How to make the union balcony with a kitchen or a room without breaking the law

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A little you can expand the space of the apartment, if you do combine the balcony with the kitchen or room. This is especially true for small apartments, where every meter of free space is important.

. It is necessary to prepare documents.

. Combining a loggia( balcony) with a room can be done in two ways:

  1. Removing the window opening with a door, while the wall with the sill block is not demolished and the threshold is not removed. For this permission is not necessary. After the work is done, you will need to take the plan of the apartment in the BTI, indicate what changes have been made.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. When dismantling the window sill, removing the entire wall where the window and door were located, permission is required.

Do not connect to the room or kitchen balcony. But there is no separate paragraph in more than one legal document. However, this is explained by the fact that the heating system of the building is not designed for heating additional space.

Increasing the load on the heating system will be greater, leading to a decrease in the temperature in the rooms. After that, the neighbors may appear fungus and mold.

A balcony with a room should be separated by a sliding frame or French doors. Also note that radiators on the balcony or loggia are not allowed to endure. Therefore, it is necessary to think over the heating system of the additional zone and move the radiator, which was placed on the subwindow unit, to a new location.

Some documents will have to be issued:

  1. It is necessary to take a technical passport for an apartment at BTI.
  2. Consent living in the apartment.
  3. Neighbors, whose balcony is located on a single plate with your building, must also give consent in writing.
  4. To create a redevelopment project, contact the project organization with the technical passport or the organization that developed the model project for your home.
  5. Next, take the project, documents on the ownership, write an application for redevelopment and go to the Housing Inspectorate for permission for redevelopment.

After the repair is completed, you need to invite the Housing Inspector, he will issue an Act on the redevelopment. Provide it in BTI for receiving the new technical passport.

If it is necessary to demolish the threshold and the remaining walls, it is necessary to indicate this in the project, when submitting the documents, what is necessary to obtain recommendations for reinforcing the opening.

In monolithic houses, you can dismantle the subwindow unit and the threshold. Since they are not carrying, it is even possible to remove part of the bearing wall.

Do not remove the span in the panel house.

Joining the balcony to the room

We turn to the repair work, and analyze in detail how to combine the balcony with a kitchen or a room. We start with the strengthening and warming of the structure:

  1. We remove the old glazing, finishing materials, and do not touch the window unit.
  2. We level the floor, pour concrete irregularities during dismantling with concrete.
  3. We lay out the wall of the required height. It is advisable to use cellular concrete. It is lighter than brick.
  4. Next, we sheathe the balcony from the outside with siding, professional sheet or clapboard.
  5. We insert two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows. Single-chamber construction or profile for windows will lose a lot of heat.
  6. We remove the window block, if the redevelopment provides for the removal of the subwindow wall, and dismantle it. This is the most difficult process. For this you need a hammer drill and a grinder. The radiator will have to be transferred to another wall, because bringing it onto the balcony is strictly prohibited. When transferring, do not forget to turn off the water, cut down the structure and reinstall it to another place. Most likely, you will have to add additional batteries, because the area of ​​the room will increase.
  7. If the wooden threshold, then it can be removed without problems. Concrete can not touch. We leave it and further beat it up in the form of a podium. This is a great solution for options when connected to a balcony with a room in the form of a bedroom or living room. You can organize a seating area, with a dressing table and chairs.
  8. Take all measures to strengthen the structure.
  9. Go to the wiring. We think over how the lighting will be located, install all the necessary fixtures. Outlets on the balcony is not recommended. We use extension cords, wire we hide in the box or pipe.
  10. We start to engage in insulation, walls, floors. We also insulate the ceiling in order to avoid large heat losses in the future. It is advisable to carefully consider what material to use. It is preferable that these were modern heaters that will transmit heat to a minimum. You can use mineral wool mats or polystyrene foam.
  11. Metallic coating additionally insulate the balcony. Fasten metal bars or wood. It depends on the type of balcony cladding.
  12. We install a warm floor if provided.
  13. Sheathe finishing materials, paint or paste over the wallpaper. Finishing works and the material used depends on the type of room with which the loggia is combined, as well as on the design decision.
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How to combine a loggia with the kitchen

Usually there is not enough free meters in the kitchen, and this option allows you to organize a dining area or additional space for equipment.

For dismantling it will be enough to remove the window and the door, you can not touch the wall, and use the sub-window unit in the form:

  • bar counter;
  • backgrounds;
  • flower stands;
  • worktop, on which the hob will be located.

A good bar counter will turn out from the subwindow block, and that is convenient, you will not have to carry the radiator.

