As the “casket” of healthy microelements grows - the incomparable royal pomegranate fruit

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videono perfect creatures. Perhaps this is true, but, if we consider in detail how a grenade grows, it is easy to refute this theory. The majestic exotic tree has exquisite beauty, unsurpassed fecundity and valuable properties. Its bright red fruits are reminiscent of small lights that can warm in harsh winter days. Looking at them, you unwittingly recall the hot summer in the southern lands and the charming colors of exotic resorts. Despite this, many people do not think about how a stately pomegranate grows in nature and whether it can be grown at home.

A brief excursion into the distant past

The first mention of a unique fruit, some associated with Adam, when he broke the commandment of the Creator. Unfortunately, the Holy Scripture does not say what kind of fruit caused the sin of man. Despite this, the history of ancient Greek myths and the methods of healing of ancient healers are associated with it.

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In view of these facts, it is quite difficult to say where the garnet tree was first discovered, because today culture can be found in many parts of the planet. It is grown in North Africa, Italy, Spain, Azerbaijan and Turkey. The fruit is popular in the valleys of the Caucasus Mountains. He has fans in Abkhazia and sunny Georgia. There are many places in Russia where grenades grow. This is the southern part of the Krasnodar Territory, the Crimean Peninsula and the Azov Sea. Entrepreneurial gardeners are trying to grow new cold-resistant species in the territory of mid-latitudes and even in the Moscow region.

Since pomegranate is considered a valuable source of useful substances, it was of interest during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs and the Roman Caesars. Interestingly, when the Romans seized the Phoenician city of Carthage, only pomegranate trees survived. After that, the fruit was called the "king" of exotic fruits. In addition, a majestic crown of sepals stood on its top, which became the prototype of the royal crown. The provided photo shows how pomegranate grows on the branches of an exotic tree.

Translated into Russian, pomegranate means “grained apple”, which is reminiscent of its health benefits. Truly, valuable "casket" of precious trace elements and vitamin.

Pomegranate in its natural environment

How pomegranate grows in its natural environment reminds its origin from southern latitudes. The tree loves open areas where there is an abundance of light and air. If he lacks these main factors, the tree may never bloom. Have to be content with only green foliage.

Read also: We plant pomegranate in the open ground correctly

The harvest time varies depending on the area where the pomegranate grows. In order for the fruits to fully ripen, a long and hot summer is required. In addition, the winter should be short and warm. The optimum temperature range ranges from 12 degrees Celsius.

You can grow pomegranate in the following ways:

  • using seed sowing;
  • cutting cuttings;
  • layering;
  • by grafting seedlings.

Of course, not everyone will be able to grow a full-fledged tree in this way and see how the pomegranate blooms with fragrant buds. Some gardeners prefer to buy a ready seedling and grow it in the backyard area.

A young pomegranate tree should be planted in a sunny location to provide it with enough sunlight and air.

When the tree is planted, in the first month it is watered 2 or 3 times a week. Then, the interval is reduced to 1 time for 7 days. Depending on the method of cultivation of pomegranate, the expectation of fruit stretches for years. For example, if cuttings are planted, the first fruits will appear after 6 years. The layouts will delight grenades after 7 long years. A strong seedling will begin to bear fruit already in the 3rd year. Abundant fruiting is expected by the age of 8 or 10.In general, the pomegranate tree lives to 70 years of age, although there are also long-livers.

In the metropolitan parks of France grow specimens bearing fruit for 200 years. In Azerbaijan - more than 100 years. Some varieties bear fruit for 300 years. These facts show that if you know how to grow a pomegranate, then you can enjoy its unique taste and beauty for a long time. To top it all, the plant does not require special care and takes root in any soil.

The fruit belongs to a family of shrubs that can grow up to 6 meters in height. Therefore, choosing a place for landing, you must take this fact into account.

Growing fruit at the dacha

Fans of exotic plants are well aware of how to plant a pomegranate in the garden so that it can bear fruit. The main condition for the cultivation of the king's fruit is fertile soil. At the selected site, they dig a hole with a diameter and a depth of 60 cm. At the bottom of it lay out the top layer of soil, put a seedling at an angle of 45 degrees, slightly compacted, buried and watered liberally. Due to this inclination, the plant will be easier to cover for the winter with spider bricks, cloth or soil.

