Agrotechnics cultivation of sweet cherry variety Ovstuzhenka

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Among the many varieties obtained for the middle lane, there are few that tolerate cold, large-fruited, fruitful and tasty. Among the leaders is Ovstuzhenka's sweet cherry, the description of the variety may even interest the northerners. The author V. M. Kanshina received an outstanding variety, which was entered into the state register in 2001, recommended for the central part of Russia. Variety refers to semi-fruit, which means that at least 10% of the flower bouquet will be tied without a pollinator, you will not be left without a crop!

Features of the variety

Description of the variety of sweet cherry Ovstuzhenka confirms that scientists can do a lot. Yuzhanku tamed so that she is willing to endure the cold to -45 degrees. But such low temperatures, even in Siberia, are rarely at present - the climate is changing.

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The tree grows quickly, but rushes upward during the first 4-5 years, until it enters the fruiting season. Crohn spherical, dense. The height of the cherry tree is convenient for the care and removal of fruits. The leaves are ovate, strongly pointed to the apex, dentate, on a short petiole. In each bouquet there are 3 flowers of large size with stamens and pistils. The main advantage of the variety is the frost resistance of large flower and vegetative buds to low temperatures.

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If there are pollinators near Ovstuzhenka's sweet cherry - Iput, Raditsa, Bryansk Rose, the yield from one sweet cherry is promised up to 30 kg. When testing varieties per hectare, 102-206 centners of berries were harvested. It is especially necessary to note the large-fruited almost black, ripe sweet cherries. Depending on the care berries grow by 4-7 grams. Their dark color is a signal, the berry is useful for strengthening the heart muscle and the vascular system.

Berry Ingredients:

  • full multivitamin complex restores the deficiency of beneficial elements in the body after beriberi;
  • fruit taste is estimated at 4.5 points on a five-point scale;
  • dry matter - 17.7%;
  • sugars - 11.6%;
  • ascorbic acid - 13.4 mg / 100 g of the product.

According to the description of the variety Ovtuzhenka cherries, the fruit tree blooms in the second decade of May, the crop ripens in late June. In warmer climates, fruiting is in mid-June, in the Trans-Urals - one month later.

Despite the outstanding qualities stated in the description of the variety, shelter of the tree trunk for the winter, mulching with horse manure will increase the guarantee of tree preservation and fertilize the soil. Autumnal whitewash will protect from frostbones.

Despite the resistance of the Ovstuzhenka sweet cherry variety to coccomycosis and moniliosis, preventive protective measures are necessary.

Read also: Technology of forcing a bow and feather in a greenhouse, hydroponics and sawdustTo look like Ovstuzhenka's cherry, as in the photo, you need proper care after the tree after planting.

A sunny southern slope with fertile soil and low standing of groundwater is chosen for planting. In this case, the seedling is placed so that the neck is above the ground. The distance between the trees should be 3-5 meters. The seedling is rooted in a warm climate in autumn, in the Moscow region - in spring. The trunk height of 1 meter is removed branches, this will allow the tree to quickly lay the crown.

It is important to keep the near-stem circle always clean, and young saplings should be regularly watered, but not to the dirt. Roots must breathe. This will help loosening and light fertile soil composition.

Planting and caring for Ovstuzhenka cherries do not differ from other types of agricultural machinery. They need to be formed by trimming, feeding, watering and performing protective spraying.

For a full-fledged harvest, it is important to have several trees on the site or in neighboring cottages. Pollinators for Ovvuzhenka are varieties that bloom simultaneously.

Read also: Sweet Cherry Iput - a variety of early ripening

At least 12 square meters of land should be allocated to one tree. Horse manure is considered to be the best feeding for cherries. It is made in the fall, added to the hearth pit. In the spring, for rapid development, the plant needs nitrogen fertilizers - urea crumbles into a trunk circle. After fruiting, the tree is prepared for winter, feeding in July - August potassium sulphate and superphosphate.

Formation of the crown, skeletal branches are carried out for 4 years according to the scheme:

After each year, they carry out sanitary and thinning pruning, simultaneously limiting growth.

Prophylactic treatments with nitrophene and copper sulfate in the spring will allow trees to become immune to fungal diseases. Treatment against insects - pests will save the garden from brought diseases. Correct care will save you from frostbite and gum.

It must be remembered that the stem of the cherry must be clean, and you can plant honey and siderats around. When mowing, mulch nourishes the earth with useful elements of natural content.

And live your tree a hundred years!

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