Modern design of the children's room: design, interior decoration, furniture, walls, furniture

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When a child appears in a family, a great responsibility falls on parents' shoulders - to grow a full-fledged member of society out of it. Children's room design is an important factor in achieving this goal. After all, he will be in this room most of his life. Here the baby will sleep, learn to walk, play with their toys. In this room, he will say the first words, and learn how to communicate, be able to dream of a wonderful future, and achieve goals. Therefore, parents should take care of the design of the children's room in advance in order to satisfy all the needs of the new inhabitant of the earth.

Unfortunately, there are times when you have to think about it when children are no longer babies. At a young age, they have their own taste, preferences and wishes for the design of their personal space. Wise parents listen to the opinions of their children, and sometimes, together they make up the design of a children's room. What is this action plan? Let's try to understand its subtleties.

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The main selection criteria for

At present, the theme of decorating a room for a child is one of the most important among parents. The time has long passed when the bed, the table and the wardrobe were the main elements of the room setting for the little ones. Today, the design of the children's room is a real opportunity to bring into life the most daring fantasies. The main thing is to adhere to the following main criteria:

  1. The indoor environment should be interesting for the kid. In order to reach agreement on matters of choice, it is important for parents to know his opinion, compare it with theirs, and then make a wise decision.
  2. Convenience and comfort. Usually, children love to frolic in their room, which includes the dynamics of movements. Therefore, there must be enough space in the room.
  3. Security. This includes the quality of materials, electrical appliances, the corners of some pieces of furniture.
  4. Functionality. When assembling a child's room, consider the “working” area of ​​the child: a table, a chair, and lighting. Place for leisure, recreation and active games.

Given these criteria, the task of loving parents is to make the best use of the space allocated for children. Even small rooms can be turned into a cozy residence for toddlers and teenagers.

When setting up a room for children, you should choose a room with windows facing east or toward the south. As a result, it will always be filled with light.

Children's Room Design: Designing

In one authoritative book, sons are compared to the arrows of a strong warrior who fears no one. If parents try to touch the heart of their children, then even in adulthood they will be friends with them. Therefore, for them the main task is to create the conditions for the baby so that he feels their love and care. In order to wisely design a children's room, several important factors must be taken into account:

  • interior can influence mood during the daytime leisure time;
  • nothing in the room should not interfere with night rest;
  • promote concentration during class.

Despite the fact that for a baby the interior of the room does not play a special role, soon parents will have to change it. Therefore, it is better at the very beginning to create the most ideal conditions for the development of the child.

Wise parents will not become frivolous about these criteria. The time is long past when children's design was made on the principle of "like everyone else."Today there is an opportunity to expand their capabilities, taking advantage of the many options offered. The main thing to avoid such moments:

  1. In the nursery there should not be any hooks or studs located below the height of the baby. Especially at the level of his eyes.
  2. Electrical appliances, sockets are installed with the provided protection. Otherwise, inquisitive children will try to figure out how they work.
  3. Wiring is necessarily hidden under plinths or baguettes.
  4. It is desirable to attach all kinds of equipment to the surface in order to protect children from unexpected injuries.
  5. Furniture is best purchased from natural materials that do not have a harmful smell.
  6. For the design of the room for the child should not use glass tables or cabinets with sharp corners.
  7. Choosing a chandelier, it is wiser to give preference to plastic products. Another option is the luminaires built into the suspended ceiling.
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When the rules are followed, you can proceed to the first design step.

To ensure maximum safety of the baby, it is desirable to minimize the presence of glass objects in the room. These include mirrors.

Wise distribution of space

On the provided photo of the design of the children's room, the area of ​​separation of the room is clearly visible. With this approach, parents are easier to keep track of the child, as well as to maintain order. If, for example, toys are lying on the bed, it will immediately strike the eye and induce action. Thus, the child will learn to put things in their places.

Using zoning is much easier to create the original interior of the children's room and organize the pastime of kids. If he is in a recreation area, then it's time to sleep. At the table - you need to focus and learn.

The division of a room into zones has a number of advantages, among which I would like to highlight the main ones:

  • visual increase in space;
  • comfortable conditions for concentration;
  • delineation of the study area from the playing area.

It is interesting that in each part of the room you can use your own interior and original style. And this is truly a wonderful opportunity to create unique masterpieces of the interior.

To date, there are many ways to zoning and decorating a children's room, starting with the little things and ending with the original wall, ceiling and floor decoration. Most often, designers use such options:

  • division of the room with the help of furniture( screen, closet, shelves, partition, shelving);
  • use of objects for decoration( lamp, indoor plants, floor design, carpet);
  • floors or ceilings of different levels;
  • wall decoration with various types of materials and colors.

It is important to analyze the interests, wishes and basic needs of the baby before starting zoning. In addition, you should consider age. Dividing a room into zones with the decor will suit high school students. Teenagers will enjoy the multi-colored interior of the nursery, which improves mood. And for children under 5 years old it is better to divide the space with the help of a wardrobe or upholstered furniture.

Do not be upset if a small area is reserved for a nursery. In the center of the room you can make a playing area, and put the furniture along the walls. Also, it will not be superfluous to cover the floors with a warm rug.

