7 tips, which shpaklevku choose: types of putties, purpose, manufacturers


  1. №1. Putty and putty - is there any difference?
  2. №2. Kinds of putties according to purpose
  3. No. 3. Kinds of putty on the degree of readiness
  4. №4. Kinds of putty on composition
  • Cement putty
  • Plaster putty
  • Polymer putty
  • Other types of putties
  • №5. What kind of putty should I choose?
  • №6. Puttying the walls with your own hands
  • №7. Large manufacturers of putties
  • .

    Align the walls and prepare them for decorative finishing is impossible without putty. They can differ in composition, form of realization, granularity and some other parameters. Such a variety of putties created by manufacturers in order that in each case we could pick up the most suitable material: it is easy to guess that for internal and external work a different composition. It is necessary to take into account the type and material of the leveling surface. We suggest placing all the dots over the "i" and figuring out which shpaklevku choose for walls, ceiling and floor, and what - for gypsum board and wood.

    №1. Putty and putty - is there any difference?

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    A beginner in the field of construction works can be confused by the fact that there are two similar words - "putty" and "putty". Manufacturers pour oil on the fire and use both concepts. Actually,Putty and putty - it's the same, just the origin of the words is a little different.

    Word"putty"came to us from the German language, more precisely from the word "spatel which denotes a small construction shovel, which is used to leveling mixtures. Another name for the material,"Putty", appeared from the word "putty which, in turn, means the process of applying the mixture with a spatula. Dictionaries allow an equal use of both words, but it so happens that in vocational vocabulary more often they say "putty and in colloquial - "putty."


    №2. Kinds of putties according to purpose

    By the purpose of putty it is common to divide into such types:

    • starting (leveling);
    • finishing (decorative);
    • universal.

    The main difference is the granularity of the material.

    Starting puttyhave high grain size, excellent strength and adhesion. They are intendedfor wall levelingwith visible defects and a drop of up to 10-15 mm, can be applieda layer from 3 mm to 2 cm. Such compositions can be used as an independent leveling agent or used after plastering. For best results, apply the starting filler better in a couple of layers. You can work with two spatulas: one slightly more - to apply the mixture to the wall, the second - to withdraw the mixture from the container. If the wall surface contains not just defects in the form of holes, but has vertical deviations, you will have to take a long construction rule.

    Finishing puttyit is applied over the starting one, it is intended for the final facing of the walls before the decorative finishing (painting, wallpapering). Such compositions are characterized by less granularity, so they make it possible to form a perfectly flat and smooth surface. On the strength of the finish putty gives way to the starting, can be appliedlayer with a maximum of 5 mm, is easily processed. As in the case with the starting composition, finish is better to apply in two layers. For subsequent painting, choose fine-grained filler (100 microns).


    Universal compoundssuitable for both leveling and finishing. It makes sense to use them when the surface is characterized by minimal irregularities and swings. Such putties are more expensive than starting and decorative ones, but they are inferior in quality to them. In the presence of serious flaws it is more expedient to take two separate compositions - you will win for money and for the result.

    No. 3. Kinds of putty on the degree of readiness

    There are a few options - putty can be sold in two versions:

    • dry mix, requiring dilution with water in strictly defined proportions;
    • finished putty.

    Dry mixesare sold most actively, because they are inexpensive and have a longer shelf life. Such putties are sold in packages weighing from 5 to 25 kg, they are easy to transport and store. In order to obtain the necessary pasty filler from a dry powder, it is sufficient to quench the composition with water in a certain amount. The time for mixing and mixing goes a little, but the putty obtained in this way quickly grasp, so it is necessary to work quickly, and to mix material in large batches is not it will turn out. In order to obtain a solution with clearly defined parameters specified by the manufacturer, it is necessary to act strictly according to the instructions. Some carry the disadvantages and the need to spend time preparing the solution, but, frankly, this is not a very large time cost. The disadvantage is also the presence of dust during mixing.

    Ready-made formulationsare sold in buckets or large tanks. It is not difficult to guess that they can be used immediately, and this is a time saving and no risk of disrupting the proportions, having received the shpaklevku of the wrong quality. Additional tools and capacities are also not needed. Shelf life of the finished product is less than that of dry putty, but much more than that of dry powdered dry putty. Stand ready compounds are more expensive than dry ones.

    №4. Kinds of putty on composition

    Depending on what materials are included in the composition, putties are:

    • on cement basis;
    • on gypsum basis;
    • polymer fillers (this includes acrylic, latex and polymer-cement compositions).

