. Proper feeding of piglets. It provides nutrition for animals of different ages and breeds. Properly balanced feed increases the productivity of pigs by 30% compared with pasture. And also improves immunity and increases daily weight gain several times. Granulated food can be fed to pigs from an early age to slaughter.
Kinds of mixed feed and additives
Combined mixtures are produced in complete formulations and concentrates. The first type is a complete nutrition and does not require the addition of any other formulations. Concentrate is an additive to the main feed for pigs. It contains a large amount of proteins, minerals, vitamins and other components. Concentrates stimulate growth, evenness of litter and productivity of pigs. They are produced taking into account the amount of existing proteins and other nutrients in the main feed.
Each type of feed needs to be used only for a certain group of pigs( piglets, a sowing sow, a boar, young stock).
The form of the combined mixtures are divided into the following types:
- granular;
- cereals;
- scattering;
- baby.
In addition to concentrates for rapid and full growth, it contains premixes. This homogeneous mixture can contain from 2 to 40 components, depending on its purpose. The premix contains various salts, vitamins, antibiotics, prophylactic drugs and much more. Thanks to their use, the consumption of the main feed is reduced by 30%.
Read also: Features of choice, composition and price of feed for laying hens
As part of feed for pigs there can be up to 12 ingredients. The main volume( about 50%) is 2 grain crops. This may be wheat and oats or barley and corn. Fodder yeast, salt, chalk, fatty components, meal( cake), bone( fish) and alfalfa flour, premix are also included. The number of ingredients in the combination varies depending on the age of the animal and its purpose( sow or fattening for slaughter).
Rules and rules for feeding
To determine how much feed a pig eats per day, you need to take into account its breed, age, sex and weight. Suckling piglets are given 100-200 grams per head and 1.5 kg for a month and a half. A pregnant pig eats up to 3.5 kg, and a nursing pig up to 6 kg. The average rate for an adult individual is from 2 to 4 kg. Pigs, which were only taken away from the pig, are given food with a granule size of up to 8 mm. Small piglets are fed up to 5 times a day, and adults - 2 times.
Giving a pig is better as much food as she can eat at once in 1 time.
If the feed for piglets and pigs is done with their own hands, the grain and other major ingredients must be ground in a crusher. Then all the other additives are filled up and everything is thoroughly mixed.
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The mixture can be of the following types by consistency:
- liquid - 1 part of water to 3 parts of the combined feed;
- thick - 1 to 2.5;
- liquid porridge - 1 to 2;
- thick porridge - 1 to 1.5;
- wet scattering - liquid and mixed feed in equal shares;
- dry placer - 0.5 to 1.
Do not cook the grain, because then it loses most of the nutrients.
Small piglets are given a wet scattering or thick porridge, as in this form it is better absorbed. The temperature of feed for pigs should not be less than + 30 ° C.Potatoes, carrots, beets, bread or peas can be mixed into it. It is necessary to plant with liquid only before feeding, and in such volume that it was eaten for 1 time. Otherwise, it will deteriorate, and this may cause an upset stomach in an animal. A mixture of liquid porridge is fed adults. Unlike piglets, the grain for them is crushed to medium or large size, and premix is added to it. On 1 kg of dry feed adds up to 100 grams of premix.
For nursing sows, it is recommended to purchase special combination blends. Because they contain more minerals and vitamins. This is extremely important, since only born piglets get everything they need from milk.
It is recommended to dilute dry feed using whey or water, as this contributes to better feed absorption.
If the combination mixture is dry, pigs should have constant access to clean water. Supplements containing antibiotics stop giving a week before slaughter.
Read also: Knowing exactly what to feed the goslings from the first days of life you can grow healthy livestock
The cost of feed
The price of feed for pigs varies depending on its purpose. So “Starter” for feeding piglets from the first day costs about 1000 rubles per bag weighing 40 kg.“Grower” for individuals aged from 90 to 130 days - 900 rubles, and “Finisher” for pigs from 130 days - 800 rubles. Special feed for fattening, for example K-58, costs from 600 to 800 rubles. You can also use universal feed mixtures for all livestock that do not contain salt. They are fed poultry, rabbits, pigs and horses. Price from 500 to 650 rubles for 40 kg.
Considering how much feed for pigs costs, many manufacturers buy it ready. Since the mixture is fully balanced and does not require additives. Making food with your own hands is more profitable, but not by much, besides you need constant access to all the ingredients.
Proper feeding of piglets -