Cultivation of apricot at the cottages of the Moscow region

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video Apricot in Moscow region - growing in a school, and you will be subject to change in your organization, and you will have to pay for it. A warm-loving, tender fruit demanded warm winters, hot summers and southern sunshine. The breeders' labor created new varieties of winter-hardy, self-fruiting apricots. But a steady crop can be waited from them, observing the agrotechnology. Therefore, it is important not only to choose a zoned variety, but to comply with agricultural techniques.

Choosing a place to break the garden

The landing place, when growing apricots in the Moscow region, is chosen to be protected from cold winds. Ideally, place the seedlings on the southern and south-western slopes, in the south-east and south and south-west of Moscow. It should be noted that low-lying areas with a groundwater level closer than 2 m to the surface are unsuitable.

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Choosing a landing place, it is better to arrange a tree on the south side of the building or fence. You can put a reflective shield, painted white. The more light gets on the tree, the better for apricot in the Moscow region, where there is a shortage of sun.

Light loam or loam is considered the best soil for planting. In this case, the reaction of the soil should be neutral. Place the tree on a raised bed, optimally. Guaranteed, the roots will not reach the groundwater horizon. The soil itself must be fertile, moisture-permeable. Fertility indicator - the presence of earthworms in the near-stem circle. Adult apricot is less demanding for summer watering than other trees.

Read also: The unique composition of apricot kernels, their benefits and harm to the human body

When growing apricots in the suburbs, it should be noted that the early-flowering plant suffers from recurrent frosts, you need to provide a framework for an agryl cover of 1-2 layers.

Requirement for planting pit and saplings

Seedlings are grown on the stock of Chinese or home plum or cherry plum. In this case, the root system is more stable than plants grown on its own rootstock. A good survival rate, the preservation of varietal characteristics gives planting material purchased in nurseries in Kaluga and the Moscow region. Perfectly take root and quickly bear fruit apricots in containers. Planting apricots in the Moscow region - a responsible event.

It is possible to grow an apricot seedling tree, but you need to take drupes from zoned varieties. Splitting of properties may occur. The tree may turn out better than the parent, or completely barren. The result will be visible in 6-7 years.

The landing pits should be placed according to the 6x4 scheme, where 4 m are between the rows, and 6 m is the distance between the trees in a row. The root system of the seedling is located in the upper fertile layer up to 40 cm deep. Apricots are planted in the Moscow region in spring. The pit is prepared for several weeks or in the autumn with a size of 70x70x70 cm. The landing pit is filled with fertilizers:

  • 1-2 manure buckets - horse, cow;
  • granular superphosphate - 500-600 g;
  • potassium sulphate - 400-500 g.
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The root system is shallow, the neck is not buried, the ground is compacted, and a peg is attached for binding the stem. In the first year, the seedling is watered 5-6 times per season, pouring 2-3 buckets into a deep hole. A young plant mulching pristvolnogo circle is vital.

Young seedlings, regardless of the winter hardiness of the variety, are covered with sacking or other material for freezing during the cold period of the year. Lower skeletal branches are especially vulnerable.

Care for young plantings

Trees that have not entered fruiting season require special care. It is during this period of life that the plant’s immunity and its commercial qualities are laid down. Planting and caring for apricot seedlings in the Moscow region include:

  • saving seedlings from freezing and freezing;
  • fertilizer:
  • crown formation;
  • protection against pests and diseases.

Wrap trunks for the winter with breathable material, or use old-fashioned methods of protection - everyone decides for himself. But it is important that the seedling does not break the spring and during the thaws from excessive wrapping, so that mice and rabbits do not gnaw it. The spring sun should not burn the thin bark.

For the accumulation of nutrients, rapid growth, each plant is fertilized with mullein or horse droppings introduced into the tree trunk.

Formation of the crown - required only in conditions of strong growth, when unripe wood leaves in the winter and freezes.

But to monitor the health of the garden must be systematically. Not all varieties are resistant to diseases:

  • moniliosis;
  • clyasporiosis;
  • cytosporosis.
Read also: Summer recipes for apricot pies

Apricot care in the Moscow region includes fungicidal treatments of plants, often with copper-containing preparations. During the period of insect infestation, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with insecticides, protecting the sapling from leaf loss.

Care for adult apricots

For the harvest to please, care for apricots in the Moscow region should be systematic. Especially carefully need to treat fruit buds. Spring frosts can ruin the crop.

The garden should be powered. Apricot will accept the lack of phosphorus and nitrogen, but it needs potassium to form fruits. At the end of July, watering is limited so that there is no increase in green mass. The garden must be prepared for rest. Winter resistance will also increase potassium chloride, superphosphate, added after harvesting to the near-stem circle.

Care of the bark of a tree consists in treating wounds and open cuts with garden pitch. In spring, adults and young trees are whitened to eliminate sunburn. Prophylactic treatment of the garden in the spring will remove many problems during the growing season.

During the flowering period, you need to sprinkle the tree with honey water to attract pollinators.

All of the listed activities are not complicated, are available to every gardener. If necessary, you can read how to grow apricot in the suburbs of pits. An exciting experience! Experts believe that the root tree is more resistant to weather disasters. It is necessary to grow several seedlings from seeds to choose the most successful specimen.

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