The deepening of the well with your hands: how to deepen dried-up water source

Wells used since ancient times by mankind. The technology of their construction and honed for centuries almost unchanged. Remain unchanged and the problems faced by the owners of such facilities. One of the most common - reducing the amount of water. Often the only solution is often to deepen its wells to the next aquifer.

We look at how to do it right.

The content of the article:

  • The device and the well structure
  • Reasons for withdrawal of water from the well
  • Deepen or deepen?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different methods
    • Deepening using rings of smaller diameter
    • Drilling of the well at the bottom of the construction
    • The deepening of the well to the dismantling of the old rings
    • Draft rings using cargo
    • Capacity manhole bottom wall
  • The recess structure repair rings
    • Preparatory work
    • directly recess
    • Finishing work in the well
  • The deepening of the well by undermining
    • Preparatory work
    • to deepen the work
    • The final work in the well
  • Useful videos on the topic

The device and the well structure

well design is not changed for hundreds of years. The construction is a shaft, the bottom of which is located in the aquifer.

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The walls of the trunk strengthened from fraying. For these purposes, the stone can be used as wood or a modern version - reinforced concrete ring. At the bottom are usually settling filter, which is a bed of gravel 10-15 cm high. There are more complex multi-layer filters, consisting of crushed stone, gravel and sand.

Mine locked so called Well houses, which houses the mechanism for lifting water. The construction may be provided with a pump, which substantially facilitates the flow of water.

well device
The figure shows the diagram of the device mine pit. Any structure of this kind is arranged in a similar way

The main "competitor" well considered well. However, despite its advantages, many prefer the traditional water source.

For proper operation of the well last longer than the hole, while maintaining the purity of simply in it.

Construction of manual water lifting mechanism does not need electricity and can be used in all conditions, while the downhole pump is always energozavisim. Furthermore, a well can be dug up and equip manually without involvement of special equipment and tools. However, trouble-free operation of the wells is rare.

Reasons for withdrawal of water from the well

The water level in the well may not be permanent. It depends on a combination of many factors beyond the control of the owner of the construction.

In the first place there are the hydrogeological conditions of the area. Prolonged drought in the summer and extreme cold in the winter can lead to a complete drying out of the well. This is quite normal and does not require any human intervention.

dry well
The presence of water in the well is influenced by many factors. Perhaps, adverse weather conditions led to its drying out. If human intervention is not required, after some time, he again filled with water

Practice shows that the water will come back after some time. Most often, the consequences of this phenomenon affects those who dug their own wells in the early summer.

At this time accounts for the peak perched lift that makes a mistake to stop working, do not get to the real aquifer. Therefore, experts strongly recommend to engage by pressing of a new well in the dry season or late autumn, and even better - in March, prior to the melting of snow.

Often there is limited in the size of the aquifer gradually dries up. Especially if he does not have a regular make-up and operation has been quite active. In this case, the question is brewing as better deepen an old well or build a new source. In most cases, rational deepening as the least costly exercise.

The same is done in the case of sudden lowering of the groundwater in the area. This occurs if the aquifer or the lens can not be fed from the infiltration of rain. In addition, the well bottom is silt, making it impervious to water and causes it to look for other ways to exit.

It also happens that the rainfall is normal, but the water in the well is still there. In this case, the reason may be the appearance in the immediate vicinity of the new wells or wells with an impressive abundance of water, which are able to temporarily "take away" the water. In this case, you need to wait four or five weeks, if the water level is not restored, it is necessary to deepen the mine pit.

cleaning the wells
Silted filter - one of the reasons for the decline of water flow into the well. It should be cleaned regularly. Even in this case, it rises from the bottom of a large amount of silt and mud

And another reason for the disappearance of the water can be wear materials water intake of the manhole shaft. The water in this case will go to emerging gap. They can be very difficult to detect, because the damage placed under a layer of sediment and sludge. It needs cleaning wells, repair and complete its sealing.

Deepen or deepen?

Deepening the well dried up with his own hands - occupation is very difficult and costly, both in time and in money. That is why it is important to determine the feasibility of a future event.

First of all, you need to answer a few questions:

  1. Reducing the amount of water in the well it may not be associated with the weather: prolonged frost or prolonged drought.
  2. The remaining water in the well maintained its quality. It has no foreign odors, nice and clean. If it is not, perhaps silting of the bottom of the filter. The problem is solved competent cleaning.
  3. In the nearby wells the water level has not changed.

If all the questions we give a positive answer, it is possible that the problem is in your well, and it needs to be deepened. But hurry with the beginning of work is still not worth it.

