We grow marigolds in the country for beauty and good

  • How to collect and preserve marigold seeds
  • Use in medicine
  • Use for gardening
  • Types of Tagetes
    • Tagetes erecta
    • Velvets rejected( Tagetes patula)
    • fine leaved Marigold( Tagetes tenuifolia),
    • most important thing about marigold - Tagetes

  • video - this is one of the favorite annual flowers gardeners. Almost at every site you can find lush bushes with carved foliage and bright flowers, publishing a spicy scent familiar from childhood. The velvet flowers bloom almost all summer, delighting with an abundance of inflorescences.

    Description of the plant

    Marigolds or Tagetes, belong to the genus of annual and perennial plants of the Aster family. Erect branched stems form a bush with a height from 20 to 120 cm. The leaves are pinnate, openwork, and rooty system is fibrous. Inflorescences - baskets, simple or terry, yellow, orange or brown flowers. Abundant flowering from mid-summer to frost. Fruit - achene, 1 g contains up to 700 seeds. The whole plant has a spicy aroma. It grows best in sunny places, although it tolerates a slight shading. The soil should be nutritious, moderately hydrated.

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    Marigolds are widely used to create flower groups, rabatok. Low-growing varieties are beautiful in the borders, and in the arrays on the lawn. Planted in a pot, can bloom in the room for a long time. The culture is suitable for cultivation in balcony boxes, containers. Cut inflorescences are long in the water.

    Agrotechnology of growing

    Tagetes is unpretentious, it grows and blooms in almost any conditions, but with good care the bushes look much more decorative. It is grown in two ways - seedling and sowing seeds in the ground.

    Descentless method of growing marigolds

    Marigolds are grown by sowing seeds in the ground at different times:

    1. Before winter, after the onset of a steady minus. They form ridges in advance, make grooves and store up some land in a warm place. Seeds are sown in dry ground and sprinkled with stored soil. Top mulched quail sawdust, compost, leaf litter. In the spring, when the last frosts are bypassed, mulch is raked so that the soil warms faster.
    2. In the spring, in mid-April - early May, marigolds are sown on warmed ridges or greenhouses. After sowing, the grooves are shed with warm water.

    In the beginning - middle of May tagges are sown directly in the ground at a permanent place. The emerged shoots thin out, leaving at least 10 cm between plants. When several true leaves appear on the seedlings, they are planted at a distance of 30–40 cm.

    How to grow marigold seedlings in the greenhouse

    The marigolds from seeds are successfully grown in a greenhouse. Landing dates occur when weather forecasters no longer promise to lower night temperatures below –1 –3 ° C.The soil in the greenhouse quickly thaws already in the first warm days of April.

    In order to prevent sprouted seedlings from catching night frost, use covering material. Also in the greenhouse you can put containers with water. It heats up during the day and gradually gives off heat at night, maintaining the temperature several degrees higher than outside.

    Shoots appear in a week. Care marigold seedlings is regular watering with warm water, loosening and weeding. If the soil was prepared in advance, young plants do not need separate dressings. If necessary( weak growth, yellowing of the leaves), foliar spraying is carried out with a 1-3% urea solution. By mid-May, seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground.

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    How to grow marigold seedlings at home

    The most reliable way to get flowering plants in the early stages is to plant marigolds on seedlings. Like the main seedlings - peppers and eggplants, they are sown in late February - in March. More accurate dates depend on the climate and region of residence.

    The soil for sowing marigolds is prepared in the following proportions:

    • 1 part of compost;
    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part of garden land;
    • 0,5 parts of sand.

    A layer of drainage is being poured at the bottom of the tank - broken brick, expanded clay, and coarse sand. Then - prepared soil mixture. It is slightly compacted and watered. In water for irrigation, you can add a drug for fungal diseases, as the seedlings of Tagetes often suffer from blackleg. A few days later, when the earth settles and evenly soaked with moisture, make grooves and lay out the seeds of marigolds in them.

