How to grow Physalis seedlings at home?

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Familiar treated him with jam from physalis, which grows in her cottage, and in the summer, when she grows at her cottage, and when she came to her house, they grew up with her, and she grew up with her house, and
familiarized herself with jam from physalis, which grows at her dacha, and she liked to grow in her country house and they didn’t go to the school, she grew up with her house, and
familiarized herself with jam from physalis, which grows at her dacha, and went to the school, she grew up with her house, and
.I really liked his unusual taste, and decided to dissolve myself. Tell me how to grow Physalis seedlings at home?

Physalis is a member of the family of the nightshade and can be either decorative or edible. Due to the good frost resistance and unpretentiousness in the care of the plant has gained popularity among gardeners. So, decorative varieties serve as a wonderful decoration of a flower bed, and from edible species they prepare tasty jam, as well as pickle and dry fruits for medicinal purposes.

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Both types of Physalis are most often grown in seedlings at home. To get quality seedlings, you should competently approach the following questions:

  1. Choosing the right soil for sowing seeds.
  2. Preparation of seeds with their subsequent sowing.
  3. Shoot pick.
  4. Care for seedlings.
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Selection and preparation of soil

To grow seedling physalis use soil that is suitable for tomatoes and peppers. Ready substrate can be bought in flower shops, and you can make yourself by mixing:

  • peat - 2 parts;
  • garden soil and compost - 1 part;
  • sand - 0.5 parts;
  • for 2 tbsp.lash for every 5 kg of substrate.

At high acidity of peat, wood ash should be added.

. Preparation and sowing of seeds.

. Seeds for seedlings are sown at the end of March - in the middle of April. Before sowing, they should be pre-treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. To improve germination, the grains are placed overnight in a solution based on a growth stimulator( for example, 2 drops of Appin per 100 ml of water).

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Fill the container with the prepared substrate, lightly tamp it down and lay out the seeds, keeping the same distance between them. Sprinkle on top of the soil( no thicker than 1 cm), lightly press the soil and pour. To create greenhouse conditions, cover the container with film and put it on a well-lit window sill.

After the shoots appear, remove the shelter. The most suitable temperature for growing seedlings is not less than 15, but not more than 20 degrees Celsius. The soil should be watered regularly, not allowing full drying.

Transplantation of seedlings

After the seedlings form 3 true leaves, they must be swooped from the total capacity into separate cups. The soil is prepared the same as for the seeds, but sand is added two times less. To make the seedlings easier to transplant and get accustomed, mineral fertilizers are applied at the rate of 1 tbsp.lon 5 kg of substrate.

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Physalis seedling care

Seedling cups are placed on the sunny side in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees. Regularly watered, maintaining soil moisture. A couple of weeks after transplantation, seedlings can be fed with Mortar. Re-feeding is done in 2 weeks.

Before planting seedlings at a permanent place, they should be hardened. To do this, they are daily taken out for a couple of hours on the street. Planted them only after the night frosts end. By this time, the seedling age is approximately 30 days.

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