Repairs well with your hands: the methods of resuscitation and recovery

The trunk and the equipment of private water sources tend to gradually deteriorate. To restore the technical condition necessarily to resort to hired workers, repair wells with their hands can hold the owner of production. But you should first familiarize yourself with the methods of resuscitation source. After all, is not it?

Here you will find valuable advice and description of the important nuances that ensure success in correcting the state of production. We described in detail the options for repair work and technology implementation. The basis for the information presented by us are building regulations and experience of the owners of land with wells.

The article thoroughly dismantled various reasons for abnormal operation of autonomous water intake. Methods are described for cleaning the source and method set out replacement casing. As perfectly illustrate the topic additions shown photos and video applications.

The content of the article:

  • Signs and prerequisites for carrying out repairs
    • Change in water quality
    • Reduced well productivity
  • instagram viewer
  • Flushing as prophylaxis failures
  • Subtleties diagnosis
  • Four ways to clean the wellbore
    • Method # 1 - flushing via pump
    • Method # 2 - cleaning vibrating pump
    • Method # 3 - application bailer
    • Method # 4 - Rinsing two pumps
  • Replacement of the production tubing
  • Important information about downhole filter
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Signs and prerequisites for carrying out repairs

The owner of a water well should constantly monitor the health of the source. It's in his best interest, because the sooner will be detected and corrected crash, the cheaper and easier to repair. sometimes it is enough timely cleaningTo hydraulic engineering work normally again it is working, but the problem is getting worse.

It is worth to do diagnostics and failure to correct the fault, if the deteriorated water quality or reduced productivity of the well. With regard to changes in water quality, the best they can be seen on the results of chemical and microbiological analyzes.

Well - hydraulic structure

Water well - complex hydraulic structures, in which are involved both technical devices and hydrogeological elements. Symptoms for the upcoming repair can be disturbances in the operation of both components

Reduced productivity becomes apparent when the water is no longer enough to habitual needs or it disappears altogether.

Change in water quality

Ideally, every owner of any hydraulic structure should regularly take water samples to the local lab to determine its suitability. In practice, however, few carefully monitors the wells, so you have to rely on a subjective assessment.

Such changes must be alerted in water:

  • turbidity;
  • appearance of a precipitate on standing;
  • changes in taste;
  • abnormal smell.

Red precipitate and unpleasant taste may indicate an increased iron content. In most cases, the problem is not very well, and in the water erosion of iron species. In this case, it is not necessary to repair the building, enough to install filters obezzhelezivayuschimi cartridges.

If the water is turbid and acquired a putrid smell, the problem might be bacteriological contamination. Water can not drink, and even more so given to children as well will not be cleared.

After cleaning the need to pass the sample for analysisTo obtain confirmation of the laboratory experts that water is potable and safe for health.

Pumping dirty water from the well

Underground water producing wells are usually transparent and has no inclusions determined visually. However, when unsealing the stem in the production of particles may fall cohesionless soil overlying layers. As a result, the water gets pumped color, sometimes even unpleasant smell

Reduced well productivity

well production decline may occur gradually or abruptly.

The reasons for this may be several:

  • Clogging. As a rule, such a problem faced by owners of sand wells. Artesian springs are usually not silted. Solid particles are first in the primary purification filter, and then - the fine purification. Reduced well production gradually. In this case, you need to clean the building.
  • Malfunctions in the operation of the pump. Eternal art does not happen, and pumping equipment in the same way and breaks It needs to be replaced. In some cases, enough to clean the unit and maintenance, and sometimes you have to buy a new pump. If reduced well productivity, should first examine it pump.
  • Wear pipe production casing. If the malfunction of the well appeared a few years after the construction, the problem may be in the pipes. They rust over time. The lower the quality of the materials which make up the production tubing, the earlier design have to be repaired. Often due to rust leaks occur in places pipe joints.
  • Errors of design and installation of wells. If the original source is poorly constructed, then adjust it to work so hard. Should turn to a professional drillers to understand, which is why there were difficulties, and solve the problem. Often the only reasonable way out of the situation is the construction of a new well.