In no case should one plant a manure, mineral fertilizers or humus in the hole when planting a pomegranate. It is desirable to make top dressing of the soil 3 months before this so that the plants will successfully take root in the dacha garden.

The next day after planting, preferably in the evening, water again and cover the soil around the trunk with mulch from slightly parted sawdust or leaves. Water young trees once a week. Top dressing can be done in late spring or early June. The soil around the seedlings periodically plow, removing weeds.

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To prepare pomegranate for the winter period, in November the bushes are covered with primer. But, at first they are tilted to the ground and tied to stable stakes. In such a “vault”, the tree will calmly transfer the cold winter frosts. And perhaps in a year the royal fruits from the summer cottage will appear on the table.

Room variant of an exotic plant

Unsurpassed fans of the royal fruit even know the secret of how to grow pomegranate at home and collect fruits from it. For this purpose, suitable dwarf varieties of plants that begin to bloom in the second year after planting.

For a tree to stick successfully, you need a small container. It must be wide so that the surface roots of the plant develop well. The soil is suitable for acid. If you follow these simple rules, it is not at all difficult to grow a room grenade with a maximum height of 1.5 meters. It takes only a little patience and effort.

There are several ways of planting an exotic potted fruit:

  • ready seedlings from the nursery;
  • germinated material from gardening companies;
  • cuttings;
  • bones.

The easiest way to grow a pomegranate tree is to purchase it from a nursery. Gardeners who patiently grow pomegranate from a stone at home are much more fun.

They start a business from the selection of planting material. Bones fit only from fully ripe fruit, on which there are no flaws. It is advisable to find a pomegranate from a potted tree, then there is more chance to grow fruit.

Ripe fruit has a dryish skin that fits snugly to the seed. If she has a brilliant character, it means that the fruit was torn off in an immature form. Such bones do not fit.

Selected pomegranate should be quickly peeled and dried for 24 hours. Before planting, seeds are soaked in milk, water or growth stimulants. In the prepared loosened soil lay the bones to a depth of 1 cm and cover with plastic wrap. After about 20 days, shoots appear. Now you can remove the film. Since growing a pomegranate from a stone is rather difficult, several factors should be taken into account: the

  • container with the plant should stand on a well-lit window;
  • at first to protect from direct sunlight;
  • regularly dry with clean water as the topsoil dries out;
  • permissible room temperature not lower than 12 degrees.
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When the tree grows, flowers of the original form will appear on it. Over time, they will turn into royal fruits, inside which juicy seeds are stored. Of course, they are inferior in size to imported grenades, but the value of the product remains unchanged.

In order for the tree to harmoniously fit into the interior, it is advisable to adjust the shape of the crown once every 6 months. Usually pruning done in spring and autumn, removing excess shoots. The soil under the plant should always be slightly wet. In the summer, the pot is taken out onto the street or on the balcony to speed up the growth process. When the cold season comes, it is brought into the house where the tree overwinters.

The maximum temperature for a “sleeping” plant is no higher than 15 degrees. Feed it in winter is not necessary. Water moderately as the soil dries. With the arrival of spring, young leaves appear on the pomegranate tree. Now it can be fed to stimulate growth.

Initially, plant a pomegranate, preferably in a small pot, which corresponds to the size of the earthen coma near the roots of the seedling. The closer the container, the more abundant the pomegranate tree of the dwarf species blooms.

Useful properties of the magic pomegranate "casket"

Since ancient times, people have noticed a number of useful properties of the king's fruit. Its berries are filled with a variety of vitamin, mineral salts and trace elements. The juice contains a huge amount of amino acids, tannins, glucose and sugar.

Exotic pomegranate fruits have a beneficial effect on immunity, blood vessels and blood pressure. It quenches thirst, stimulates the appetite and lowers blood sugar. Inflorescences of the royal fruit contain an abundance of dyes, so they are widely used in light industry. Broths from the peel drink with intestinal disorders, as a fixative. Also used for gargling and various inflammatory processes.

Truly, pomegranate is an indispensable fruit for the whole family. It's not too late to start growing it and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Pomegranate Cultivation Features - Video

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