The best grapes for personal consumption

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Every grower wants to see on his plot the best grapes, which would be unpretentious in care, resistant to diseases, harvestus and always tasty. But with all the effort, due to the difference in climatic and weather conditions, the plans of the growers themselves and the size of the plot, it is hardly possible to compile a universal list.

If the berry is grown for its own consumption, the best grapes are those that ripen in the early stages, have the most interesting taste, high sugar content and aroma.

In this case, the grape-grower is not so important the transportability of the clusters and the record yield, which is shown by technical varieties. After all, honey brushes weighing up to a kilogram will prefer the abundance of tart berries.

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Timur Grapes

The variety of Russian breeding, ripening for 105–110 days, was obtained thanks to the crossing of the Vinst and Frumoas Albe grapes, proved to be early and unpretentious. Timur grapes belong to table varieties and show an average growth force, therefore, when planting close to vigorous plants, they can fall into their shade, which will affect the yield and quality of berries. Shrubs tolerate frosts down to –25 ° C, rarely infected with gray rot and downy mildew.

The plant shows the best results when grown on vigorous rootstocks and using both short and long pruning. On one shoot of grapes, on average, from 1.5 to 2 brushes are tied. A ripe bunch weighs up to 600 grams, has a conical shape and an average density.

When cultivating the best quality of the berries, it can be achieved if the soil under the vine is loose and light. On dense soils, the berries ripen longer and with insufficient ripeness seem grassy. The brush consists of large papillary berries up to 3 cm long and weighing from 6 to 8 grams. The distinctive features of one of the best grapes are the pointed tip of a white or greenish berry and a beautiful amber tan that appears when fully ripe.

Timur grapes quickly accumulate sugar, its berries have crisp dense pulp, balanced bright taste and aroma with a nutmeg shade.

Grapes Elegant

Bred as a result of crossing Frumoas Alba and Delight Elegant grapes were obtained by Russian scientists and are rightfully recognized as one of the best among the early varieties. The period from the appearance of greens to ripening berries lasts 110-115 days, while if the preventive treatments are done in time, the plant is resistant to mildew and infection with gray rot. The plant withstands winters with frosts down to –25 ° C and is grown without shelter in a number of regions, well compatible with most of the rootstocks, it has good aging of the shoots and consistently high yields when pruning 6–8 buds. A bunch of elegant grapes of medium size and weight up to 400 grams, has a conical or close to cylindrical shape.

Despite its tendency to pea, Elegant is worthy of being called one of the best grapes for personal consumption, because its berries weighing up to 7 grams have a crispy texture and a refreshing taste.

Mature fruits of oval or papillary form contain up to 22% of sugars. Pouring greenish berries turn white and get golden tan. The skin is thin, but it does not interfere with the storage of brushes and their transportation.

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Kishmish-342 grape

The widely known hybrid grape Kishmish-342 is of Hungarian origin and obtained from the crossing of the Perlet and Villars Blanc varieties. For a maturity of 110–115 days, this variety is also among the earliest. The plant forms large, vigorous bushes, with well-ripening shoots, and also winter well at temperatures down to –26 ° С.Up to 80% of the shoots produced on the Kishmish-342 grapes or Kishmish Hungarian shoots bear fruit, which ensures high yields. Powerful perennial bushes are capable of producing very large clusters. The average weight of the brushes is 300–500 grams.

Kishmish forms round or ovate berries with a diameter of 1.7 cm and a weight of about 3.5 grams. The color of ripe fruit is greenish or yellow-golden, the flesh is sleepy, not containing seeds and their buds.

For its lack of seeds, high yield and great taste, Kishmish No. 342 is recognized as one of the best grapes for personal consumption and can be used both fresh and for making high-quality raisins.

Harold Grapes

In the conditions of the south of Russia, the domestic grape variety Harold ripens in 95–100 days and is considered one of the earliest.

In this high-growing plant shows good resistance to the most common diseases, but requires mandatory normalization at the flowering stage, so that the bushes are not overloaded with harvest, and the shoots have time to mature to the end of the growing season. Three quarters of the formed shoots enter fruiting.

Bunches, as they ripen, reach a weight of 400–500 grams and consist of oval yellowish-amber berries about 2.5 cm long and weighing about 6 grams. As a contender for the title of the best variety, Harold grapes exhibit excellent taste. It has a pleasant juicy texture, harmoniously sweet taste and pronounced nutmeg aroma.

Galahad Grapes

The early Galahad table grapes obtained from crossing descendants of Talisman and Vostor with Variety Muskatny, under conditions of Kuban, ripen by August, that is, 95–100 days. The plant has a high growth rate, good frost resistance down to –25 ° C, as well as resistance to infection with oidium, downy mildew and gray rot. The shoots of Galahad grapes ripen well during the season, and fruiting starts at a 60–75% increase.

Like many of the best grapes for personal consumption, Galahad produces cylindrical or conical brushes weighing from 600 to 1100 grams. The density of clusters is average, the brushes can be transported without damage. Heavy, weighing up to 12 grams, oval berries quickly accumulate sugar. When ripe, they acquire a beautiful amber color, while the flesh remains dense and fragrant.

From a number of descendants of Delight, Galahad grapes stand out for very high taste qualities and deserve 8.9 points on the expert rating scale.

Grapes Druzhba

The Druzhba variety has been added to the list of the best grape varieties due to the combination of the early onset of ripeness of berries, increased resistance to diseases and rare universality. In areas where viticulture is developed in Russia, the Druzhba grape ripening occurs in the second half of August. In winters, when the temperature does not fall below –23 ° С, the bushes practically do not freeze slightly. In the summer, grapes yield up to 180 centners of berries per hectare.