To begin, it makes sense to carry out the following measures:

  • to conduct geological surveys by interviewing neighbors - the owners of wells or wells;
  • accurately determine the daily flow of water;
  • to find out in the weather service or the owners of exploited sources of water, the depth at which they opened the water-carrier;
  • determine the ability of the soil to "hold" the shaft wall without precipitation.

Such time-consuming preparatory work related to the fact that all types of soil have their own characteristics and are characterized by certain nuances at work.

Violation technology and incompetent employee may cause overlapping of the aquifer, and even the destruction of the barrel when ingested quicksand.

well deepening
The deepening of the well - an extremely time-consuming and costly exercise. Before starting any work necessary to verify its feasibility. It is possible that digging a new well will be the best solution

Quicksand called primer consisting of a mixture of water-saturated sand, sludge and organic matter which, when certain conditions, is set in motion, it is dangerous not only for the well, but also arranged nearby buildings.

Errors in the deepening of the well shaft can be too expensive, both in terms of labor costs and in terms of money. The procedure can be carried out only once in the case of failure of the well will only fall asleep.

Thus the cost of a new well dug near some cases it may be less than the deepening of the old, with guarantees of success will not give one. Experts recommend to deepen the mine in the presence of several conditions:

  • At the bottom of the barrel there is quicksand.
  • The mine pit is very deep, at least 10 rings. Otherwise, the construction of the new building will be cheaper.
  • Good water quality at the source.
  • No deformation of concrete rings inside the trunk. If the offset is, their value does not exceed 40 mm.
  • Daily debit of water is less than one ring.

To deepen the well to have a second aquifer. This is at least 5 meters, which guarantees that the water is safe to drink, no.

Quicksand at the bottom of the well
Stock quicksand bottom of the well, the moving bed of a mixture of sand, sludge and organic matter, often an insurmountable obstacle for the further deepening

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods

Options, according to which we can deepen a dry well in the country, there may be several. Let us consider each of them and find out the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Deepening using rings of smaller diameter

The method involves building up the shaft bottom repair smaller rings. The main advantage of this method is speed and minimal cost to its arrangement.

What are the "pitfalls"? First of all, we must understand that the most common diameter concrete rings everything for Well - 1m Thus, as the repair items can be selected with a diameter of 0.8 or even. 0.6 m.

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Prerequisites to deepen the well
The deepening of the well is carried out in case the aquifer is not passed by 3/4 of its capacity or is there a reason to expose the underlying layer of a water-saturated
Season to perform deepening wells
Proceed to the deepening of the well at any time of the year. Suit and winter, because they do not have to open the frozen ground
Assembling the barrel repair of concrete rings
During the deepening pit mine is built up from the bottom, tapering trunk, set the smaller diameter ring
Preparing for the deepening of the well
Before deepening the mine conducted the standard work on cleaning and repairing water intake
How to carry out dredging
Measures to deepen the well held on the traditional pattern, the realization of which it is necessary to descend into the mine
Digging wells to deepen
Similarly, the normal procedure to dig a well at the bottom of the soil is destroyed and removed, then alternately set ring
Treatment of joints of concrete rings
Joints rings are connected with the solution applied to the mounting ring and a chamfer at the seam. Between the rings are connected by metal straps or plates
Sealing walls depth of the well
To increase the service life of structures and walls of sealing the seams is recommended to treat impregnation
Prerequisites to deepen the well
Prerequisites to deepen the well
Season to perform deepening wells
Season to perform deepening wells
Assembling the barrel repair of concrete rings
Assembling the barrel repair of concrete rings
Preparing for the deepening of the well
Preparing for the deepening of the well
How to carry out dredging
How to carry out dredging
Digging wells to deepen
Digging wells to deepen
Treatment of joints of concrete rings
Treatment of joints of concrete rings
Sealing walls depth of the well
Sealing walls depth of the well

Buy such prefabricated ring is quite difficult, the quality of products produced privates, can be very different.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that before lowering repair ring will have to cut the bracket from the main rings. Thus, the well will be left without a ladder that very uncomfortable. In addition, repair rings rarely equipped with straps.

Thus, the depth of the well multimeter remains without a ladder, which in itself is a problem. Another detail: the construction has, the more difficult it work.

Ring diameter 0.8 m, very inconvenient to work with, diameter 0.6m - practically unusable. It concerns concrete rings, but there is another option of deepening with plastic elements. It should be understood that the hardness of plastic in this case would not be enough.

An indentation with a repair rings
The figure is a diagram deepening the well by means of the barrel rings repair of smaller diameter

Drilling of the well at the bottom of the construction

This method involves drilling with subsequent descent into it and the pump casing assembly. Thus, well, in fact, it turns into the well.

This is quite an economical and easy way. The disadvantage is the need for regular cleaning of the newly drilled structures that can not be done without professionals.