It is very important for the future well-free operation build a water source immediately after drilling. It is necessary to protect the mouth of the head part production or arrange a caisson for maintenance and equipment installation, put the filter and build a pipeline based on building requirements.

It should be noted that sometimes there is a decrease in water level in the aquifer. It is meant that as a result of prolonged operation of the source water may decrease the water supply.

It is impossible to influence, but can apply to companies engaged in drilling in the area, consult with experts on how to solve the problem.

The circuit arrangement of the aquifer

During the dry period, the level of water in the water intake formulation "on sand" may vary. When it comes to a shallow source, it may be due to seasonal phenomena. Then, in the period of abundant precipitation, the water returns. If the production rate dropped significantly in "on the limestone" well probably have to build a new facility

Flushing as prophylaxis failures

Often you can find recommendation to wash well for the prevention of silting. Usually this advice given by experts on drilling. Many well owners suspicion arises that they are simply tied to a particular company, which will deal with their water system and after resettlement.

Are preventive washing needs or is it all the same trick? If the well runs continuously, there is no particular need for such an event. But for the structure which is used only seasonally or temporarily, preferably periodically arrange rinsing to avoid sedimentation of sand and sludge.

Sometimes regular washing can actually prevent the repair or restoration of the well, but more often they are not needed. Excess washing will not prevent in case of difficulties with the well start-up after construction or long downtime.

preventive flushing

If the well is built in the country and is used only during the summer season, it definitely was washed before using the unit and close for the winter with the onset of cold weather

Subtleties diagnosis

To fix a breakdown, you need to clearly understand its cause. If you plan to repair the well-handedly, when the owner of misdiagnosis only lose time. If it is to turn to professionals, it is also money. Therefore it is worthwhile to take the time and pay attention to the diagnosis.

The first step is to make sure that the problem is really in the waterworks, and not in the water distribution system. To this end, the pump is disconnected from the water supply, is connected to a conventional hose and start to work.

If the water is a good pressure, then the well and pumping equipment okay. Source should look for trouble in the water distribution system. If the pressure of the weak or the water is not flowing, and the pump is idle, really need to carry out resuscitation well with your hands or cause experts.

To test the pump, it will have to acquire and temporarily install another. If no changes occur, the equipment failure can be eliminated. In this case it is necessary to clean the well, or to deal with a malfunction of the production string.

Extraction pump to verify

In the case of suspected damage to the submersible pump it is removed from wells and set instead another unit. If you swing it will be better, the reason is in violation of the pump

In the case of self-diagnosis is necessary to operate the process of elimination, one by one by checking each node. Investigation of special equipment of the wellbore is not possible, employees will have to call the drilling company.

In order to clean holeFilter or replace the production tubing, it should also have recourse to the drillers. If she just silted up, it is possible to recover. In severe cases it is necessary to hire professionals. And even in this case, there is no guarantee that the well productivity is restored.

Four ways to clean the wellbore

If the diagnosis became clear that the problem arose because of silting, the hole can be cleaned independently. To this end it is washed with water or flushed compressor.

The easiest option - to pump water. The process requires considerable time and effort, but the result is worth it. If the filter is not destroyed, but just dirty, it is possible to fully restore power efficiency.

well flushing

In the washing process a large number of wells poured dirty water. It is desirable to directly select a location to its reset, or otherwise closely spaced portion farm buildings may be flooded

Method # 1 - flushing via pump

Have an advance supply of clean water. If you own a well performing poorly, it can be a whole problem will need to seek the help of neighbors. Water and require a large capacity pump, and finding them can be difficult, too.

If these issues are resolved, it is possible to get to work. The hose is connected to the pump and lowered to the bottom of the well. It is important that he took out not just to the water table, and almost to the bottom.

Pump include water injection, and it raises yl and sand from the filter. wellbore quickly becomes full of water, and she begins to gush uncontrollably. Together with the water ejected particle contamination.

