How to plant a brush using a template after applying it in an outdoor groundnature living in the tropics, can adapt to the conditions of the middle band. These unpretentious ornamental cultures include castor, planting and care in the open field for which even the most inexperienced summer resident will not be hampered. Seeing castor oil at least once is difficult to confuse with some other large, with palmate, with a diameter of up to 80 cm leaves and brushes covered with spikes of seed pods. Culture has an unassuming temper and an enviable growth rate. Even in the middle lane the height of the castor can reach 3 meters. In a more familiar climate, castor oil is a perennial with seeds rich in castor oil. In suburban areas, seed boxes do not ripen, and the plant, referred to as "castor beans" or "Christ palm", is cultivated as an annual.
Planting castor oil for open ground and caring for seedlings
Castor bean is grown using large, convex seeds with a painted surface. During the spring months after sowing, they will have time to germinate, grow strong and give the first real leaves. Planting seedlings castor bean for open ground and care for seedlings carried out in early spring.
In order to speed up the appearance of sprouts, seeds with a dense shell are soaked for 24 hours in warm water. Then they are planted in separate cups or peat pots, buried by 1-2 cm.
Seedlings are quite large, they take large-sized containers for planting. In the future, when it is time to plant in an open field, this will help save the castor root system from damage.
The cups with seeds are covered with a film and placed closer to the window, where the temperature will be within 15–17 ° C.When 7 days have passed, the containers are brought to light. The first shoots can be seen no earlier than 18-20 days. Up to this point and after, until it is time to plant and care for castor oil in open ground, seedlings are provided with:
- watering, maintaining a moderate humidity of the substrate;
- bright, but not direct sunlight, necessary for the formation of a healthy, not stretched crown;
- room temperature;
- no drafts.
See also: Planting tsiniya seeds and caring for seedlings in open ground
When planting castor in open ground? The best time is May, when there will be no danger of a cold return, and the soil will warm up sufficiently. One week earlier, they begin hardening crops, bringing them to fresh air.
Planting castor in the open ground with seeds
The seedling method is suitable for planting and caring for castor in the open field in Siberia and other areas where spring can be long and summer is not as long as we would like. In the southern regions to grow seedlings optional. It is enough to properly prepare the seeds and sow them immediately at the permanent place of residence of the plants.
Surface treatment of castor bean seed, especially the lateral groove with sandpaper, will speed up germination. Castor bean germination does not exceed 50%, processing and increasing the number of seeds will help grow the number of bushes needed.
Seeds are buried in a previously dug and loosened soil, pre-mixed:
- with humus;
- if necessary, with sand;
- with peat.
Read also: How and when to plant blackberries in the spring?
A fast-growing, powerful castor plant needs a lot of power and light. Its root system requires a loose, well-draining substrate, but the area frequented by the winds is not very suitable because of the danger of breakage of the shoots.
Sowing is carried out to a depth of 6–8 cm, in May, and the casting of the castor in the ground in the Urals, in the North-West is carried out a little later, when the soil warms up, and the seedlings will not freeze. To get a bulky shrub, you can put not one, but 2–3 seeds per well. Shoots appear after three weeks. From the sprouts that have appeared above the soil, they carefully remove the hard, retarding growth of the leaves of the seed.
Planting castor oil in open ground
The last week of May and the first half of June is the time to plant castor oil in open ground, and then take care of an unusual, but very spectacular plant.
During the warm season, the castor is actively developing, spending a lot of nourishment and moisture. Therefore, a couple of weeks before transferring the seedlings to the flower bed, they are digging holes up to half a meter deep, which are filled with a mixture of garden land, manure, or humus. The substrate is watered and closed until planting with a thick film.
When a young plant comes to such a place, it quickly acclimatizes and begins to form a magnificent crown. Seedlings are planted in peat pots or with an intact earthen clod at the same level at which the castor has grown before.
Simultaneously with the planting, a solid support for a large ornamental plant is instilled into the ground. The casting ground casting place in the open ground is slightly compacted and watered so that the ground is wetted to a depth of 15–20 cm.
in the open ground
Castor oil is one of the most unprincipled and low-demanding ornamental plants. The main task of the summer resident, who decided to decorate his plot with such large vegetation, is to organize and conduct:
- regular watering;
- complex feeding, designed to provide plants with nutrition and to compensate for what the castor bean has taken;
- loosening the soil under bushes;
- weeding until the plants grow and will be able to independently suppress weeds.
Before the appearance of buds, plants are fed with complex compounds with a predominance of nitrogen. He will help the castor to grow stalks and foliage. In the second half of the summer, a large annual can be sustained with any fertilizer with trace elements, potassium and phosphorus, and one should not forget about abundant watering.
At least five days at least one bucket of water is poured over each castor bush. During dry periods, the soil is moistened 2-3 times more often.
In the middle band, the plant does not hibernate. First, the aerial part dies off, then it is time for the root system. When planting castor beans in open ground for the winter, all greens are pre-removed, the soil is cleaned of plant residues, dug up, making organic fertilizer. So that the soil is not scanty, with the onset of spring in this place castor bean should not be planted.
Casting iron is carried out with gloves, preferably in cloudy weather, evening hours or early in the morning, before the sun appears, the plants are poisonous. Ricin contained in it is toxic when ingested through the mouth or respiratory system.
How to plant castor bean seedlings in the ground - video