Rabbits - a selection of short questions and answers!

How many rabbits are usually in the litter?

The number of baby rabbits in a litter can vary greatly. One of the main factors is the breed of rabbits. Rabbits of the New Zealand breed will usually have about 6 rabbits at a time, and dwarf breeds( lop) can only have two or three. It is possible and up to 20 pieces in the litter, but this, as a rule, only in industrial conditions. Other factors: rabbit health, age, stress. If rabbits are stressed( often go to the cage, loud noises, dogs barking, stroking).From the resulting stress rabbit, can kill their children.

Can one and the same pair of rabbits mate again and again?

Yes, as soon as the female gives birth, the female can mate again. However, it is wiser to give her a decent break between pregnancies.

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After how many days can you leave the rabbits off the bunny rabbit?

Rabbits, for example, the Netherlands dwarfs, Mini lop dwarfs can leave the female for 8 weeks. Several large rabbits, for example, the breed Flandr, English lop-eared - leave for up to 12 weeks. The larger the breed - the longer, but not always. Write about a specific breed of rabbits.

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Can rabbits be raised at any time? Or is there a specific breeding time for rabbits?

Make it not too cold if you do not plan to lift them indoors. You can calmly breed rabbits anywhere from the end of winter to the end of summer or very early autumn.

Can I mate a young rabbit with an older rabbit?

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Yes, but it may not be so easy, because the older the rabbit, the smaller the number of sperm from it. For best results, rabbits should not be old.

Do I need to remove the male rabbit from the rabbit during pregnancy?

Yes, as there is a chance that the male will "trample" the little rabbits. Better safe than sorry.

My pair of rabbits have been in the cage together for 6 months, but the bunny is not pregnant yet. What can I do?

You may need a new male. Sometimes bunnies simply do not want to mate.

Is there a certain time when I have to breed my rabbits?

At any time, but better not in winter. Since this is a cold season, they tend to eat more and may die more. Although there is another opinion of rabbit breeders that frost is the best friend of rabbits, because in the cold all the causative agents of diseases die. But remember that in the winter rabbits spend more energy on warming, respectively, grow worse. It is possible and in the winter in well warmed cages. Everything is individual.

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Why does the rabbit eat rabbit?

If she feels that children are threatened by predators or another rabbit, she will eat them to stop the suffering.

If the female lost her litter, how soon can I mate?

It is better to wait about a month, so as not to expose a weak female to a new stress.

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