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Maturing on the vine conical brush of medium size and density can be intended for use in the form of fresh berries, and go to the production of high quality juices and alcoholic beverages. The Druzhba grapes have white rounded berries with a diameter of up to 2, 4 cm and a mass of 4 grams. The consistency of the berries is juicy, dense, with a characteristic musk aroma.


Grapes The Rizamat grape developed by Uzbek breeders is the result of the Parkent and Katta-Kurgan varieties. The variety that ripens in early or middle terms was named after the famous grower in the southern country and established itself as a high-yielding one. Up to 250 centners of high-quality sweet berries are used per hectare of planting this grape, used both fresh and in the form of raisins.

As the variety has a southern origin, in the conditions of Russia the bush can freeze slightly, and the resistance in powdery mildew in the variety is low.

When caring for plants, it is necessary to take into account that the rizomat grapes do not pinch the grapes, and the quality of the berries can be affected by a lack or excess of moisture. To prevent overloading, the footchains on bushes are removed, and ripened brushes are promptly removed. With proper care, the variety gives very large branched clusters, covered with berries weighing up to 14 grams. Pink berries of one of the best grape varieties have a pronounced cylindrical shape and are covered with a waxy coating.

Tason Grapes

The Tason grape ripening for 100–110 days was obtained by domestic breeders from crossing Italy and Zorevoy grapes. Plants of this early ripe variety have a good growth force, the shoots on them grow to the most extent by autumn, and more than half of them are fruitful.

By right, one of the best grapes for personal consumption, Thason is well rooted and compatible with common rootstocks.

For a variety, pruning for 10–12 buds is recommended, and the bushes withstand up to 40 shoots. Compared to other varieties, Tason grapes are not very cold-resistant. Plants withstand temperatures of about –22 ° C, and also do not have sufficient resistance to pathogens of oidium and mildew. But due to the short period of maturation of the disease does not often affect fruiting plants.

A characteristic feature of the variety is large, weighing up to 1200 grams of a brush, consisting of white-pink oval berries with dense flesh and decent taste. The average weight of a berry is 7 grams, length up to 2.5 cm.

Grapes Gourmet

Sredneroslye bushes of grapes Gourmet, derived by VNWhen crossing Kishmish Radiant and Talisman varieties, it gives ripe brushes 110–120 days after the appearance of the first leaves. The hybrid form is characterized by good maturation of the shoots and rooting of transplanted cuttings. The beam indicators for grapes are fixed when pruning up to 8 eyes with up to 35 shoots on the bush.

The frost resistance of grapes Gourmet reaches –23 ° С, the bushes resist well the infection of the main diseases of the crop and give consistently high yields of good quality.

A bunch of early grapes can weigh from 500 grams to 1.3 kg. And the elongated pink berries of an attractive appearance and a mass of about 9 grams have a pleasant density and a harmonious dessert taste with a complementary nutmeg.

Very early grapes Red Muscat

The grapes fully correspond to their name and ripen after 95–100 days from the beginning of the growing season. Red superearly Muscat is a grape forming medium to strong-growing bushes with high-quality ripening shoots and excellent compatibility with existing rootstocks. When pruning 6–8 buds, the bushes cope with a load of 35–50 eyes. However, due to the low resistance to cold, the grapes can withstand temperatures as low as –23 ° С, the variety is better covered for the winter.

To common diseases, Muscat red superally grapes shows moderate or high resistance.

With the growth, development and accumulation of the perennial vine, the bushes form larger, heavy brushes. The average weight of a moderately dense or loose cylindrical bunch is 300–400 grams. The berries are round or oval with a diameter of 1.8 cm and a weight of about 5 grams have a rich maroon-red color, which darkens, becoming purple at the time of ripening.

As befits one of the best varieties, grapes have a crispy texture and good taste with a slight acidity. The variety with decent table quality almost does not suffer from wasps, brushes can be transported and stored on the vine for up to 60 days.

Grapes Muscat Amber

From disclosure of buds on Muscat Amber grapes to full maturity of berries, it takes from 105 to 115 days, so the variety is classified as medium-sized species. The variety forms medium-strength bushes, on which up to 90% of one-year growth is ripened. Due to frost damage stronger than –20 ° C, plants are grown as a covering culture. The variety is susceptible to mildew and powdery mildew. But tolerates moisture fluctuations, berries rarely crack or begin to rot.

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Muscat Amber grapes are characterized by medium size conical or cylindrical clusters of medium density. The bunch can weigh about 350 grams, and the rounded berries that make it up - up to 2.7 grams. Brushes easily carry freight. Ripe berries with fleshy juicy pulp, fine taste and aroma of nutmeg are covered with dense green or light amber skin.

Grapes Zabava

The base for the work of Ukrainian breeders when creating grapes Zabava became varieties Codreanca and Laura, well known for their high taste, yield and early ripeness.

The hybrid form obtained from them also differs in early maturity. The berries ripen for 100–110 days from the beginning of the growing season. The plant is well rooted, matures, winters and resists infections no worse than the parental varieties.

The grapes of Zabava form large clusters of moderate density, consisting of 10-gram oval or ovate berries of dark blue color. Due to the thick wax coating, full-weighted clusters seem gray-blue. The texture of ripe berries is dense, the taste is bright, harmonious. The peel of medium thickness is not felt when eating fresh fruit, but protects the berries from spoilage by wasps and during transportation.

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