The case of the master is afraid - a metal door with their own hands

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A do-it-yourself metal door often surpasses many factory designs in quality and reliability. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that the house is a small fortress, and the front door is a fortress gate. And this is difficult to add anything. After all, if the entrance doors are ordered on the market or in the supermarket, this is not a guarantee that the doors are of high quality and reliable. On the other hand, often the situation associated with the need to weld and put a temporary structure for the period of repair makes the idea of ​​making everything very real and relatively cheap.

Do-it-yourself metal door - from the idea to the practical implementation of the

Conventionally, the independent embodiment of the idea of ​​putting a real metal entrance door from a set of metal pipes, plates and corners does not require much metalworking experience. True, we must immediately recognize that the metal door with their own hands will be assembled with certain difficulties. But with a thoughtful organization of work and the availability of a tool, many mistakes can be not only avoided, but also corrected in time.

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First of all, it is necessary to determine what this will be for the construction:

  • is a light temporary construction for the period until a real armored door is purchased;
  • construction, which is planned to be built for a certain time as an entrance door to the corridor from the landing;
  • normal entrance door to an apartment or house with insulation and a reliable lock;
  • is a monumental building for centuries with the firm assurance that the door will protect against any vandals.

Proceeding from this, both forces, time, and necessary materials are calculated. The entire work process is planned from taking measurements, to installing exterior and interior door trim. Conventionally, a door is made of a profile pipe with your own hands in several stages:

  • the initial stage - taking measurements, preparing the drawing, selecting and ordering materials, preparing the tool;
  • stage of study of individual nodes and connections, preparation of a building berth or assembly table for work;
  • creation of the door unit, welding of doors, fitting, installation of locking devices, installation of metal sheet;
  • door installation in the doorway, fixing, finishing;
  • installation of plating and internal filler, adjustment systems.

This scheme of work, although it contains a large number of items, but with step-by-step implementation, their excellent result will be guaranteed.

Preparatory stage - how to start work

It is not difficult to guess that the iron door is created with its own hands from metal pipes, corners, channels and sheet metal. But it is worth starting work with the organization of a workplace and selection of the tool for work. It should be remembered that there is little tool. Having always learned to work with one tool, it turns out that it is more convenient to use several more tools for work. So for normal operation you need to prepare:

  • metal ruler, scribe, tape measure, metal square, crayons;
  • grinder with a set of cutting, grinding and grinding abrasive wheels;
  • drill with a set of drills for metal and center punch;
  • welding machine, it is preferable to choose an inverter, it is now the best choice for beginners;
  • hammers of different weight;
  • files for metal - triangular, round, square, flat;
  • magnetic holders - multi-profile, with a mandatory angle of 90 degrees;
  • clamps, clamps, clamps;
  • necessarily mask the welder and leggings for working with hot metal.
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It is ideal for this to have an installation table or workbench, but you can first prepare a simple flat platform on concrete or OSB.

The metal door being constructed with its own hands will require the following materials:

  • metal profile 20x40 mm - 22-24 running meters;
  • sheet metal - 1x2 meters in thickness from 2.5-2.8 mm;
  • hinges for attaching doors with bearings;
  • lock with patch handles;
  • mineral wool to fill the internal volume;
  • insulation and the material of the outer and inner door trim.

Marking and Preparing Parts for Assembling

At the stage of preparation of parts, the construction of metal doors, the drawing of which is drawn to scale, is drawn in the form of separate drawings - the elaboration concerns how the parts will be fixed and what the sequence of works will be. Detailing the drawings makes it possible to minimize errors and waste when cutting metal.

When transferring drawings to metal, it is necessary to clearly understand how the metal door is arranged, which elements require special precision, and for which it is necessary to make a gap of 1-2 mm. For the door frame, it is important that all parts are made with the smallest deviations, especially if the profile tube will be butt-welded to 45 degree cuts.

It is recommended not to cut all the metal at once into parts, it is easier to get confused. But gradually cutting the right amount of pipe or corner gives a chance to do everything right.

First, prepare the door frame. The tolerances for the outer part should be no more than 1 cm in relation to the doorway. But the interior must be perfect in all planes.

Do-it-yourself metal door, the drawings of which are designed taking into account the installation of safe locks with fixation at several points of the block must be reinforced with an internal frame of a shaped pipe or corner.

In the process of laying out the details of the door unit on the assembly table, the installation location is determined:

  • of the anchor bolts for fastening the unit to the wall;
  • door hinge;
  • locking holes and locking the safe mechanism;

Before welding the hinges to the metal door and connecting the block into a single structure, it is recommended to drill the necessary holes in the profile, and only then proceed to the final assembly.