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This is one of the fastest and most reliable means of clearing silted source. If it is impossible to rebuild the well with your hands, you can turn to hydrogeologists and vacuum trucks. First calculate the required capacity of the water hammer, while the latter will help with the large volume of the reservoir for the removal of excess water.

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Flushing - preparing the well for exploitation

Washing was carried out well by injecting into the trunk water supplied under pressure

The removal of sand and silt from the production

Injected into the trunk water cleanses the borehole wall, it blurs yl deposited on the bottom and large particles of soil

Zumf dewatering a portion

In order not to fill portion during washing, it is desirable to arrange the sump for reuse water

Pure water as a result of washing

Signal the successful execution of the washing will be crystal-clear water, pumped out of a well in a clean container

Flushing - preparing the well for exploitation

Flushing - preparing the well for exploitation

The removal of sand and silt from the production

The removal of sand and silt from the production

Zumf dewatering a portion

Zumf dewatering a portion

Pure water as a result of washing

Pure water as a result of washing

Method # 2 - cleaning vibrating pump

A shallow well may be cleaned from sand and sludge via vibrating pump. Often use equipment of small diameter, for example, the brand appliances "The Kid." The pump is lowered into the shaft to the filter layer include well and gently rocking.

Device raise solids and they along with the water come to the surface. This rinsing well can take a few days, but it will be effective only if the slack contamination.

During the cleaning wells working parts may become clogged with mud pump and the motor be overheated. Therefore, it is desirable to take a break and clean the unit from contamination.

The advantage of this method lies in the simplicity and cheapness. Everything can be done by hand, no complicated equipment is required.

Purification vibrating pump wells

When cleaning is necessary to lift the well-omit vibrating pump to shake the sand and silt. Water flow detaches particles from the filter, the walls of the shaft, whereupon they fall into the pump

Method # 3 - application bailer

This method is only suitable for shallow wells -. Not more than 30 meters will be required to work assistants, winch and the drill - bailer. It is a piece of metal tubing to the upper portion, closed mesh, and the bottom of the puck. Bailer attached to a long lasting cable.


This simple device is used for cleaning silty wells. It can be purchased in a specialty store or do it manually

The device is lowered to the bottom of the hole, then raised about half a meter and again sharply lowered. After several manipulations Bailer removed from the well and cleaned of sand. Usually it is typed about 0.5 kg.

Not all owners of the wells have found this method effective cleaning, but most still agree that the bailer can deal with siltation. The main advantage of using a cleaning bailer - cheapness. If the device to make your own hands, you can remove the sand at virtually no cost.

Homemade bailer with teeth

Make it easier to break the cohesive rock (loam / clay / loam), the bottom of the bailer can be tine. They cut into the clay-like mass, separating it from the array formation. To remove shattered rocks connected Bailer changed to glass. So drilled, if you want to bury the wellbore due to greatly reduce the production rate

Method # 4 - Rinsing two pumps

The method is similar to the washing with the pump, but has some differences. It requires two pumps - the dip and the surface. Surrounding borehole should establish volumetric water tank (200 cubic meters.), And in it - homemade filter made from a bucket with a mesh stocking or female. Side and bottom of the tank doing a hole through which water will be pumped via pump surface.

Using a deep well pump the contaminated water is pumped into the tank by passing through the filter. surface pump collects the purified water from the reservoir and re-pumped into the well. The bucket periodically freed of sand and silt. The procedure is carried out until wells not flow from pure water free of impurities.

Rinsing well with two pumps

There are many ways silty cleanout. Choosing the right, it is worth remembering that the method should not only be cheap and convenient, but also safe for the other elements of constructions

Replacement of the production tubing

One of the worst damage - deterioration of the service pipe. Her replacement - is a complex and time-consuming process that requires considerable financial investments. It is best to entrust the job to a professional drillers. For the independent execution desirable to have the appropriate skills, since replacement well pipe even more complicated than installing a new well during drilling.

The easiest way to work, if the casing and operational structure consists of two pipes of different diameters. In this case, changing only the production tubing, without touching the casing. If done carefully, well performance will be restored.

