Barbecue for giving with the hands from iron and a brick

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Barbecue for a garden can be made of various materials resistant to fire. Most often used for these purposes:

  • metal;
  • brick.

These materials have a large number of advantages that make them simply indispensable for such an important business. But before you decide which one is best to use, you should familiarize yourself with their features and properties.

Barbecue made from bricks, the photo( fig. 1) of which can be quite simple to find on the Internet is relatively easy to manufacture. It is only important to choose the right brick and mortar for its bonding. The material must in an orderly manner be extremely resistant to constantly high temperature. And also sharp temperature differences. That is why the optimal use of ceramic bricks( Fig. 2).Outwardly, it is slightly different from the usual facing, its texture is somewhat coarse and granular. But it is very durable and relatively easily tolerates prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

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Barbecue brick has one very important negative feature: it is stationary, it is rather difficult to move it to another place. And to do this without damaging it is very difficult. Often, this requires special lifting equipment.

The barbecue for the dacha from iron is also not difficult to make, you only need the presence of metal of the desired shape, as well as some tools for processing this material. There are also some methods of manufacturing this product with the help of available tools. Welding and other complex actions that require special skills will not be needed.

When using metal to construct a barbecue, it should be remembered that it will corrode and rust over time. Since constant temperature differences do not in the best way affect the strength and corrosion resistance of the metal.

But constructions of this kind have one very important advantage, which is often decisive when choosing a material for manufacturing - lightness. Metal barbecues can be easily transferred from place to place, which is very important for country rest. This is especially convenient if there are carrying handles available.

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Barbecue to give out of bricks

You can learn how to make a barbecue to give with your own hands out of bricks from the Internet or from a good stove. The manufacture of such a peculiar design is associated with some difficulties. They are, above all, in the correct design.

It is very important to make the smoke that appears in the combustion process go in the right direction and does not interfere with the pleasure of cooking. In order to do this, you should follow certain rules when laying out the combustion chamber( Fig. 4).

The easiest way to lay out all kinds of foci, consisting of only three main components:

  • slab-base( Fig. 5);
  • niche( Fig. 6);
  • shelves( Fig. 7).

Baseplate is the easiest to make from ordinary paving slabs. Or pour it as a real foundation, making the formwork and filling it with cement.

The niche itself is laid out of brick( ceramic or other).Making a barbecue with your own hands from brick is quite simple. Enough to get acquainted with the method of laying bricks and get all the necessary materials( cement, sand, water) and tools( trowel, level).

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A shelf can be made of anything: a sheet of metal, a steel plate from an old furnace, or something similar. Brick bricks, drawings and photographs of which can be easily found on the Internet, are made very simply and quickly. Unless, of course, the presence of various decorative elements is required.

Making a barbecue out of your own bricks( the step-by-step process is quite simple) is not difficult. Because facilities of this kind are very popular. Since materials are relatively inexpensive, and the manufacturing process does not require any expensive tools.

Making a barbecue from metal

Making a barbecue out of bricks( ordering and pattern) is pretty standard. To assemble a similar metal construction is much more difficult.

Since this requires the presence of some tools for the implementation of metal processing:

  • drill;
  • grinder and disc for metal;
  • welding;
  • bolts, washers and nuts.

You can make a barbecue from the barrel, which was previously used to store oil. The manufacturing process itself takes a very small amount of time.

The first step is to prepare the barrel for use as a means of cooking. To do this, it is necessary to clean the surface of the paint. This can be done with the help of coarse-grained pelts( this is a very long time), or by using an angle grinder equipped with a special metal disc brush.

After the end of the external processing should also be using a grinder to cut the barrel in half. After that, its inner surface is also cleaned with a brush on the metal. If any residual oil is present, remove them with a cloth soaked in gasoline.

Read also: Ideas and weaving patterns for macrame flower potsIt can be of any size and shape. It is only necessary that the dimensions satisfy the needs of the owner: the amount of food that can be placed on it depends on the area of ​​the grid.

Once the grill is fixed on the surface of the barrel, you can proceed to the mounting of the stand. The legs should be of such height that the person using the barbecue feels comfortable in the process of cooking. The optimal length is approximately 120 cm. Based on this parameter, you should make a stand for a barbecue barrel. Often, two pairs of metal poles crossed and welded between each other are used as a stand.

It is also not uncommon to find more complex support structures, which are also metal tubes, but of a more peculiar form.

After the process of making a barbecue with your own hands from an ordinary barrel is completed, it is necessary to burn it well before use. Since even with the help of grinders completely remove the remnants of paint and oil products is quite difficult. Therefore, you should completely fill the burning chamber with wood and leave it to burn for 3-4 hours. Only after this barbecue can be used for cooking.

Making a barbecue in the country( photos are available on the Internet) is a creative process, therefore only general advice can be given on it. It is only important to remember that it is necessary to lay a certain margin of safety in your product in order to avoid any fire hazardous situations.

Video: how to make a barbecue with your own hands

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