Furthermore, the well located in not very abundant lump formation will give a small volume of water. The problem can be solved by installing a special storage tank, but it will require additional effort and costs. Another "minus" - the period of power outage well becomes unusable.

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The reason for drilling the well
The most compelling reason whereby deepened by drilling a well is too much and dangerous for digging depth
Why are drilled instead of digging
The second compelling premise for drilling in the well - the inability to pump out the water for work
Rock drilling
The third argument - rocks in the section. It makes no sense to pass manually that can destroy only the bit
Construction of wells in the well
Drilled in the well borehole settling submersible pump according to the general rules WCC deep excavations
The reason for drilling the well
The reason for drilling the well
Why are drilled instead of digging
Why are drilled instead of digging
Rock drilling
Rock drilling
Construction of wells in the well
Construction of wells in the well

The deepening of the well to the dismantling of the old rings

To implement the conceived need to remove all the old ring and expand the resulting pit. Then construction deepens, and rings mounted again.

Experts believe this method is the most impractical and even dangerous. First of all, to dismantle the entire ring is unlikely to succeed. Most of the elements located below the third ring is likely to be damaged. Thus, the need to buy new parts.

well deepening
Repair work on the bottom of the well are classified as dangerous. It is not necessary to aggravate the danger of their disregard safety rules

In addition, work in a well fortified with walls not dangerous, if the depth exceeds 4.5 m facilities, then deadly.

Despite the claims of "craftsmen" that supposedly wet soil does not crumble, it could collapse at any moment without any obvious precursors. Save a person caught in this moment at the bottom of the well, it would be extremely difficult, in some cases impossible.

Draft rings using cargo

After the mine produced undermining bottom sediment load rings. Such a process can only be effective for a new well, which was dug up no more than a couple of months ago. Otherwise, the soil had compacted so that a uniform deposition of the mine is impossible.

Most likely, there will be a gap trunk, fix that would be virtually impossible. In addition, simple calculations show that the force that must be applied to the top of the column must be very large.

It is unlikely that it will ensure the well cap loaded with stones. Even heavy equipment, such as, "Kirovets" with attachments, it may be powerless. Although, in practice, it is able to push about 5 concrete rings when properly carried out preparatory work.

Another caveat: technique can crush the upper ring, so you should do everything very carefully.

Capacity manhole bottom wall

The method involves taking out the ground from under the old mines and strengthening the resulting wall brickwork or concrete. In this way, are the owners of the wells, which rings are firmly "sitting" in the ground and besiege them impossible.

The method is quite viable, but time-consuming. If you plan the installation of the masonry should be especially careful to choose the material.

well deepening
To build up the well shaft is necessary to choose only quality material. Brick-underburning fall apart in a moist environment is less than a year, which is absolutely unacceptable

The so-called "incomplete combustion", which is quite a lot, in a humid environment fall apart very quickly, which is unacceptable. If the wall is to be used to strengthen concrete, you need to take care of its quality. On cement, you should not save. Reinforcement must also be of high quality. The main difficulty in the concreting will be at a disadvantage of such works.

In addition, work will take a very long time, as well deepen in this way more than 30-40 cm at a time is dangerous. This is due to the fact that at undermining the mine is always a chance of sudden sedimentation columns.

If at this point there will be backfilled layer of concrete or brick, but it is still fresh and cement could not gain the required strength, the ring is easy to break it. Thus, the work should be carried out only in several stages, 30-40 cm, with mandatory breaks for cement hardening.

The recess structure repair rings

It is most commonly used way to deepen wells.

Experts warn against mine a method of work, when assembled repair column is lowered by undermining the soil below. In this case, it can easily get stuck and bring it down so hard.

Optimally perform gradual lowering of the elements and perform all connections directly inside the well.

well deepening
In the course of the preparatory work required to connect the ring metal straps 4 pieces at the seam. This will prevent the column from the break with the possible shifting of the soil

For work, we need: a shovel with a short handle and a conventional bayonet, ladder, apparatus for lighting, a device for lift excavated soil to the surface, winch, jackhammer, manual or electric drill, the level and the pump for pumping water.

Of the materials must be purchased reconstruction smaller ring than standing in the well, the diameter of the sealant for the seams, clamps and fittings for temporarily fixing parts.

Let us step by step process.

Preparatory work

We start with a tour of the new rings and the well wall. Check whether there is any serious irregularities that may interfere with the descent design.

Omitted in the construction of the drain pump and pump out the water completely. Since the exposed bottom remove silt and sediments, raising them to the surface. If the well has been the bottom filter, remove the entire filling. Remove all soil saturated with water.

Once again, let us inspect the well wall. If they are very dirty, perform cleaning. Scrape away the moss and deposits from the walls of concrete rings.

