We grow up a calendula on the site: features of planting seedlings

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Spring is the time for planting not only garden crops, but also flowers. Is no exception, and calendula. Many flower growers sow it with seeds at the very beginning of spring( and even before autumn), however, the seedling method is also widely used.

In addition, calendula has one advantage - it reproduces beautifully by self seeding. Sowing seeds or planting seedlings of plants once, you can no longer take care of her planting for many years.

It should be borne in mind that Calendula inhibits the growth of corn, radish, basil and melons, therefore, it is better to let it “manage” and seed itself only in flower beds.

What are the advantages of a seedling method?

Planting calendula seedlings is more appropriate when you first need to decide on the main flower beds that take up more space and which are emphasized in the flower arrangement. Calendula here plays a secondary role, complementing the range or emphasizing it.

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Also preference should be given to ready-made seedlings if the calendula is grown and in order to protect against pests. So, this plant just loves aphid. Of course, for the calendula itself it is not very good, but for fruit trees, joint planting is the best option to protect them from harmful insects. Aphids will be savored by a calendula growing in the tree circle, and she will no longer have anything to do with cherries and apple trees. Also for these purposes, calendula is planted between roses and on eggplant and pepper beds.

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When and how to plant seedlings?

As soon as up to 5 true leaves are formed on the seedlings, it is possible to replant it to a permanent place. It is very easy to do this:

  • to prepare the holes in the chosen place( in a bed or between vegetable beds), the size of which must correspond to the earth covered with the roots of the plant;
  • carefully remove the seedling from the cup along with the soil;
  • establish seedlings in the hole and sprinkle with earth, lightly wrapping it around the seedling;
  • is good to shed and cover with mulch.

If the seedlings are extended, you can deepen it into the soil to the leaves.

Calendula grows quite a powerful bush, so the distance between the holes should be no less than 25 cm.

See also: Exhibion ​​onions - growing through seedlings

Where to plant?

Calendula loves the sun very much, so you should not plant it in the shade - the bushes will be pulled out there, besides, it will affect flowering. The soil should be fertile and light, the flower in the clay will not grow.

The plant will not disappear on poor soils, however, it will lose its appearance. Instead of a lush bush there will grow a single elongated shoot with several flowers. If there is no other possibility, it is worth taking care of fertilizer application.

Planting Calendula Tips - Video

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