How to open a seedling growing business?

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Our country can still be considered the territory of summer residents. Someone grows vegetables in large personal plots, while others enjoy planting beautiful flowers for pleasure. Regardless of the scale, the demand for such seedlings remains stable. Therefore, we can conclude that the sale of seedlings is a profitable and stable business that can bring you income if you properly organize all the processes. Consider them in more detail.

How to make money on seedlings?

Growing seedlings is much more profitable than vegetables. But if you are interested in this business, get ready for competition in this niche with small farms.

Analyzing the Russian market, experts note that vegetable seedlings are in short supply today. But not because it is grown wrong. This picture is due to the lack of professional enterprises, since only a few large organizations are involved in this business. The rest of the market players are small private farms, which do not always sell high-quality seedlings.

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Choosing an Assortment of

To build a profitable business in seedlings, you need to use a wide range of crops — from the earliest varieties to the late plants. Pay attention not only to standard cultures, but also exotic ones that are not yet known to the domestic gardener.

The greatest demand comes from varieties that are resistant to moisture deficiency, since not every summer resident can water and care for them every day.

In a business organization, it is important to prevent regrading. Since the circle of buyers of seedlings does not change every year, then, without justifying the hopes of the summer resident, you may lose your customers next season.

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If you analyze the demand, then one of the most "running" can be called seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. Also relevant strawberry mustache. Along the way, it is recommended to sell flower seedlings, because many gardeners like to plant flower beds, not only in the country, but also near their homes.
From the seedlings of flowers today demand roses, daisies, petunias, pansies, Chernobrivtsy or medicinal plants. For those who wish to do business in the seedlings of flowers, you can purchase the seeds of rare plants. They are sold to landscape designers who are willing to pay big money for the exotic.

Purchase of seeds

The basis of this business is building reliable intermediary relations. At the starting stage, you should take care of the purchase of planting crops - these are bulbs, seeds, etc. The main sellers of seeds are specialized agricultural organizations. Here you will be offered a wide range of seeds, but you can not count on wholesale prices and discounts.

To save on the purchase of planting crops, you can turn to private farmers, state farms that sell vegetables and fruits.

Search for planting material needs to be completed in January-February, as the price for them increases significantly in the spring. When purchasing seeds, try to arrange for periodic deliveries.

Selecting seeds is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. In carrying out this task, try to focus on varietal seeds. It is very important when buying large quantities to insure themselves against fakes. Therefore, cooperate only with reliable sellers. Do not buy seeds in bags. For varietal plants, you should not give preference to hybrids, it is better to stop at zoned varieties.

Read also: Seedlings of raspberry cuttings

document processing

For those who wish to grow seedlings as a business, it is important to arrange all permits. Phytosanitary certification is required from the plant seller. When entering the market, get ready for regular inspections of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. You can get such a certificate in the sanitary inspection.

As a legal form of your business, it is better to register as an individual enterprise.

Organization of the greenhouse

The success of developing a business plan for the sale of seedlings largely depends on the conditions in which the plants will grow. The growth of any crop depends on the quality of the soil, the temperature of the earth and the air.

Prepare the ground in the fall, since in the spring, during planting, it is hard to find quality ground under the snow. Experts recommend the use of part of the forest land, part - manure from the garden.

It is better to plant the seeds in the boxes, which should be before the appearance of 2 leaves in the room( if the greenhouse is unheated).But then you need to dive sprouts and planted in the ground - in the greenhouse. It is recommended to start growing plants not in beds, but in specialized shelves, which should be located at a distance of 1 meter from the ground, while being sectioned. After you manage to sell the seedlings, you can remove the shelves and use the space at your discretion.

One of the most important aspects is the construction of a greenhouse. If the soil and planting crops do not require large investments, the greenhouse requires significant costs. The amount of money invested depends on the size of the business you are creating. Remember, the more finance you invest, the faster they will pay off and generate income. For a rural entrepreneur who does not have a lot of money, you can do with an inexpensive covering material and a wire arc. But in this case you should not count on a large income either, and it will take a lot of effort to care for the plants.

Read also: How to grow cabbage seedlings on your own?

But if you are planning a large turnover, the purchase of seedlings in bulk, a large-scale project, and even a professional greenhouse with heating, will have to pay a lot. On the other hand, working in such a place is a real pleasure and high yield.

Seedlings in this case will be excellent, and in the winter you can start growing greens and onions for sale.

A set of basic works for doing business includes:

  • hiring personnel( the amount depends on the initial investment, the scale of the project and the availability of outlets);
  • transportation;
  • business registration, registration of permits;
  • lease of a trading place( tent, pavilion).

Financial business plan for growing seedlings

In this project it is very difficult to calculate the level of income. A sample business plan is as follows:

In order to grow 1200 pcs.seedlings, necessary: ​​

  • greenhouse - film or polycarbonate( approximate size - 3 x 5 m.);
  • seeds, bulbs, seedlings;
  • heating system of the greenhouse( plus the cost of electricity).

Approximately 100 seedlings are grown from 1 m² of area. This means that early seating can be sold for 9-12 rubles per root. On average, a greenhouse with an area of ​​15 m² will give an income of 12 thousand rubles. If you build a greenhouse more than 100 m², you can count on a profit of 100-120 thousand rubles. As already mentioned, in the winter you can grow greens or vegetables.

When it is better to plant tomato seedlings - read our article!

Video: business on the greenhouse

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