How to assembly the passage through the roof ventilation: arrangement of roofing penetrations

Withdraw the pipe on the roof - this task at first glance, it does not seem particularly difficult. But in practice, the node passes the ventilation through the roof should be done very carefully and in compliance with all technical requirements.

Only under this condition, the integrity of the roof of the pie will be stored properly, and ventilation will work effectively.

The content of the article:

  • Site Requirements passage
  • Work on rigid roof
  • Construction of the transition of a soft roof
  • Features Mounting type design
  • Useful videos on the topic

Site Requirements passage

Of course, in a place where ventilation or any other tube goes through the roof, it is necessary to provide sufficient sealing to prevent moisture from getting into the building. At the same time, the node should not prevent runoff of precipitation from the surface of the roof. Another important point - the presence of reliable insulation.

Top tube must be protected from ingress of moisture via vent. By the length of the vent pipe impose certain requirements to ensure sufficient draft inside the structure, although they are not as strict as the standards for chimneys.

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Often ventilation through ventilation provided forcibly by an exhaust fan, which is also mounted near the transition of the node. This mechanism should also be reliably protected from the effects of rainfall and other natural factors. In addition, it is imperative to provide grounding of the appliance.

Improper installation of the unit often becomes a cause of poor removal of deposits from the surface that may cause rapid damage to the roofing material. A lot of trouble can cause a vent of an apartment building, if it comes across to the roof slope.

transition units for ventilation
In addition to the vent passage node through the roof may require additional components that protect the design from the precipitation, improve moisture and retraction etc.

It is much better if the site is located along the slope, so it will create fewer obstacles to the flow of water. The best position is considered to be the location of the hub of the transition along the ridge. This embodiment eliminates the need for installation of additional components that reduce the resistance of the vent pipe convergence precipitation.

Error considered serious mounting position in which the front apron is under the roofing sheet. Apron - a design for a tight fit of the roof to the walls of the pipe. If the lower part of the apron wound up under the roof, the gap would be to drain water entering the roof pie and then into the attic space.

Installation transition node principles
Principles installation of ventilation systems transition assembly may be used for mounting other similar devices, such as chimneys

Absence of the heat-insulating layer contributes to the appearance of the difference in temperature, which contributes to the formation of condensation on the surface of ventilation pipes. Over time, this situation could cause damage to the material of construction, the formation of mold, oxides, etc. rusty plaque

Deflector for ventilation
The outer part of the ventilation tube projecting above the roof, it is necessary to protect the cap-deflector from moisture and precipitation

In older ventilation ducts typically provided a so-called "otter" - thickening, which allows the heated air to cool slightly before the exit to the roof. As a result, air temperature difference and roofing communication will be smaller, which will reduce the likelihood of condensation.

In modern buildings use aprons, whereby tear between the pipe and the roof is completely closed hermetically. Incisions for installation aprons are formed at the same time using the grinder. Warming of metal and plastic pipes can be formed using mineral wool or other suitable material.

Round the transition unit
For round air duct is better to choose a model industrial transfer unit as a device to make their own will not be easy

Sometimes used for this purpose wooden or metal box. When designing a ventilation system should be immediately reflect variant arrangement pass through the roof. Experts have noted that a pipe with a rectangular or square cross-section to output much easier than a round structure.

To provide a sufficiently tight abutment vent pipe to the material of the roof, typically use a square sleeve which is put on top of the pipe. Venting of the roof can be almost any convenient height. Special requirements for fire safety here either.

ventilation transition node
Node passage ventilation flue through the roof is performed after installation of the ventilation system, but the device of roofing and paving cake

However, the structure must provide sufficient length to pass assembly is securely attached to all the elements of the roof. Pay attention to the costs and the distance between the edge of the pipe and fixed on it deflector. It should be large enough so that the air masses passing through the vent, can move freely.

Work on rigid roof

For the arrangement of the ventilation duct through the roof passage unit coated rigid roofings (Tile, ondulin, decking, etc.) use a square type design sandbox filled with insulating material. It small flange should be performed to protect the insulation from moisture that entered directly onto the pipe.