Well with asbestos cement pipe is better to not even begin to repair, because material fails under additional stress. This is the case when there is a right to start building new waterworks. But the metal tube it is possible to replace, even if the material is heavily corroded.

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Replacement of the casing in the well

Removing the casing string or the filter is made in the reverse sequence, wherein the setting conducted

Clamp for holding the extracted stem

In order to make it convenient to carry out loosening the pipes without the risk of dropping them back into the well, it needs a collar

Hinge for pulling the tube out of the barrel

For pulling the casing need to loop, clinging to which the pipe is pulled out of production. Pull better, connecting it to the hydraulic drilling rig

The excavation of the upper link casing

If cracked or unscrew the upper link obsady or pump stuck at this level, it is better obkopat trunk to the place of the accident, so as not to bias the tube completely in the barrel

Replacement of the casing in the well

Replacement of the casing in the well

Clamp for holding the extracted stem

Clamp for holding the extracted stem

Hinge for pulling the tube out of the barrel

Hinge for pulling the tube out of the barrel

The excavation of the upper link casing

The excavation of the upper link casing

To dismount it grip the pipe swivel loop or special clamp and drawn by any available lifting machinery - rail jack, truck crane, etc. The main thing is to provide the necessary equipment for lifting force.

When the pipe is removed from the mine, set new - metal or plastic. Do not use asbestos cement. Material impractical and potentially dangerous for the health. This is confirmed by the data of the World Health Organization.

New pipes may be connected via threads or nipples. It should select quality coupling elements with a special anti-corrosion coating. If the plastic tubes are chosen, there is provided a solid beznippelnoe compound. When choosing a pipe is not worth saving. It is fraught with new breakdowns.

How to repair a hole in the country with their own hands

When the production tubing replacing selected new tube, focusing on the well depth, the future load, the durability of the material, its resistance to chemicals

Important information about downhole filter

When cleaning the wells is important to observe accuracy, otherwise you can accidentally destroy the filter, especially if applied surge. If you use a filter cleaning with chemicals, the water quality will deteriorate. Do not worry. This is a temporary phenomenon.

Gradually, well clear of chemistry and water quality will again. To reagents not have a negative impact on health, it is necessary to pump water from the well for 12 hours and a couple of days to abandon its application for domestic purposes. You also need to put good filters in the house and not use unfiltered water for drinking and cooking until it is cleared.

When chemical cleaning of the well screen used substances which are used in the food industry, so it is assumed that they are safe. However, you should always remember about the number. The concentration of chemical in the water after the cleaning is too long. Please observe reasonable precautions not to get poisoned.

Scheme downhole filter

Initial purification of ground water from the mineral particles produces a downhole filter. He gets the whole capacity of the aquifer plus two feet above and below the (+)

In addition to the chemical filter, it is possible to use mechanical. This method is safe and does not affect the water quality. To clean the filter from deposits using a metal device that looks reminiscent of a conventional brush for washing bottles, but much larger.

Simultaneously with ruff can be used and purification via water injection. But always keep in mind the risks. The filter can not withstand the additional pressure and collapse. It is better not to experiment unless absolutely necessary.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Video # 1. Demonstration well siltation and representation of the process of pumping its own strength:

Video # 2. How to clean the well with the help of a simple homemade bailer:

Unfortunately, you can never be sure that after the restoration of the well will work fully and smoothly.

There are cases where the well resuscitation even impossible, especially if it is placed on the sand, and the removable filter. Then easier to make a new source, you return to the old life, because ultimately this effort and the funds will be spent about the same.

If you have problems with a new well, then, it was originally constructed properly. The contract with the company, the driller usually specified warranty period, so we can ensure that its employees have defined cause of the problem and eliminated, if possible.

Problems with pumps, filters, silting - is solved. But the replacement of the filter is completely destroyed or worn out pipes trunk will lead to serious cost with an uncertain outcome. There will have to decide what is more profitable - restoration of old wells or constructing a new one.

Tell us about your own experience gained during the recovery well, you share only certain nuances of the work. Please write comments in the box located below. Ask questions, post pictures of the article.

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