The content of the article is:Game tunnel for the development of motor skills
"Chick-tweet I'm in the house" -Kids favorite saying when they play catch-up. It turns out that each of them dreams of his own room, so caring parents are ready to build a house for the child with their own hands in an apartment, in the courtyard or at the dacha.
Have a separate apartment that you can independently arrange personal things, really worth the desire of the baby. Here he will be able to spend his time with use, dream of a wonderful future, “fly in the clouds” and prepare for adulthood. This makes it easier for parents to do important household chores without worrying about their child.
Currently, many variants of such game structures are being produced. They can be easily purchased in the children's department of any supermarket. But if the budget does not allow you to make such a gift to your baby, this is not a reason to leave it without your own “abode”.Wise parents recall school lessons in labor, find suitable materials, tools, and get down to business.
According to most psychologists, game constructions develop useful skills in children that will be useful to them in adult life.
A house for a child with his own hands in an apartment: the purpose and importance of
A miniature house built with his own hands on the territory of an apartment plays an important role in the development of the baby as a person. Here he feels like a full owner. Responsible for its design. Maintains order and spends his leisure. As a result, the child develops such qualities:
- housekeeping;
- liability;
- love of home;
- respect for valuables;
- autonomy.
But the most basic function of the house for children is a useful pastime. On the one hand, here he has the most comfortable play zone, on the other - a unique place of solitude and rest. Child psychologists say that such “buildings” are one of the most frequent dreams of babies. They represent themselves as masters;
- fabulous house on chicken legs;
- Indian Wigwam;
- decorated royal tent;
- forest wood hut.
The advantage of such dreams about the children's house is the development of the psychological state of the little inhabitant of the earth. Parents often notice how a child becomes clogged in a corner, hides in a closet, under a table, retires in his room or on a balcony. And this does not mean that he is thinking of making some kind of prank( mow the dog or check on the "taste" of mom's lipstick).Probably, the time has come when he wants to lead a personal space away from the "caring" eyes of parents. Now is the time to design a house for a child in an apartment with your own hands to satisfy his needs.
Means for the proper development of
For a child, this structure becomes a real center of the universe. Here he keeps his "jewels", personal belongings, toys dear to the heart. When guests come to him, he takes them on his territory, so he decides what to occupy and treat them with. He tries to care for him 24 hours a day, for which he is responsible to his parents.
In such a developing house for children it is easy to retire to:
- read your favorite fairy tale;
- to create masterpieces of clay;
- paint a picture;
- prepare dinner for the doll and feed it;
- patiently wait for his prince.
What kids do not dream about, secluded in their own amazing oasis for dreams.
Parents should not forget that in such cabins the child feels safe. Therefore, they need to fully support their initiatives.
With the help of a hand-made house for a child in an apartment, parents help to develop self-esteem. In time, they will become self-confident, ready for new challenges. The absence of such a zone for games often leads to the following factors: an
- growing up, the child does not want to settle his nest;
- he feeds complete indifference to his place of residence;
- heightened desire to have a personal home.
Although the latter factor seems noble, it often leads to family discord. The unbridled desire to create their own world at any cost causes a lot of suffering to dear people. Therefore, sensible parents try to approach education issues in a balanced manner, using expert advice. But how to make a house in the apartment for a child in order to develop positive qualities in it? Consider the wise advice of experts.
Varieties of designs
Whatever the size of the children's room, the child still wants to have his own personal space. In it, he will be able to hide from others, relax and do their important things. Manufacturers offer many different types of game houses for children. To the apartment or to the country, to the site or to a private house. Acquainted with the options, everyone is free to make their own choice, the main thing to please the kids.
Designs are of different sizes, so you must consider the living space of the room. Compact houses suitable for apartments, spacious for country houses.
Often, children's houses in an apartment are made from such materials:
- natural wood;
- plastic;
- fabric;
- cardboard;
- plywood.
The main selection criteria are the shape of the structure, material and purpose.
Wood Products
Playhouses made from such material often resemble a real home. Therefore, they are installed not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The design looks good in the play area of the child and requires special care. It needs to be ventilated often, and the parts treated with means of pests and various fungi.
You can make a small house in an apartment with your own hands out of plywood. It will be a wonderful analogue of the construction of natural wood. If it is beautifully decorated, it will also resemble a real residential building.
Plastic structures
A modern alternative to wooden houses - plastic products. Such designs are preferred by those parents who are not able to make a house on their own.