Around a rectangular metal sleeve must set four items apron, which eventually will cover the line of abutment of the pipe to the roof on all sides. First set the lower part, and then mounted side, can then be put on top of the apron element. The horizontal section of the part of the apron, located above the rest, it should make a roofing material. The rest, i.e. side and bottom members are mounted on top of the roof.

Scheme passage node
Prior to installation of industrial ventilation unit go through the roof is recommended to examine the device element of this and take into account the manufacturer's recommendations

A tie is called a long roof gutter, which should be provided of the roof structure. Quite often, when installing the ventilation passage node fails to do without such member. To clarify this point, it is advisable to consult an experienced roofer.

The apron can be purchased ready-made, but such a structure is easy to make yourself. For this purpose, galvanized roofing sheets 0.5 mm thick. It is undesirable to use a thicker roofing material because it will be harder to bend in order to give the necessary form.

Warming passage node
Differential air temperature inside and outside air can lead to condensation within the assembly, it is recommended to insulate the ventilation duct portion

But a thin sheet for these purposes should not be taken because it does not have sufficient reliability. apron size must match the dimensions of the wave of material which is used for roofing. For mounting under the metal transition assembly vertical part length of the apron is made as two roofing wave, and horizontal part- of triple wavelength.

These dimensions are intended to create a large enough set of the apron on a horizontal plane of the pipe and an inclined plane of the cover to prevent ingress of the material under the roof, even accidental splashing. Apron also mounted to overlap the top mounted item on the item below. The best is the overlap of elements equal to the width of one of them, but this position is not always achievable.

So, what is hidden under the roofing material overlap of the upper and side members of the apron, it is difficult to establish the details in the correct position. But with the imposition of the lower and side portions of the apron is not a problem, it is recommended to sustain precisely the necessary size.

If necessary, parts of the apron size after installation can be corrected with the help of scissors for metal. Flanging should be performed only for the top and side members. For the bottom of this adjustment is not necessary, because the moisture from it comes to roof slope and, possibly, on the tie.

Node passage for ventilation duct
If the transition unit for ventilation duct is installed correctly, the roof space will be protected from rain and moisture

This member can be mounted on top of the roof in order to optimize the removal of moisture. In this situation, on the lower part of the apron should make a slight bend in the direction of the tie. In addition, the need to lower flange. If installing a tie does not provide design, the lower flange on the apron is not necessary, however, for the release of water should do more.

Construction of the transition of a soft roof

Roof construction under the soft roof has some features that are reflected in the order of installation of the ventilation passage. Ramps on a roof is usually performed with a slight slope. Nizskoskatnuyu roof often covered with soft materials.

Mounting assembly passage
When mounting assembly passage portion unfolded to the ridge, is slid under the sheet of roofing material, so that moisture can not enter the clearances and do not damage the insulation

Although the roof and is considered nizkoskatnoy, yet some minimal bias she has. Before starting work on the installation of ventilation transition should find out in advance which side of the slope of the roof. If rigid roof passage unit is installed before the roofing, in this situation, you must first perform the rollers of the main area of ​​the roof membrane.

After that make thermal unit and install insulation materials. What happens next depends on the shape of the roof penetration assembly. For an element with a circular cross-section need to install only two parts, but the square configuration assembly is mounted with four components.

Instead of hard aprons, which have been described above, there is need segments surfaced roofing material. They are fixed on the roof and on the passage unit. fixing process starts from the bottom, and then - from the inside to the outside, then attach the upper portion lining.

The height of the ventilation pipe installation
By mounting height ventilation pipes impose similar requirements as smoke ducts for mounting above the roof level. Simply put, the height of the ventilation risers take equal to the height of chimneys

The individual elements adjusted in this way: first, lower, then the side, completing installation fastening upper laths. Of course, all of these components must be some overlap, but its size requirements are not as strict as the installation pass under tight roofing material.

Low slope ramp does not create turbulent water flow, it will flow slowly, so a considerable overlap in this situation and do not need. But the low flow rate of winter precipitation coming down on the roof, can create another problem. The joints of roofing material may exfoliate during prolonged contact with moisture.

