Varieties and types of eggplants for your garden beds

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A list of the patterns of adortiries of adorstry ipodies and adorstries of adorstics i'm going to get the same stuff. If only recently a rare gardener decided to grow eggplants, today, this and many other cultures are quite common and give good yields in various parts of the country. Being engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, plant on the garden a few bushes of the varieties of eggplant you like, in order to please your relatives with delicious dishes.

When the basics of agrotechnics are mastered and the first purple fruits are harvested, it's time to choose the varieties and types of eggplants for planting next season. And there really is something to see, especially since thanks to the breeders of the whole world, eggplants have long ceased to be only "blue."Now on the beds among the bushes with traditionally purple fruits you can see white, green, variegated, and almost pink eggplants.

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There are plants that produce yellow, orange, and even red fruits, which look little different from sweet peppers or tomatoes, but remain genuine eggplants inside.

Besides, today you can choose varieties of eggplants and their hybrids:

  • forming tall or compact plants;
  • giving habitual cylindrical or surprising round, ovate and long serpentine fruits;
  • affecting yield and size of individual fruits, up to 2 kg in weight;
  • different ripening terms;
  • for cultivation in greenhouses, greenhouses or in open ground;
  • is disease resistant and unpretentious to growing conditions in the middle lane.

The choice of varieties and types of eggplants is so large that it is not surprising to get confused. If experienced gardeners know how to deal with many varieties of plants in the beds, then it is more reasonable for beginning gardeners to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of various types of eggplants in advance, to choose a pair or three of early-growing varieties to guarantee themselves tasty and healthy vegetables.

Eggplants in a purple outfit

Traditionally eggplants of violet color are leading in Russian vegetable gardens, and the palm of the whole country belongs to two types of eggplants.

This is a handsome Black variety, which attracts the attention of gardeners not only because of its unpretentiousness and the possibility of growing it, both in film greenhouses and in the open field, but also in high yield and quality of fruits. Dense brown-violet eggplants weighing 200–350 grams do not have a bitter taste, are well preserved and are not susceptible to common diseases of this culture.

The eggplant variety Diamond, characterized by 200-gram-rich purple flowers, is second in the popularity rating list. The shape of the fruit is oblong, even, the flesh has a pleasant taste without signs of bitterness.

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In addition to these well-known varieties of attention, gardeners are worthy of other varieties:

  • , which gives many small, oblong fruits, weighing up to 150 grams, the variety Violet Miracle;
  • eggplant variety Banana with long fruits that can be stored for a long time without loss of quality;
  • large-fruited Black Beauty variety with fruits up to 900 grams, bright black and purple color.

Adherents of the traditional pear-shaped shape will enjoy the high-quality Albatross variety, which forms compact bushes, from which large, up to 450 grams in weight, are produced with blue-violet color and dense greenish flesh.

The increasingly popular round eggplants are convenient for stuffing, canning and stewing, so varieties and hybrids that produce fruits of this shape are becoming more and more popular.

An example of a plant of this type is the Black Moon variety of domestic breeding, which gives almost ribbed spherical fruits of dark purple color with a glossy surface and light green flesh without traces of bitterness. Eggplants weighing 200 to 350 grams can be harvested as early as 110–115 days after planting, and the ovary forms even at low temperatures, and the plant bears fruit for a long time.

A high-yielding early hybrid Bourgeois also gives round eggplants with a glossy black and violet surface and almost white tender pulp. Fruit weight reaches 400-600 grams.

For growing in film and winter greenhouses, you can choose the Gorodovaya F1 eggplant of average maturity, characterized by a high stable yield, excellent taste and transportability of fruits. The plant is powerful, reaching a height of more than 1.8 meters and brings large cylindrical fruits up to 0.5 kg in weight.

The variety of eggplant Airship, whose fruits weighing up to 120 grams can be harvested in 125–135 days from the moment of emergence, is not at all inferior in yield. Because of the dense crown and the abundance of foliage, the yield may fall, so the plants of this type of eggplants require thinning and removal of extra stepsons and leaves.

White eggplants

A few years ago, white-skinned eggplant could surprise neighbors in a summer residence, friends and acquaintances, today these varieties of eggplants have won deserved recognition and are loved by many gardeners. This became possible not only because of the exotic appearance and unusual eggplant color, as in the photo, but also because of the tender, almost devoid of seeds, white flesh without any bitterness and taste, in the opinion of gourmets, resembling mushroom or chicken.

Domestic gardeners, who decided to try themselves in growing white eggplants, should pay attention to the early varieties and hybrids, which give good yields even in not the most favorable conditions.