Often, prefab houses for children are made of plastic. The original red roof, a steady “stone” foundation, carved windows, a chimney protruding a visor above the porch. In just a few minutes, the baby can become the owner of this exquisite masterpiece. Inside the building, he will make the decor: put a chair, throw a mat on the floor, close the windows with curtains. And indeed, houses for children from plastic - a cozy abode for dreams!
In addition, they resemble a designer, which can be assembled and disassembled at will. And how convenient to take care of them! Every detail is thoroughly washed in a soap solution once a year, which helps to keep the building clean. There are various types of design of such "toys":
- designs of pink color with turrets for young princesses;
- dark fortresses for boys;
- multi-deck vessel for toddlers.
All of them are made from quality material that is odorless and durable.
Inflatable structures for yearlings asses
The best option is an inflatable house for a child in the room where he spends his leisure time. Since it is considered the safest "structure", it is used for active games with kids. Make them from PVC cloth. They do not have sharp corners, but children really like to jump on a slightly swaying surface. The design is convenient to fold and move around the house.
Under the shadow of a colorful tent
A bright tent house for children in an apartment is a great opportunity to give your child a real fairy tale. It is easy to imagine yourself as a treasure hunter, a courageous traveler, and even an Indian. The house can be purchased in finished form or make their own hands. In any case, the child will like such a colorful playhouse.
Advice to the enterprising parents of
In order to raise full-fledged members of society, moms and dads make great sacrifices to achieve this goal. They communicate with them, educate, teach and, of course, play. Create a house for children in the apartment with their own hands together - the right way to touch their young hearts. To do this, just follow these steps:
- set a goal;
- to design the structure;
- choose a place in the room;
- purchase materials;
- prepare tools;
- consult with households;
- set aside time;
- act.
When the heart is full of enthusiasm, it remains to figure out how to make a small house with your own hands for your beloved baby. Useful tips of masters will help young parents to cope with this task.
Cloth Tent
For the construction of a spacious playhouse a large area is required, so this option is suitable for those who have large apartments. If there is no such luxury, it does not matter. Even in a small room, you can create a house for children with your own hands - a tent of multi-colored fabrics. To do this, you need to make a frame of a suitable material:
- wooden slats;
- aluminum tubes;
- plastic construction.
The master chooses what he likes more. Some use parts of old furniture. You can even take the usual table as a base and cover it with a piece of cloth. Of course, the parameters of the table are initially measured, the size of the canvas is calculated and a peculiar case is sewn. The finished product is tensioned onto the prepared table.
Creating a house for children in an apartment with their own hands is not necessary to acquire a new fabric. Original tents look from old bedspreads or remnants of thick drape fabric. To give the house a special look will help windows that are made of polyethylene. At the entrance establish a reliable lock in the form of a conventional lightning. The floors in this building are made from a mattress or a thick blanket. Here, the child will be comfortable, warm and pleasant to spend their leisure time.
The fastest version of the game house - Indian wigwam. Several supports, fabric and fabric construction is ready. It is easy to move around the room, which is especially like kids.
Game tunnel for the development of motor skills
Caring parents are closely watching the physical development of their offspring. Invaluable help in this matter is a fabric tunnel for children. How to sew with your own hands such an original fixture? Fortunately, it is quite simple. For the construction will need:
- thick fabric;
- several metal or plastic hoops;
- strong thread;
- sewing machine.
First of all, make a design calculation. The next step - cut out the necessary details. Sew them in the form of a long bag, inside which there are several hoops. With the help of such a device, the child will be able to actively and cheerfully spend his leisure time in the apartment.
Construction for children from
cardboard The original version of a playhouse for busy parents is to make it from scrap materials. Often it can be thick cardboard. It is better to use standard sheets that are easy to cut, and then put together in a design.
When cutting the material should not be accidental creases or cuts. Otherwise, the appearance of the structure will suffer.
A more affordable way to make a cardboard house for children by hand is to use packing boxes from large household appliances. First, make markup openings( windows, door).Then, using a sharp stationery knife, cut these holes in the box. Together begin to design the game house. Children can paint it to their liking, and parents add decor items.
If you plan to make a house for the girl in the apartment, you should think about the interior. In the "room" there should be enough space for all the necessary things. This includes a crib for a doll, a stroller, a “locker” for clothes, a toy kitchen, a hospital. Young mistresses, no doubt, will be grateful to parents for such participation in their lives.
Cardboard playhouses are designed for dry rooms, as they are afraid of moisture. They are also easy to destroy. Therefore, such designs are suitable for calm and not dynamic kids.