    Less often, but are used, oil-glue, glue and oil filler, as well as shpakril.

    Cement putty

    Inexpensive and durable cement puttiesare prepared on the basis of cement, sand and water.Cement usually takes the brands M400 or M500, sand - small, river, with a minimum amount of impurities. Such compounds are sold in the form of dry mixtures, but some masters prepare it themselves, mixing 1 part of cement with 3-4 parts of sand and closing the solution with water until it sets. It should not be too thick, and not too liquid. To prepare the right solution, you need to have a solid experience in the performance of putty work, so it's much easier to take a dry mixture and dilute it with water.

    Advantages of cement putty:

    • high strength, according to this parameter, the compositions have no analogues. To destroy a layer of cement putty it is possible unless, having struck on it a hammer;
    • moisture resistance, so the compositionuse in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen, swimming pool) and for facade works;
    • resistance to low temperatures;
    • low price.


    • complexity of application. Even an experienced specialist for a working day will be able to plaster no more than 7-8 m2 of surface;
    • low elasticity. Grind the composition is necessary almost immediately after application, until it is dry;
    • ability to shrink. Often there is a need to re-apply the putty;
    • On the surface immediately or with time, cracks may appear;
    • the compound does not adhere well to a smooth surface (for example, monolithic reinforced concrete);
    • the composition is not suitable for the treatment of wooden surfaces;
    • long drying process.

    Plaster putty

    White and plastic gypsum plaster is excellent for preparing walls for painting. With its help it's easy to getperfectly flat surface. Gypsum can take excess moisture from the air, and then - give it back when the air becomes too dry.

    Main advantages:

    • the ability to create a perfectly flat surface without roughness, perfectly suitable for further painting or other lining;
    • no shrinkage;
    • gypsum plaster is perfectly levelable;
    • the composition dries quickly;
    • high degree of fire resistance;
    • gypsum passes air, is not susceptible to mold formation, is safe for health;
    • improves the insulation of the room;
    • low price.


    • low resistance to moisture and temperature changes, so that the scope of use of gypsum putties is limited exclusivelydry heated rooms;
    • low strength;
    • plaster putty is capable of accelerating the corrosion of metal.

    Polymer putty

    As the name suggests, polymers are based on it. Such putties provide an ideal result, but are expensive. Depending on which polymer was used, the following formulations are distinguished:

    • acrylic puttyIs a kind of universal composition. It can be used to alignbrick, concrete walls, wooden floors, cement surfaces, plasterboard and metal, as well as for finishing works. With the help of this composition, it is possible to obtain a perfectly smooth, almost mirror-like surface, which is why often such a putty is used for the ceiling. Apply the composition can be both a thin layer of 1 mm, and thicker. Acrylic putty is suitable forinternal and external works(there is a special composition for the facades), can be used inwet rooms, it differs excellent adhesion with different kinds of surfaces, has no smell, it forms a strong layer. It is easy to work with, and you can wash your hands and tools with plain water. The material is not afraid of moisture and allows you to protect the walls or ceiling from moisture, easily sanded with sandpaper, does not shrink, but it is not cheap. On the shelves of shops there is a large number of fakes and poor-quality goods, in which there are extraneous impurities. They can leave scratches on the surface;
    • latex puttyis prepared on the basis of acrylate latex, it is great for creating the finish layer. With its help, you can get a perfectly smooth surface, however, it is not desirable to apply a layer more than 3 mm - the material can crack. The composition is excellent for work withplasterboardcan also be used for levelingwooden, brick and concrete surfaces. Sphere of use is limitedinternal works;
    • polymer cement putty- it is actually the same cement, but due to the introduction of the polymer components, it has become more plastic. Used for levelingconcrete and brick surfaces, can be applied up to 2 cm.

    Other types of putties

    Much rarer, but still use such types of putty:

    • oil-based puttyconsists of water, drying oil, acrylates, plasticizers and other additives. Intended forinternal works, suitable forwood and concrete. Has a specific smell, inferior in properties to many other species, so today it is practically not applied;
    • oil puttyon the basis of drying oil, driers and chalk is used in interior work when preparing door, window apertures, window sills and other wet places. Suitable for leveling for subsequent finishing with oil paints;
    • shpakrilcan be used for plastering plinths and leveling plastered surfaces. Sometimes the composition is used for gluing ceramic tiles in dry rooms. When diluted with water, a whitening mixture is obtained;
    • PVA-based puttyin the composition has a mass of antiseptic additives, so that the mold and fungus material is not terrible. The composition is suitable for leveling concrete, plaster, plasterboard and asbestos-cement surfaces.