95–105 days after seed seeding yields a harvest of domestic eggplant variety. Mushroom flavor, which can be cultivated both in open ground and in greenhouses or film greenhouses. As seen in the photo, the color of eggplant is really milky white. Cylindrical fruits weigh 200–250 grams and stand out from a number of analogues with a pleasant mushroom smell, tender pulp and high marketability.

Icicle Variety bears fruit a little later, after 110–116 days, and not only the color, but the appearance of eggplant are surprising. Long fruits really resemble an icicle, taste good and are great for all types of culinary processing. Another eggplant variety has a similar saber-like shape of the fruit, in the photo , of white color - Pelican. Gardeners can look at other white-fruited varieties, for example:

  • to the variety Swan with the fruits of a classical cylindrical shape;
  • for Iceberg Eggplant, giving fruits in the form of an oval or egg;
  • to round eggplant variety Ping-pong.
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Purple eggplants

In addition to purple and white eggplants, breeders received many intermediate forms with striped, pink-white or lilac color of fruits. From eggplant variety Lilac to wait for the fruit should be after 98-106 days. The plant forms a compact bush with a height of no more than 60 cm, the fruits also have an elongated-cylindrical shape, a lilac surface and a weight of from 150 to 250 grams. On a cut the fruit is white, dense. Pulp with good taste can be used for all types of dishes and canning.

Lovers of friendly abundant crops will appreciate the variety Balagur, which forms up to 7 fruits on the hands. And the value of the variety is not only in this, but also in the early stages of ripening, the excellent commercial quality of 150-gram elliptical eggplants and their wonderful taste.

Mid-range eggplants include the Pink Flamingo variety, which grows up to 180 cm tall in heated greenhouses. Fruits, as in the previous case, are formed on the hands of 3-6 pieces. The weight of one eggplant is 250-450 grams. Especially to the variety attracts attention pink-purple, as in the photo, the color of eggplants, as well as white, without bitterness the flesh.

Round eggplants, as a rule, are distinguished by their large size and impressive fruit weight. Variety Bumbo - no exception. Its globular fruits have an interesting white-lilac shade and by weight reach 700 grams. The best results are obtained by growing in a greenhouse, where the plant forms powerful bushes, showing consistently high yield.

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From a number of lilac, pink and purple counterparts, the Matrosik eggplant variety on the photo stands out for its striking oval or pear-shaped fruit weighing 100-150 grams each.

Green Eggplants

In Southeast Asia, small round eggplants of monophonic or variegated green color are very popular. In Europe and the USA, eggplants with color, as in the photo, are called Thai, but Chinese types of eggplants of this type are also known. For example, in the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits of Chinese green eggplant have a light green color, but when ripe, change it to golden-bronze.

Domestic breeders are also not forgotten green eggplants. The variety Zelenenky brings pear-shaped green fruits weighing 250 to 300 grams. The pulp of such eggplants does not contain bitterness, has a white or barely greenish color and a wonderful flavor of natural mushrooms.

Eggplant variety depicted in the photo Emerald refers to the early ripening, can be cultivated under the film, and in open ground. Large, cylindrical elongated fruits weighing 300–400 grams with creamy-white pulp of medium density are formed on unpretentious, cold-resistant bushes. Eggplants of this variety are tasty, not bitter, and invariably delight in high yields.

Red, orange, yellow

Eggplant yellow, orange and purple in our gardens is almost impossible to meet. And yet these kinds of eggplants exist.

Bright sunny fruits of yellow color and oval shape gives the eggplant variety Golden Egg presented in the photo, obtained by Dutch breeders. The pulp of eggplants of this variety is rich in carotene, but otherwise the vegetable is similar to its more familiar garden relatives.

Of African or Middle Eastern origin, Turkish eggplants are small in size and appear as orange-striped fruit color ripening. The young fruits of this type of eggplants are green, fragrant, without a trace of bitterness, but picking up color, they start to noticeably bitter. These heat-loving plants are popular in South America, where they came a few centuries ago with slaves, and are valued for the lycopene contained in fruits, which is used to obtain anticancer drugs.

Red, more similar to miniature tomatoes or pumpkins, eggplants are grown for small fruits and as an ornamental plant. The plant forms sprawling bushes. The leaves of this type of eggplant and trunk, covered with rare spikes, often have burgundy or purple color. Fruits keep well on the stalks, on the cut they resemble jalapeno peppers, are quite edible, but can mature in a mature form.

The best varieties and hybrids of eggplant - video

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