    Sprinkle on top of the earth and a little more moist. Pots covered with glass or film and put in a warm bright place. The coating is regularly removed for airing. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the containers are moved to a sunny place. Until the seedlings appear the first true leaves, water very moderately to prevent the disease of the black leg.

    Caring for seedlings at home is no different from agrotechnics of growing seedlings in the open field: timely watering, feeding and good lighting will allow you to get the first flowers marigolds in June.

    Planting seedlings in open ground

    The optimal distance between plants when planting marigolds in open ground is 0.4–0.5 m for upright varieties. Low-growing can be planted a little more. The place should be sunny, without stagnation of air.

    Plants are transplanted along with a clod of earth. Before planting marigolds should be watered so that the roots do not dry out during transplantation. It is advisable to prepare a place for future flower beds even in the autumn - to add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, ashes and dig up. When planting seedlings in the ground under each root add compost, carbamide or saltpeter. But you should not be zealous with nitrogen, so that the plants do not grow fat, that is, do not increase the green mass to the detriment of flowering. Greater benefit to the velvet ribbon will bring spraying solution of micronutrients for flowers. They do this after the plants have taken root, they have grown into stature and have begun to pick up buds.

    Taking care of tagetes in open ground

    The marigolds are moisture-loving, but they do not like long-term stagnation of water. Therefore, watering should be moderate. After watering the land necessarily loosened. For abundant flowering several times per season, the flowers are fed with an extract of mullein or liquid fertilizer from nettle and other weeds.

    To maintain a high ornamental content, faded buds are torn off. Thickened spots are easy to cut with pruning, using cut flowers for bouquets.

    Diseases, treatment and prevention of

    Due to their phytoncid content, marigolds are less prone to disease than other crops. However, conditions that are unsuitable for them can cause the disease gray mold and the invasion of spider mites. Specimens that are sick with rot destroy, reduce watering in healthy ones, and spray them with anti-fungal drugs. For spider mite, taggettes is treated with infusion of garlic, wormwood, red pepper or tobacco dust. In case of severe damage, the plants are sprayed with the solutions of the drugs "Actellic", "Fufanon", "Antiklesch", "Fitoverm".

    Plant marigolds on sun-blown places, not thickening, and the plants will bloom more abundantly and hurt less.

    How to harvest and preserve marigold seeds

    With good care in the open ground, marigolds planted in May and June will form withered and dried seeds filled with seeds by the middle of August. They are rather large and resemble an arrow with a black tip and light plumage. For seeds collect the largest specimens. The collected seeds are dried in a dry place and cleaned, freeing from the husk.

    Seeds are harvested only from varietal marigolds, hybrids are not suitable for this, as they inherit the signs of only one of the parents.

    Well dried seeds are poured into fabric bags and stored at 1–5 ° C and humidity 50–60%.In such conditions, planting material does not lose its germination for several years.

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    Medical applications

    A bunch of cut marigold heals the air in the room, frightens off flies. Dried petals in some countries are used as seasoning. In the Caucasus, it is known as Imereti saffron. Leaves treat constipation, fever, used as a diuretic and diaphoretic. In large doses, marigold leaves act as an emetic. Lutein contained in flowers reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts and improves visual acuity. Baths with the infusion of Tagetes relax, relieve anxiety. They are recommended to take at bedtime for depression and neurosis. Tincture of the plant copes well with stomatitis and skin diseases.

    On an industrial scale, marigolds are grown to produce essential oil.

    The raw material for it is the entire aboveground part of the plants. Butter has a sweet fruity aroma with a light citrus note. It has a sedative, antifungal, antihypertensive, antiseptic effect. Well softens the skin, at the same time scaring away flying flies and mosquitoes. Helps healing of cuts, scratches, softens corns.

    Tagetes oil is a popular ingredient in many French perfumes.

