We study the methods of transplantation and reproduction of nephrolepis


Nephrolepis transplant is carried out annually. The plant comes from the subtropics has become extremely popular in central Russia. This room fern is known for its ability to purify the air by absorbing toxic substances, killing microbes. No wonder he takes pride of place on the windowsills of medical institutions.

Transplanting Instructions for

Growing nephrolepis is easy - the plant is unpretentious and does not require special care. Enough to provide a light mode, eliminating the presence in direct sunlight, the air temperature is not below 20⁰C and high humidity levels.

Before a plant reaches the age of three years, nephrolepis is transplanted every year, and after 2 years. The best time for this procedure is spring.

Pre-pick the pot, on the bottom of which the drainage layer is laid - if not to ensure the waste water is expelled, acidification of the soil will lead to the death of the plant. As a drainage they use crushed bricks, expanded clay, pebbles. A disinfected substrate is poured over it.

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When planting a fern, it is not necessary to cover the plant's neck with earth, the upper part of the rhizome should be left above the soil surface.

After transplantation, watering is required. In the first week it is especially important to maintain the soil moisture in order to prevent the lower leaves from drying out. Further, besides watering, regular spraying of a plant is carried out. Daylight should be at least 16 hours, which is provided by the creation of additional illumination.

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Mineral fertilizers are periodically applied. Stop using them only from October to February.

Choosing a Pot for Transplanting

The first transplant of nephrolepis is carried out in a small pot. In too large, the roots may rot as a result of fluid accumulating at the bottom. For subsequent transplants capacity is chosen more than the previous diameter. Due to the superficial root system of the fern, the height of the pot can remain the same. It is important to pay attention to its stability.

Soil Requirements

How well the plant will take root in a new place depends largely on the substrate. It is prepared in advance, mixing in equal parts high-moor peat, greenhouse and coniferous land. To the resulting mass add bone meal at the rate of 5 g per 1 kg of soil.

Another option for preparing a soil mix is ​​from hardwood, river sand and peat mixed in a 4: 1: 1 ratio, respectively. Adding a small amount of charcoal will help protect the plant from pests.

Preparing and disinfecting the substrate on your own is a painstaking process, so it is easier to purchase the soil mix in a specialized store.

Nephrolepis Breeding Methods

An interesting feature of a room fern is its ability to reproduce. This happens in various ways:

  1. Reproduction of nephrolepis spores. They are formed on the underside of fern leaves and are small brown dots. The spores are gently scraped and sown in moist soil. The container is removed away from light, covered with glass. Moisturize the soil daily, preventing it from drying out. After the first shoots appear on the surface, the container is moved to the illuminated place. When the seedlings grow a little, some of them are removed, leaving the strongest specimens at a distance of 3 cm. A month later, they are transplanted into separate pots.
  2. Reproduction of nephrolepis shoots. Planting a fern using this method ensures good rooting, thus creating a completely new plant. The shoot, on which there are no leaves, is pressed to the soil surface in a nearby pot. To do this, use a wire or pin. Special requirements are imposed on the substrate - 70% of its composition should be occupied by leafy ground and 15% each of peat and sand. As soon as the young leaves appear on the shoot, it is separated, transplanted into a separate pot.
  3. Reproduction of nephrolepis rhizome. In this way, it is recommended to transplant only a large bush with at least ten growth points. Dividing the plant, each part is placed in a separate pot, covered with plastic wrap on top. Put the pot on a well-lit, warm place. The film is periodically removed for ventilation, during which conduct watering and spraying the leaves.
  4. Reproduction of nephrolepis by tubers. This method is suitable only for those types of fern in which tubers are formed on the roots. Thanks to this method of transplanting it is possible to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the plant. Separating the tuber, it is placed in a prepared substrate, where it immediately germinates.
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Nefrolepis fern is an ideal plant for landscaping apartments, offices, public institutions. Thick, bright green mist of leaves will be not only a worthy decoration of the interior, but also a kind of air purifier.

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