Node switching to a soft roof
Soft roofing materials are usually placed on the slope with a slight slope. In any case, you should take into account the slope of the slope direction

To prevent such a situation, one should pay special attention to the quality of the flexible installation of the roof, just to meet all the requirements of packing technology. Simply put, the roofing sheet should warm up properly and reliably press. It is possible to use the technique prihlopyvaniya or apply a special roll for packing of shingles.

Clap sheet using gloves, in which the enclosed leather tab. Roller is more suitable for use on thin roofing materials. If the laminate is used, a large node assembly operates normally using two-layer overlap.

only one layer can be used for a small element. Round extending small diameter decorate two large plates with bent horizontally "skirt". First, mount the lower member, and then - the top. During installation of the heated sheet of material necessary to slightly tighten to ensure good coverage of the ventilation and the necessary communication overlap.

Features Mounting type design

Nodes sinking air communications in industrial production is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15150. It is believed that the air temperature inside the communication pipe must not exceed 80 degrees and the humidity of the flow should be within 60%.

Position vent tube passing through the roof
Place the passage through the roof ventilation pipe usually has a square configuration, it must be considered when choosing the shape and type of the transition duct assembly

For the calculation of node passage must take into account such factors as the slope angle of the slope and the distance from the element to the roof ridge. Typical transition assembly may be constructed in the following variations:

  • with a ring for the condensate or without;
  • warmed with or without a conventional valve or valves;
  • Manual or mechanical control valve;
  • protection from sparks or without it, etc.

These options may vary depending on the situation. For example, there is no need to install a mechanical valve, if the system is stable and does not require constant adjustment. It is also possible the production site of penetration under the order.

Typical transition units
Typical components of penetration through the roof performed in industrial plants, are very diverse, they are selected depending on the pipe size and characteristics of the roof

Constructions of this type are made of polymers, stainless steel of 0,5-0,8 mm thickness and made of black steel at 1.5-2 mm. The cross section of the finished transfer assembly may be circular, oval, square or rectangular. The specific model is selected depending on the type of roofing material and parameters of the ventilation tube.

Although the passage of units of foreign production is usually characterized by high quality, they are not always adapted to local climatic conditions, so it does not interfere with carefully examine the supply of domestic manufacturers. They are usually marked as follows:

  • letters UE index from 1 to 10 indicate the structure without the condenser and the valve ring;
  • Indexes of from 2 to 10 denote devices with a manual valve ring is absent;
  • CPL designation assigned to devices with a special platform under the actuator for the valve, which is provided by design.

The complete ready-made models of transition nodes are embedded nuts and bolts, which are fastened to wooden structures, glasses made of reinforced concrete, intended to be installed. For thermal insulation has been successfully used mineral wool, which is recommended to protect the layer of fiberglass.

If you need to install a ventilation unit with a safety valve, should pay attention to the fitting designed for him. The lower flange of the element to be attached valve. The upper flange for fixing the position of the duct. As a fastener for use clamps braces and brackets.

To further protect the vent stack from moisture, use a skirt. condensate tank is welded to the pipe. It is designed to remove moisture from air masses, which move along the ventilation duct. To use a mechanical control valve assembly to be installed on a shelf intended for him.

This element should not be installed close to the ring to collect the condensate to maintain the integrity of all elements of penetration. Typical model nodes are typically mounted before Roofing: first mount the air ducts of the ventilation system, then pass and put the roof afterwards.

It is recommended at the end of the work to carry out sealing of all joints, including the place of landfall site elements to the roof covering. To do this:

  • clean the surface of the pipe and the roof from contaminants;
  • seal the lower part of the duct and the adjacent portion of the roof foil paper;
  • fill the holes with sealing compound.

These measures will help to protect against moisture and tunneling to create additional insulation design.

Useful videos on the topic

Video showing the installation of the ventilation pipe assembly passing through the roofing system, gives an idea about the features of this type:

Setting this important element is not too difficult to perform. But we need to accurately comply with the requirements of technology and installation work to prevent retention of moisture on the surface of the roof and its penetration under the coating.

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