Ability to put into life your own ideas

Often parents have a question about how to furnish a children's room so that the kid can spend time in it comfortably. Here he will play with his toys, do his homework, chat with his best friends. Given these moments, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child and possible changes in the interior, after a few years. After all, kids tend to grow rapidly, and the actual design today can become uninteresting tomorrow.

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It would be wise to first consider the designs of furniture for the children's room, so as to lovingly equip the room for an expensive baby. The most important element of the interior is a place to sleep. The newborn will suit a small cozy bed with elegant sides. Teenagers - orthopedic sofa. In addition, modern designers, to save space, created special wardrobes with built-in beds. They are put forward only when necessary, which allows you to make the decor of the nursery almost perfect.

When the bed is set, you can proceed to the next step. It is necessary to choose furniture for storage of children's things. These can be:

  • wardrobe;
  • shelves;
  • all kinds of shelving;
  • dressers;
  • pull-out sofa drawers;
  • dress wardrobes with hangers.

All these pieces of furniture will help your child arrange favorite toys, clothes, shoes, school notebooks, textbooks and fiction. Regarding the working area, it should be noted that an individual approach is required for each age. The design of furniture for a children's room shown in a photo popularly shows this tendency.

A child under 5 years old is enough to put a miniature table with a chair. And students will need a desk where he can do homework and master modern electronic equipment.

In a rectangular room, it is desirable to arrange the furniture on one side. If necessary, you can mount a turn with a corner cabinet. Under the long wall in one row it is better to put a desk and bed. And in a square room furniture is arranged on different sides.

Choosing the right color

Most experts agree that when decorating the interior of a room for children, it is important to choose colors with discretion. After all, it has a beneficial effect on the mood and performance of the child. Therefore, the first thing is determined with the background tone of the room, under which the interior will be created. Ideal - pastel shades or pure white color, which is convenient to put various bright decorative drawings. Depicted in the photo design ideas for children with their own hands, help to present the appearance of the future premises.

Psychologists research shows that color can cause a child not only positive emotions, but also irritation. Often this leads to loss of sleep, nervousness and even despondency.

For a child's room it is desirable to use such colors:

  • beige;
  • orange;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • olive.

The main condition is that they should not be saturated and bright. And it is better to refuse from red and purple in general, so that the child does not develop aggression.

Quite often, using several tones, craftsmen create original wall designs for the children's room. They paint the panels in several colors, resulting in stylish patterns or abstractions.

Original contrasts can be created not only on vertical walls. Selecting furniture with facades of different colors, it turns out a beautiful interior for a teenager. It is important to try to achieve a harmony of shades of the wall and furniture.

As a main color, white or any tone that is present on interior items is ideal. The design of the children's room for the baby shown in the photo is a visible confirmation of this combination of shades.

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The basic rules for creating apartments for the young princess

The layout of the room for young beauties, from which real keepers of the family hearth will grow, deserves special attention. First of all, you need to get rid of the stereotype that the whole situation should be in pink. Modern designers offer to reflect on these shades:

  • sky blue;
  • light yellow;
  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • lilac;
  • olive;
  • Crimson;
  • milk.

These interior options look much more attractive for the baby. And if, perhaps, let her choose her own place for a bed, a storage area for toys and valuables. Such cooperation will help show love for the child and bring his dreams to life.

When creating a design of a children's room for a girl, you should pay attention to such moments:

  • lighting;
  • furniture;
  • decor.

The baby should be comfortable getting and folding toys, doing homework( if a teenager) and getting emotional satisfaction from the interior. All finishing materials for the decoration of the room are used only on a natural basis so as not to harm the baby.

For safety reasons, there should be no sharp corners on decorations and furniture.

Considering the age and interests of the girl

When you make a children's room for girls under 7 years old, you must remember that at this age they are still curious and energetic. They are interested in the world around them, which is learned through new toys. You may have to make room for your pet and purchase new accessories for your favorite doll. Now precious things princesses hardly fit in the box under the bed. Given this moment, farsighted parents acquire shelves or special cabinets. Over time, they will serve as a repository for:

  • books;
  • notebooks;
  • pens;
  • paints;
  • plasticine;
  • all kinds of materials for needlework.

Do not forget that girls tend to constantly learn something new and strive for creativity. Therefore, the room is supplemented with decorative elements. Let it be colorful bows, balls, ribbons, hearts and various pictures.

When the young princess goes to school, she will need to create a working area. Convenient desk is important to place in a place where a lot of light falling on the left side. Artificial lighting should also be appropriate so that the baby does not strain her eyesight.

Often, along with schooling, parents send girls to various clubs. In order to stir up interest in a new business, a sports or creative corner is arranged in the children's room. To do this, carry out changes in the interior:

  • pokleit suitable wallpaper;
  • hang pictures or drawings of the young artist on the walls;
  • put an aquarium for animal lovers;
  • to mount sports equipment near the wall.

In each case, an individual approach is used.

A few years later, when the girl becomes older, the room again has to make changes. In place of your favorite toys comes the computer, tablet and other gadgets. Therefore, such a technology will require a special table with boxes, behind which it is convenient to dive into the virtual world of endless information.

Instead of a small cot, a spacious berth with an orthopedic mattress “enters” into the apartments. Cabinets and shelves become bulky and multifunctional. For decoration use various posters with your favorite fairy-tale characters, handicraft items and your own drawings. Surely a little princess will be grateful to parents for such a manifestation of love and kindness to her needs.

Children's room design development -

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