compress.
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Never comb your bite, it will only make it worse. If your skin is very itchy, try rubbing this place with lemon juice or broth. Mashed garlic also relieves these symptoms well. White vinegar is another effective remedy if the bite is itchy. However, do not pour it on abrasions.
Infusion of baking soda and water helps well with severe itching. Oatmeal is also effective, and not only against insect bites.
Some people are helped by increased doses of vitamin B1( 100 mg, 2-3 times a day).However, this does not work for everyone.
If you decide to use insect repellent, you should choose a product with natural ingredients. For example, BUG OUT spray and cream does not contain chemicals and consists only of natural ingredients( for example, rosemary, mint, thyme, geranium).Thus, along with a pleasant smell, you get a reliable barrier against mosquitoes, gadflies and flies without fear for your health.
Fighting mosquitoes without fumigators and chemistry -