    №5. What kind of putty should I choose?

    As you can see from the existing assortment, putty is chosen depending on what material will be leveled, taking into account the peculiarities of the temperature and humidity conditions in the room:

    1. for walls it is possible to choose practically any putty. If it concerns bedrooms, living rooms, children's, vestibules, offices and other rooms with a normal level of humidity, it is best to take a plaster filler. For work in the bathroom suitable cement or acrylic putty;
    2. for puttying the ceilingusually take an acrylic composition that allows you to create the most smooth and smooth surface, but plaster putty is also quite applicable;
    3. for puttying wooden surfacesit is better to choose an acrylic composition;
    4. for plasterboard plasteringsuitable acrylic composition, as well as gypsum, if it is a question of dry premises;
    5. for facade and other outdoor workssuitable cement and acrylic facade putty;
    6. for paintingit is better to take a plaster or polymer filler - they create a smooth beautiful layer. Under the wallpaper can be used and cheaper cement.

    №6. Puttying the walls with your own hands

    Putty can be used for leveling surfaces with minor irregularities and level changes, otherwise plastering or even plasterboard sheet installation is required. With shpaklevkoj walls and ceilings it is simple to consult the hands:

    • surface preparation, which consists in cleaning from dust, degreasing and mandatory priming. If it concerns rooms with a high level of humidity, it is possible to further treat the walls with an antifungal agent;
    • if you chose a dry mix, then dilute it with the indicated amount of water on the package and mix until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Ready filler before use also does not interfere with a little stir;
    • starting puttyit is best to apply withtwo spatulas. The fact that smaller, scoop the composition of the container and apply to the one that is bigger. It is also convenient for them to remove the remnants of the mixture. The size of a large spatula depends on the degree of unevenness of the surface. If the swings are significant, it is generally better to take a rule (may be length up to, m) with an integrated level and control the quality of the work performed. If the starting puttying is applied in two layers, it is better to use reinforcing reinforcing mesh and primer layer between them;
    • finishing fillerApply after drying the starting layer, but some masters ignore it, if as a cladding will be used dense wallpaper, decorative plaster, tiles and other materials, except for the usual paints. Some prefer to blur the finishing layer with a primer solution and sand it to finally get rid of all the irregularities.

    №7. Large manufacturers of putties

    The market putty today is oversaturated - you can find a mixture of any composition, for any type of surface and, most interesting, for almost any price. We all like to save money, especially when it seems that there is no difference between two similar products at all. When it comes to putty, saving does not seem like such a sensible thing, because hardly anyone will want the putty layer to crack and after a few months fall off together with the paint. Trust is betterproducts of major manufacturers:

    • Knauf- a large German company, whose factories are now located around the world, incl. in Russia, which allows us to buy quality products at more affordable prices. Putties Knauf are presented by cement, gypsum and polymer compositions, are sold in dry and ready kind. There are solutions for all areas of use. A special solution of the company is gypsum plaster with components that protect against X-rays;
    • Ceresit- production of a large concern, which enjoys great popularity all over the world. Under the Ceresit brand, cement and polymer fillers are sold;
    • Tikkurila- another well-known concern, which, among other things, produces and putty. The company offers acrylic waterproof and gypsum compounds. Also in the assortment there is a putty Euro Filler Light, which is characterized by ease of application and no need to grind - the surface itself becomes even. The color of the composition can be chosen from 15 proposed. The company also offers Spakkeli wood shampoo, which is suitable for processing doors, furniture and other wooden surfaces indoors;
    • Vetonitoffers polymeric, cement compositions and putty on an organic binder. There is a composition that not only aligns the seams on the drywall, old painted surfaces and wallpaper, but also allows creating a textured decorative surface;
    • Kreisel- German company, which has factories in 20 countries, incl. in Russia. Putties are represented by cement and gypsum compositions;
    • "Starateli"- putty of domestic production. The quality is not bad, the prices are affordable. The assortment is represented by gypsum, cement, polymer-cement and polymer compositions, which are suitable for starting and finishing works in dry and wet rooms, as well as for outdoor works;
    • Volma- another domestic manufacturer, which has a good reputation. The assortment of formulations is very wide. There are gypsum and polymer putties with different particle sizes. There are solutions for any situation.

    You can also advise the products of "Ural Building Mixtures "ARMstrong" and "Eurogypse".

    When buying, do not forget to inspect the integrity of the package, pay attention to the expiration date and when desire to ask for conformity certificates - from any responsible manufacturer and seller they must be.

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