    Garden and Kitchen Garden BenefitsTagetes, planted next to cabbage patches, scares cruciferous flea. One or two flowering shrubs in the greenhouse can significantly reduce the likelihood of tomato disease of late blight and various rot. In the fall, the whole plant is used as green manure - they crush and dig up the earth along with the resulting green mass. This will scare away the nematode, the wireworm and enrich the soil with organic matter.

    Marigold shrubs can be left for the whole winter. Planted in rows, they will serve as a windscreen and trap snow on the site.

    In the spring, after the snow has melted, dried bushes are pulled out and burned, or sent to compost.

    Types of Taggetes

    On dacha plots grow marigolds of different heights, differing in flowering time, size and color of flowers. Seeds of the variety and type you like can be bought at almost any specialized store.

    Marigolds upright( Tagetes erecta)

    The shape of inflorescences are divided into two groups:

    • are carnations - this group has many reed flowers in inflorescences, few tubular in the center;
    • chrysanthemum flowers - all inflorescence consists of tubular flowers, on the edge of one row of reed.
    Read also: Planting and care in the open field for the wonderful marigolds are within the power of all

    The erect grades of taggettes are among the highest. Among them are many beautiful, with large spherical inflorescences of yellow and orange flowers.

    Antigua - low bushes covered with many flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm yellow-orange.

    The yellow stone - a plant up to 70 cm high looks like a chrysanthemum with large light yellow spherical flowers.

    Golden Dollar - tall bushes with large dark green leaves are beautifully set off by odorless red-orange terry balls.

    Golden light - compact plants of medium height crowned with bright orange lights. Late variety, blooms from late June until frost.

    Lemon Prince - from the beginning of summer until the cold weather will delight you with a combination of lemon-yellow inflorescences with dark emerald carved foliage.80 cm tall.

    Shaggy Robin - pale yellow heads do look shaggy due to tubular flowers of different lengths. Beautiful and unusual look in the cut.

    Marigold rejected( Tagetes patula)

    This type of medium height is 20–40 cm. The flowers can be not double, but no less beautiful, often two-colored.

    Golden head - low, strongly-deciduous bushes are covered with a multitude of yellow inflorescences with red edges. Extreme petals wavy and bent down. The grade is recommended for cultivation in containers, pots, for beds and rabatok.

    Golden Ball - sprawling branchy bushes will delight you with an exquisite combination of the golden middle in a red-brown edging. It blooms from early summer. The variety is good for cutting.

    Queen Sophia - red-brown shades of terracotta, cinnamon and bronze fade slightly in the sun, acquiring almost chocolate tones. Inflorescences are non-curved, but large.

    Lemon jewel - the name of the variety speaks for itself. Compact, strong-leafy bushes firmly hold on themselves a scattering of double bright yellow terry flowers.

    Orange flame - the variety will not leave anyone indifferent thanks to two-color spherical inflorescences with a bright orange center in a red-brown design.

    Thin-leaved marigolds( Tagetes tenuifolia),

    Thin-leaved varieties have thin, highly dissected foliage and small non-double flowers of yellow, orange or red. Flowering bushes resemble openwork balls, studded with many bright lights.

    Golden Ring - a plant of medium height with fragile shoots and small light green leaves. It blooms from the beginning of June with bright yellow small flowers with a dark orange edging.

    Gnome - similar to the previous variety, but differs from it in small height. Therefore, it is recommended for registration of the edges of beds, rabatok. It is beautiful and convenient for cultivation in pots and boxes.

    Lulu - the variety has abundant flowering. Spreading bush forms a green ball, studded with bright yellow stars.

    Paprika - lots of fiery red flowers with a yellow center will not go unnoticed in any flowerbed. Variety discourages pests strong aroma.

    With this variety of varieties, it is possible to make an elegant and long-flowering flowerbed of only marigolds, alternating between different colors. In the center of the flower beds place high large-flowered varieties, framing them with low-growing varieties of contrasting hues. Planted in the balcony boxes of the velvet ribbon all summer will fill the apartment with a delicate spicy flavor.

    The most important thing about marigolds -


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