Micathermic heater for home and cottages

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Most recently, a new generation heater appeared - a micthermal heater. This is a worthy replacement for conventional heating appliances.

Micathermic heater: what is it? This kind of innovative heater at the base of its structure has nonmetallic plates, which are covered with a ball of mica. The technology itself got the name Micathermic (a conceptual technology that was developed for a long time and successfully introduced in the field of cosmonautics and medicine).

The principle of the innovative infrared microthermal heaters is that the radiating heat from it penetrates first into the objects that are in the room, and only then from them there is heating air.

This principle is similar to the convective method of heating. As a result of this effect, the air in the room remains the same, without lowering the humidity.

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According to studies carried out by authoritative laboratories, 80% of the heat energy is transmitted through radiation, and the remaining 20% ​​through air.

With regard to electricity consumption, the average mikatermicheskie devices are able to heat the room, an area of ​​25-30 m2, about three hours, using only, kW / h. This figure is significantly smaller than in classical electric convectors or oil coolers, which can consume up to 5 kW / h.

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The advantage of such heaters lies precisely in the loyalty to the drying of oxygen, which can not be said about many conventional household heaters. Lack of oxygen saturation in the room can lead to respiratory disease, exacerbation of chronic diseases (bronchitis, asthma). Micathermic infrared emitters are allowed and recommended for use in children's rooms.

Reviews about micatheric heaters are the most positive. Many note their compactness and high heat transfer effect, as well as a great advantage over their competitive counterparts.

Micarothermic heater Polaris

The trademark Polaris was created by an international holding company (Israel, Italy, China, Russia). The main direction Polaris - household appliances, air conditioners, climate equipment, laser measuring tools, water heaters and heating equipment. The household appliances of the holding are not inferior to such eminent brands as Panasonic, Philips, Redmond.

One of the most affordable models for country purposes is the Polaris PCH 1071 Micathermic Heater.

Due to its heating properties (the power of the heating element is 1 kW.), It is capable of heating a room of 12 m2. The new design and ergonomic layout of the control panel will allow using it in any part of the room and in several installation options (on the floor, wall or on the ceiling).


The Polaris heater has two types of heating:

  • Natural convection. It arises spontaneously, naturally - the lower layers of air or objects are heated initially, then transmit heat higher, because they become lighter. At the same time, the upper, cold layers descend downwards, where they can be influenced by the rays of the heater. The process goes on continuously. This is the basic principle of the action of the micthermic heater.
  • Additional thermal radiation. It accounts for 20% of the efficiency (efficiency) of the whole process of heating the room.
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Recently, new models of micarothermic infrared heaters Polaris PMH 1596RCD and Polaris PMH 2097RCD have appeared. They have an electronic display (LED-display), which shows some parameters of the operating state of the heating device (the temperature of the heating plate and the heating mode).

New models have 4 plates in each of their heating elements, which makes it possible to provide room for heat more efficiently, without consuming a large amount of energy (, - 2 kW / h).

Innovative developments that are concentrated in the design:

  • Function "climate control" (built-in automatic thermostat). It is enough to set the desired temperature mode, and the device will automatically support it.
  • "Anti-frost" mode. In the absence of people in the room for a long period of time, it will not allow the temperature to drop below 7C.

Thanks to such developments, the question of maintaining a comfortable regime in the cottage is automatically solved.

In 2015 it is planned to release another novelty - Polaris PMH 1501HUM, which will become a reliable assistant in providing and maintaining coziness in the house.

Video review of the Polaris PMH 1501 HUM

Micathermic heater or convector - what to choose?

If we compare a conventional convector and a microthermal heater, it should be noted that the principle of action for them practically the same - they first heat objects, then air, and without disturbing the balance of humidity in indoors.

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There are still differences. Convectors heat objects only those that are in close proximity to them. While micthermercury heaters use long-wave infrared radiation. It is more effective. Micothermic heaters use much less electricity than conventional convectors.

Convectors are usually equipped with fans to circulate air through the device. Such fans often break down, which can lead to overheating and failure of the convector. Micathermic heaters do not have moving structural elements, therefore, in this respect, they are much more reliable and do not create additional noise.

On the question of what to choose - makertermicheskiy heater or conventional convector, you can give a clear answer: the convector a little loses in quality characteristics. Therefore, taking into account all the pluses and minuses of the micthermic heater and convector, it is necessary to choose the heater for the heating of the cottage.

Video review of the Mikatermic Heater Element MK-2001

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