It is possible to transfer the working area to the former balcony, but it is worth considering that:

  1. You cannot load this area with heavy furniture and appliances. Before you come to such a decision, you need to decide on the permissible load.
  2. Do not forget that the outlet on the balcony is prohibited. They must be in the kitchen.

How to conduct electricity to the balcony, combined with the kitchen, it is advisable to consult with experts.

How to combine a balcony with a kitchen photo

On the balcony you can arrange a dining room, a bar, a place for tea,

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lockers. It remains to acquire high bar stools and spend time comfortably with friends over a glass of beer or a cup of coffee.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen can not just increase the room, this extra space is often used as a full-fledged kitchen. Place in it a kitchen set, and all necessary equipment with a sink, a stove and even a folding bar counter. And from the vacant part of the room organize a dining room.

This option is suitable for apartments located on the first floor where pipes and wiring can be provided for the project. Therefore, it is better to make a working area on the same side where the equipment was before.

Variants of combining a balcony and kitchen

On the balcony you can take out any electrical equipment, for this you should take care of available sockets.

You cannot carry a gas stove or a sink to the balcony.

Usually for a refrigerator, because of its large size, you have to look for a suitable place. Combining a kitchen with a balcony solves this problem.

You can put a small sofa, put a few pillows, it turns out a good seating area.

You can also organize a dining area with a large table, hang up the TV.

You can hang several shelves, put a cupboard for dishes. A good option to put a folding table.

If the subwindow block cannot be removed, it can be used in different versions, even insert an aquarium.

Arranging the interior of the kitchen

Once the combination of the loggia and the kitchen has been completed, you can begin to design the room. To prevent the kitchen from being tasteless and ridiculous, it is important to follow the rules:

  1. For decoration of both kitchen areas, similar finishing materials are used in a single scale or similar in tone.
  2. The resulting threshold or podium can be used as a way of zoning a room. In this way, the sofa or dining area is beautifully emphasized.
  3. Exit balcony looks beautiful in the form of arches, with columns.
  4. Depending on the interior, you can hang curtains on the windows, curtains with lambrequins. Or a more practical option, Roman curtains, as well as roll and panel.
  5. If the balcony is not large, then you should not clutter the space with large objects. Open shelves, folding tables and portable lightweight chairs will be appropriate.
  6. A good option is a transformer table, which easily unfolds from a table into a cabinet with shelves and a bed.
  7. Lighting can also combine the interior of a balcony and a kitchen. To do this, spotlights are located on the ceiling, and you can hang sconces on the walls.
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Pros and cons

There are positive and negative sides to connecting a loggia( balcony) to a room.


  1. A good solution for combining a loggia with a kitchen, in such a room it will become more cool.
  2. Increasing the area of ​​small apartments.
  3. Add design options. The living room can be supplemented with a seating area or a library. In the children's room you can equip a dressing room or playroom.
  4. In the bedroom, you can also add the added meters as a work area, for example, put a computer desk.
  5. Increasing apartment lighting, especially if the combined loggia faces the sunny side.


  1. In a room with an attached loggia, it is always 3-4 degrees less than in the room, so you should not expand the bedroom in this way, especially if children have poor immunity or the owners are sensitive to cold.
  2. The room will have much more noise, if you are annoyed by extraneous sounds, you should not attach the loggia to the bedroom, the study.

When it is not necessary to attach a loggia

There are options when this is absolutely not necessary: ​​

  1. If the structure has the form of a long and narrow opening, the width of which will be less than 75 cm after covering, the connected balcony with the room will look awkward. The result is a warm, narrow corridor. In it it will be impossible to put a computer table, to place a clothes dryer. It needs 60 cm, it will remain 10-15 cm, linen will be uncomfortable to hang out.
  2. Do not attach small corner loggias. In such a space do not fit the table and wardrobe. It will be unnecessary costs, heat loss, and extra noise.
  3. If the design is winding versatile.
  4. Do not attach balconies with front glazing. It is a single contour from the very bottom to the top of the house. A single design is almost always made of cold aluminum. You cannot cut a piece out of it and make it warm. It is not even possible to replace windows with a warmer option. Such a balcony cannot be insulated, because there is a distance of 10 cm between the stove and the double-glazed window.
  5. A difficult process, and to make repairs yourself, experience and skill are needed.

Many construction companies offer their services, develop a project and perform all repairs. And also help with the design of all necessary documents.

Is it possible to combine a balcony with a kitchen, the answer is unequivocal, yes. This is a very good solution, it remains only to decide in what way. The kitchen will become much more functional and more convenient.

Combining a loggia with a room - video

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