Now you can start to strengthen them. To do this, connect the joints of the Rings special clamps at least 4 on each seam, which guarantees a fixed member. Thus, we minimize the risk of deformation of the old column.

well deepening
Lower repair ring into the well can not be alone. You need a special device, and the assistance of other professionals

directly recess

We begin to dig. We are moving from the shaft center to the edges. We continue to work until the hole wall will not crumble under the pressure of water supplied from the outside.

After that sinks to the bottom ring reconstruction, building a new column. If the soil is prone to shattering, the work should be done differently. In this case, digging a small pit depth, omit the first ring and repair it temporarily anchoring reinforcement.

Then we continue the work, removing the soil from inside the structure and undermining the it. Ring gradually settles, and it can be stated as follows.

Rings are fastened together staples or corners. After the aquifer is reached, the seams are sealed with concrete mortar and sealing them. Fastened together old and new column by means of staples. The gap between the old and the new ring is embedded with gravel.

Finishing work in the well

After repair rings are in place, begins the final stage of work. It lies in the inspection of the entire mine and identify possible defects in welds.

Carefully they are sealed and sealing. Getting to the bottom of the filter installation. This can be a new or even an old filling, but in the latter case, it should be thoroughly washed. Thereafter disinfect wall of the well shaft.

well deepening
It will look like structure ready for operation, repair depth smaller diameter rings

The deepening of the well by undermining

This method differs from the above that a well built up on top of the repair rings. And their diameter does not differ from those that are already installed.

The main danger in using such a method lies in the possibility of jamming of the old string in the soil, especially if the well is located on clay soils.

Preparatory work

We start with fixing rings. At each junction of anchoring at least four staples. Drill holes for them, put the metal plates 0,4h4h30 cm and anchoring them to a 12-mm anchor bolts.

Thus the casing can withstand the possible shifting of the soil. Pump out water from the well and completely remove the bottom filter if it is present in the construction.

to deepen the work

Down on the insurance goes down and starts working to undermine. First he chooses the ground from mid-floor buildings, then - from the periphery. Then it starts conducting tunnel into two opposite points at the edges 20-25 cm deep lower ring.

No longer need to, otherwise there is the danger of an uncontrolled descent element. Next, a tunnel is gradually expanded to the annular region.

In the process, the column should sink under its own weight. On top of the vacant place put new rings. Undermining held up until the water starts to come very quickly.

It should be noted that not always the settling column, especially if the well "older" 1-2 years. In complex cases, it can be used side undermining method, as a method to lower stuck ring.

What you need to deepen the well
Here is the blade, which is used for the lateral undermining rings. Handle, length 40 cm, must be bent for convenience and accuracy

Consider the example of it with the bottom ring. Perform a tunnel as already described. Then take three hemp or strong supports of the timber and set them under the ring so that there is a distance of about 5 cm between them and the lower edge.

These supports will be subsequently the brunt of the deposited structures. Then, at two opposite portions remove the sealing solution from inter-ring gap.

The resulting gaps inserted for nails, and two people at the same time acting as a lever they can try to lower the ring. If all else fails, take a special shovel for digging under the side walls. For its handle used fittings 10 cm in length, 14 mm in diameter. The cutting portion 60h100 mm size made of a 2 mm sheet of iron. Insert blade 2-3 cm from the outer wall of the ring and proceed to gouging clay.

To do this, hit a sledgehammer on the arm from the bottom up. Thus passes all ring except areas under which there are supports. We managed to remove the clay to a height of 10-15 cm from the bottom edge of the ring. Now you can try again to attempt to lower the claw or any other levers. If you did not, take the following blade. The length of its handle must be greater than 10 cm. We perform a similar action.

The deepening of the well with their hands
Upon completion of repair work should again inspect all seams and carefully repaired them, then paint over them with sealant

A small note: when the length of the shovel handle reaches 40 cm or more, it should be a bit bent. Since work will be easier.

With proper lateral holding digging gradually freed outer wall of the ring, and it settles down. Similarly, work is carried out and in other rings.

The final work in the well

Upon completion of works on deepening of the construction remove any contaminated water. All joints between the rings is securely sealed and sealed. If you notice damage to the old stitches, they also eliminated.

At the bottom of structures laid new bottom filter the desired structure. Then disinfect the shaft wall or manganese chloride solution. Well is ready for use.

Useful videos on the topic

The process of deepening the well repair rings:

How to operate, maintain and deepen the water source:

Is it always possible to carry out the deepening of the well:

Deepen a dry well in various ways. Choose any one you need to correct, because such work can be carried out only once. Error will lead to useless spending money as the deepening design - a very expensive event. For financial and labor costs, it is comparable to the pressing of the button of a new well.

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