When to set aside rabbits from the rabbit - tips for beginners

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Beginner breeders in the process of work are faced with many questions and ambiguities. Wanting to get the maximum offspring from the female, you need to know how to properly and when to set the rabbits off from the rabbit, so as not to harm the growing pets. Rabbits are deposited in different ways. It all depends on the technique of growing rabbits.

The two most commonly used methods for growing baby rabbits are:

  1. 28 day weaning droppings from the mother.
  2. Drop in at 35-40 days.
  3. Weaning in 40-45 days.
  4. 56 or 60-day weaning of young stock from mother.

Seated on the 28th day of the

. Monthly rabbits are best left at the rabbit. Their digestive tract has just begun to adapt to the food supply of the farm. Rabbits are taken away on the 28th day only in the case when the male covered the rabbit on the day after the caul. The fence on such a day should be carried out so that the rabbit for the next litter should rest for 2-3 days. This option is less advantageous when breeding rabbits. At this age, normally well-developed youngsters should have a weight of no less than: sands and downy breeds - 350-550 g, meat and skin breeds - 450-650 g, meat breeds - 500-700 g. While for the French ram, it is considered the norm of 650 g andeven more.

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Although the newborn rabbits are naked and blind, the rabbits already try out vegetable food on the 17th-20th day. Lactation lasts in females lasts about 12 weeks. That is why you need to take care of soft food in the feeders of the female. This is due to the fact that when the rabbits begin to go out of the nest, they, imitating the mother, will eat from the feeder. Until that time, they feed exclusively on milk. And at thirty days, gastric enzymes have not yet begun to function normally. That is why it is not recommended to wean rabbits at this age. Also, there are large metabolic costs for females.

On the 24-day day of life, the body of a little rabbit is only 50% dependent on the rabbit's milk. On day 35, the little rabbit depends on only 5-8% of the rabbit's milk.

Weaning at 35-40 days.

If you plant on the 35-40th day, then there are not so many advantages for such rabbits over the 28-day-old rabbit that was taken away.

Read also: Prevention, symptoms and treatment of diseases of rabbits

First, you need to ensure that the 35-day old rabbits do not overeat on the following days. Otherwise there will be an upset in their stomachs, and diarrhea will appear. Consequently, the next batch of food is given after eating completely the previous one.

Secondly, the female is covered in 10-20 days. The later, the more it will rest from the taken away rabbits.

Weaning at 40-45 days.

Regardless of the time of weaning, the acidity in the stomach is greatly reduced in the weaned young in the first 10 days. This is due to the decrease in the strength of the juice and the development of catarrhal phenomena in the alimentary canal of young animals, which only begin to get used to roughage.

That's why the most optimal is the weaning period of 40-45 days. Rabbits make better use of vegetable and other feed. At first they give food such that they were fed by their mothers in the last time before jigging. Transfer to a new feed gradually. This is especially true of green fodder.

Especially scrupulously necessary to care for rabbits in the first 1.5-2.5 months after separation from the mother.

Read also: Compound feed for rabbits

Broiler rearing

When can rabbits be set aside from the rabbit for meat?

Broiler jigging do rabbits at 56-60 day. In such cases, they are immediately killed at weaning. You can also grow another 15-20 days before slaughter on protein-rich feeds.

This type of rabbit breeding at home is most suitable for rabbit meat breeds. For example, for Californian breed or French sheep. It has been noted by rabbit breeders that these carcasses contain more protein and fat in comparison with rabbits of 4 months of age, which were raised by conventional methods. This is due to the fact that when the rabbit is set aside from the rabbit at that age, it increases the protein content in the body of newborn rabbits.

Jigging methods

Jigging is done in the following ways:

  • immediately jigging of the entire litter;
  • otkazhennykh rabbits periodically allowed to the rabbit for a few days;
  • first remove the strong rabbits from the rabbit, and when 2-3 days have passed, the weak are taken away, and the more frail rabbits are kept with the mother longer.

The third option is beneficial when there is an abundant milk release in females. The remaining young offspring, have more time to suck the mother and thanks to this they are compared with the first in development. Strong little rabbits, who were taken away first, are left to the tribe in the future, and the last are slaughtered for meat.

Equality of development of baby rabbits, from one litter, by mass is an excellent sign of the homogeneous all mammary glands of the female. Consequently, if the offspring is different in height, it means that the weaker ones are deposited later and, if necessary, are allowed periodically to the mother.

Read also: Breeding rabbits at home on the backyard

What do jigging do?

Pulling out rabbits from the rabbit, weigh the babies. Then divided into groups by weight and sex. With this sort of rabbits, they will be able to grow them all.

Jigging cells count for 3-5 heads. Less often at 7. Can be transplanted into group cages of 10-15 rabbits. It is not recommended to plant offspring from different litters in one cage. If this is not avoided, then replanting from other offspring is done in an unknown cage for both broods. If there are fights, the fighters are seated one by one.

In the third month, the breeding males are seated one per cell, the breeding females - 2-3 each. All the others are planted 6-8 each in enclosures and 2 each in cages for the base herd.

So, the question: “When to set the rabbits off from the rabbit?” Has several answers.

Briefly summarize them:

  1. On the 28th day, weaning is done only if the female was covered by the male the next day after the bow.
  2. On the 35-40 day young animals are rejected for more frequent offspring from producers.
  3. In 40-45 days, weaning is most beneficial. Since rabbits gained immunity from the mother and it is easier to transfer the transition to roughage.
  4. A broiler planting on 56 or 60 day old stockings, gives a large weight gain to the rabbit. If necessary, it is possible to increase the weight of young animals with mixed feeds for 15-20 days.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide at what age the rabbits from the rabbit will be deposited and for what purposes.

Jigging short rabbits - video

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