The most interesting about philodendron

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video Since the XIX century, when philodendrons began to grow up as a greenhouse or houseplants, indoor plants started to grow up as a greenhouse or houseplants, indoor plants, didn’t make it at the moment that they did not make it that they didn’t make it like that.inhabitants of the tropics.

What interesting facts describing a philodendron have a real basis, and which are just idle fiction? How to propagate the flower at home, and what can prevent the grower from growing?

Philodendron: facts, superstitions and signs of

Room philodendrons belong to one of the largest families of the plant world, the Aroids. In addition, the genus of philodendrons has more than 900 species, which botanists have been racking their brains over for over 150 years on the description and exact definition. Anyone who tries to deal with the classification of these plants, is confronted with an incredible confusion, transfers of one species to another, or completely moving beyond the genus.

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The reason is the large number of philodendrons, the difficulty of studying in the jungle of the tropical belt, as well as surprising variability.

Interesting fact: philodendrons change as they mature. In most species, “children's”, whole heart-shaped leaves are fundamentally different from “adults”, which become pinnate, palmate, dissected.

If this behavior of the flower makes life difficult for scientists, then amateur flower growers should only be pleased with the original appearance of the plant! However, for many, an important reason for rejecting philodendron is the belief about its “harmfulness”.

Read also: Philodendron: caring for a plant after buying

You can hear that decorative leafy, extremely rarely blossoming in room conditions, philodendron can “steal” wealth from the house or separate the spouses. This is an absolute superstition!

If so, the philodendrons would have remained long ago only in the silence of the tropical forest, and the breeders stopped pleasing the gardeners with variegated varieties and hybrids.

No need to think that the flower predicts the weather, if small droplets of moisture appear on its leaves. So the philodendron reacts not to close rains, but to excessive watering.

However, besides leisure fiction, there is information to which you should listen. For example, the danger of the milky juice appearing on the cut of the stem or leaf. Liquid contains caustic salts. Which can cause skin irritation or itching. This should be remembered when it comes to the reproduction of philodendron, its pruning or transplanting.

Reproduction Philodendron

Despite its exotic origins, philodendrons are unpretentious indoor plants that do not require painstaking care and are easy to reproduce. The easiest way to get a young flower, having an adult copy. Apical and stem cuttings root perfectly and grow quickly.

The main thing to remember vegetatively when breeding philodendron vegetatively is:

  • using healthy planting material;
  • at least two internodes and node with viable axillary bud on the handle.

It is possible to cut cuttings from a strong plant during the whole warm season, but it is more convenient to do it with a vein, for example, simultaneously with a transplant. So the young philodendron will have more strength to grow and by the winter he will have time to give his own shoots and leaves.

The cut is made under the knot with the buds of the air roots so that the length of the cutting is 10–12 cm. The lower part of the stem section is treated with a growth factor and 3–4 cm is dropped in a loose substrate of equal fractions of lowland peat and vermiculite. At high humidity, under the scattered rays of the sun and a temperature in the range of 22–24 ° C, the philodendron takes root. On this plant need from 10 to 25 days.

Read also: We create at home comfortable conditions for growing philodendron

If you wish, you can wait for the formation of the roots by submerging the bottom of the cutting in ordinary water and then transplanting the plant into the ground.

An interesting fact is that philodendrons, which bloom regularly in nature, do not form cob-like inflorescences in the house. The reason is that in the pot culture tropical people do not reach adulthood. If the grower is lucky, and the seeds are in his possession, then the reproduction of the philodendron is possible in this way. True, the planting material is capricious, and you will have to tinker with the seeds.

Sowing is carried out on the surface of light soil, then the seeds are covered with a layer of sphagnum and placed in a greenhouse room. Here, at a temperature of 24–26 ° C, high humidity and in partial shade, 30–120 days will show sprouts. Dive and transfer to individual pots seedlings can be on the phase of 2-3 leaves.

Read also: Such bright unusual types of philodendron in the interior of your house

Problems of cultivation of philodendron

Non-capricious philodendron, if it finds suitable conditions and establishes minimal care, grows well and pleases owners with bright lush greenery. However, the violation of the established order threatens to trouble.

As a rule, all cultivation problems of philodendron are associated with impaired care and optimal growth conditions. Recognize the trouble can be by changing the color, size and tone of the leaves:

  1. Reducing leaf plates and their pallor, pulling out the shoots of the leaves signal a lack of light.
  2. Excessive watering or lack of moisture in the plants responds by yellowing or browning the foliage, which gradually dries out and disappears.
  3. If a flower is watered regularly, but its greens look dull, the reason may be in excess of light or root rot. In addition, the active summer sun - the cause of these burns, on which the tissue dies and dries.
  4. Rooting of the roots, often caused by cold or draft, leads to the formation of brown or black spots on the leaves.
  5. Being in dry air, the philodendron begins to deform the leaves, rolling them in a boat.

In order for the plant to always be healthy and beautiful, do not forget about dressings, timely transplantation into the correctly selected soil.

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