Read also: The rules for choosing the material and the process of making wooden productsIn both cases, it is an assembly of simple rectangles. The assembly technology with the use of welding joints of profile pipes at an angle of 45 degrees provides for:
  • profile preparation with pre-cut corners;
  • display of all parts in one plane;
  • checking the inside corners of the door unit;
  • with a few touches of the electrode construction literally grabs into one;
  • using a square to check the correctness of the right angles, and the internal diagonals are measured with a tape measure;
  • the whole structure is welded with a construction seam.

Before welding a door from a profile pipe, a ready-made door block is tried on at the opening site. Further, with the help of the grinding and grinding wheels of the grinder, the nodules are removed and beautiful smooth seams are formed.

Assembling the door frame

The front door is welded from metal with the same technology as the door unit, with the only difference that its dimensions should be as accurate as possible from the outside of the structure.

In fact, in this case the door block can be used as a template for laying out parts and fixing the frame before welding. First of all, during assembly, the door hinges are welded. Details are adjusted so that from above the gap between the block and the door itself is 2-3 mm, but from the bottom the gap needs to be made larger - up to 3-5 mm. When using simple garage hinges in construction, they need to be welded on top of the frame and block. For flush-mounted hinges, additional space must be provided in the door unit. To do this, it makes sense to make the side of the mounting loop of the pipe of a larger section. The gap between the door and the block in the 5-7mm bottom is needed because the armored door is welded with metal of 3-4 mm with its own hands, and the weight of the door eventually makes a hinge, gradually lowering the door.

After welding the hinges and guide, they start welding the frame of the door itself. The door unit is placed horizontally, on a flat surface. With the help of a level its position is checked. Pipes cut to size with wooden planks are laid out on a level inside the block. The gaps between the frame of the door and the block are established using wooden wedges or plastic crosses for tile installation.

Further, as with the block, a temporary fixation with individual points is carried out. After checking the corners and diagonals of the final welding of all the elements into one. After welding the door frame, the entire structure is lifted and checked in a vertical position. If the door opens and closes easily, without touching the block, you can begin to install internal struts and locks.

When forming the frame, all elements should be fixed in the same plane. Metal during welding tends to deform. As a result, homemade metal doors made with their own hands turn out to be curved.

Installing a lock and locking accessories

In the question of how to weld a metal door with your own hands can not be trifles. Especially when it comes to security. Installation of the lock and safe hickey must be carried out in the process of manufacturing the door frame.

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While the frame is not sheathed with a metal sheet in it is convenient to make holes and install a lock. When placing the lock you need to keep in mind that the armored door, however, like any other in the process of operation can be lowered. This means that the locking mechanism should be placed so that when the door is lowered, it cannot jam.

The gap between the lower part of the tongue of the lock and the lower part of the hole in the block must not be less than the gap between the door and the threshold of the block. When marking a mounting hole on the door frame, this fact must be taken into account. Alternatively, you can cut an opening in the frame of the door to the size of the mounting plate of the lock. Then, just from the metal strip to make the bar for mounting and weld it into the body from the inside.

The second installation option involves making a slot in the pipe of the door frame and processing it with a file to the desired size. True, the lock may interfere with the closing of the door. It simply will not allow the door to close if the gap between the frame and the unit is less than 4 mm.

In order to strengthen the place where the lock is installed, it is recommended that two horizontal struts be welded into the frame - this will strengthen the structure and prevent the frame from being bent when burglary.

Installation of metal sheet

The final step in assembling the metal construction of the door is the installation of a tight door on the frame. The layout of the sheet is carried out last, when the whole structure is ready.

Before making a metal door with your own hands, it is recommended to attach the block to the sheet in the final construction. Circling it with chalk in order to visually represent how much metal and from which side to clean.

Exterior hinges when installing the sheet should also be outlined. Since the sheet will need to specifically cut under them openings.

Having fitted the sheet in size, it is placed on the assembly table and a door frame is laid on top. Welding is carried out with reverse polarity, the fact is that when using thin metal, it simply starts to deform or at the welding points, a burnout is formed - a hole in the thin metal. If the polarity on the inverter apparatus changes, the risk will be much less.

Welding of the sheet and frame is carried out by thin electrodes with a diameter of 2 or 2.5 mm. Never use electrodes with a diameter of 4 or 5 mm. Welding is carried out in one direction - gradually pressing the sheet to the frame. The length of the weld should be no more than 1.5-2 cm. In this case, the distance between the seams should be 5-6 cm. When welding the sheet and pipe, welding is done on both sides of the pipe in a checkerboard pattern.

More detailed information about the order of work and work on individual elements can be typed in a search engine - how to make an iron door with your own hands.

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