Why zamiokulkas turns yellow, and what to do to save him

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Despite the unpretentiousness and decent envy of endurance, the zamiokulkas sometimes makes its owners not a joke. Why does zamiokulkas turn yellow, and what if the stems wither and the leaves dry? The answer to the questions of the florist most often lies in the mistakes made during the care or lack of attention to the guest from tropical, but not too wet areas of Africa.

Without taking into account the biological characteristics of the crop, the florist risks facing a situation in which the zamiokulkas indicates ill health with yellow spots, drying out tips of the leaf plates, loss of elasticity and juiciness of the stems. The longer the plant is in uncomfortable conditions, the more serious the consequences and external signs of indisposition.

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If you do not follow the rules for home care, the zamiokulkas turn yellow, the number of leaf lobes decreases, their color becomes visibly paler. But lack of attention threatens not only the loss of decoration, but also the rotting of the root system, the base of the shoots, their drying out or wilting due to the attack of pests.

Why do zamiokulkas not give new shoots?

The reason for the fact that the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow, lose their saturated green color or fade completely is often a lack of light. Unfortunately, flower growers forget about changing the light in the autumn-winter period.

The pot with zamiokulkas located in the depth of the room must be moved closer to the window, when there is no such possibility, the culture is provided with additional illumination.

The owner of an ornamental plant, complaining that the zamiokulkas do not give new shoots, should pay attention to the location of the pot and the quality of the soil in it. Although the plant can not be called fast-growing, the slowdown in the formation of young foliage is often explained by the nutrient-poor substrate or the need to transplant a green pet. The root system in this case occupies the entire volume of the pot, leaving no space for soil. Because of this, the flower suffers, the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow, the growth stops, and the already existing greens wither.

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To correct the situation, a pot of the proper size is selected for the ornamental culture, transplanted or supplemented with Zamiokulkas with a complex composition.

The stem of the zamiokulkas wrinkled

The fact that most gardeners take the stem of the zamiokulkas and its pointed lanceolate leaves as a stem is actually a sheet of complex shape. If the thickened stalks lose their elasticity, and the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow, the reason may lie in violation of the rules of watering.

In nature, the plant is faced with drought and to maintain life, it accumulates moisture in powerful, succulent leaves. When a zamiokulkas chronically loses water, that is, watering is rare and superficial, it threatens yellowing and fading to all the aboveground parts. An analogous situation is observed after the gulf of soil, which led to the deterioration of the root system.

Asking: “What to do, and why does the zamiokulkas turn yellow?”, The florist should analyze the care of the plant and find the possible cause of the pet's unhealthiness.

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. If the stem of the zamiokulkas wrinkled due to overflow:

  • the flower is taken out of the pot;
  • gently remove the soil and wash the roots;
  • remove damaged areas with a clean, sharp knife;
  • cuts on healthy tissue are dusted with charcoal powder and dried.

Having detected signs of rot or fungal infection, the indoor plant lover should not be limited to coal treatment. In this case, it is worth resorting to fungicides, which will destroy one of the causes of the problem, protect the roots and tubers in the future .

Zamiokulkas is planted in pots, slightly more than the volume of a healthy root system. The substrate must be loose, permeable to air and moisture. It is important that irrigation water does not accumulate in the ground; therefore, a powerful drainage is made in the pot, and sand, perlite or vermiculite and charcoal are added to the soil.

When the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow after transplantation, this may indicate a wrong selection of the substrate, which turned out to be too dense.

A similar situation awaits a florist if he, in an effort to feed the plant, incorrectly selected the concentration of active substances. Not coping with excess nutrition, zamiokulkas experiencing discomfort and weakness. That is why zamiokulkas turns yellow, but what to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, even here we cannot do without transplanting a bush into a new ground and washing the roots.

What to do if the zamiokulkas leaves turn yellow, and then become covered with dark spots and dry quickly. Such symptoms indicate a too low temperature of the plant and excessive watering. Most often this happens when the season changes, when the florist did not have time to adjust the care. If the sickness of a green pet is noticed in time, it will be enough to arrange watering or move the pot to heat.

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Pest zamiokulkas

If zamiokulkas yellow leaves, the flower can signal an attack of pests.

A plant that is carried out in the summer in the open air is at risk of infestation by aphids, which surround young shoots and the rear parts of the foliage. The insect brings the greatest harm precisely to the fragile plants.

Therefore, after placing the pot in the room, it is better to arrange a week quarantine for the zamiokulkas, and to treat the greenery with an insecticide after identifying pests.

In addition to aphids, culture is threatened by:

  • spider mites, which spread rapidly in dry indoor air;
  • flaps falling on the zamiokulkas from the street or neighboring plants;
  • thrips and mealybugs.

It is not enough to fight systemic acaricides with spider mites. Chemicals will give only a temporary effect, if you do not arrange care for yellowed at home zamiokulkas.

Systemic insecticides are used against insects, thrips, and insects, and more than one treatment will have to be carried out for the last two pests.

Avoiding an unpleasant sight for the grower, when the plants grow yellow, the leaves of the flower wither and fall, you can ensure that the plant has an optimum temperature, light, watering and feeding. We must not forget about the timely transplantation of ornamental culture and careful attention to the selection of the substrate.

Zamiokulkas peculiarities so that the foliage does not turn yellow -

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