Features of growing carrots

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Carrots are very popular vegetables. Now there is a tendency of transition from ordinary varieties to hybrids. Hybrid carrots are more resistant to diseases, there are practically no arrows on it. Breeders bred high-yielding varieties of carrots, which increased the yield to 85 tons per hectare. These varieties include hybrids "Abaco F1" and "Santa Cruz F1".

Planting carrots

In order to get high-quality carrots, you must perform a number of activities, such as:

  1. Soil preparation - plowing, cultivation, preparing the ridge. The best way to grow hybrid carrots is the wide ridge method. It allows you to get better quality even roots. The area for planting in this way is prepared in the autumn, which makes it possible to start the planting season earlier. This ensures good germination of carrots.
  2. Seeding density is very important. For early carrots, it is necessary to use sparse sowing. This will form a root vegetable faster. But at the same time, the probability of the formation of lateral roots and cracking of the root crop is high, therefore, watering of plants must be carefully controlled.
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  3. To obtain high yields, it is important throughout the season to feed plants with potash fertilizers.
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For late carrots, the planting density is 4-5 cm from each other. When more dense planting grows quality smooth carrots.

Reasons for the formation of uneven root crops

Carrots can form side shoots for several reasons. These include:

  • too dense soil, which does not allow the central root to develop;
  • root crops in the early stages of development can be damaged by insects or nematodes, which damage the growing point;
  • sparse sowing;
  • damage by herbicides.
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If you follow certain cultivation rules, you can get even and beautiful root crops.

Diseases and pests of carrots

Mealy dew often affects planting carrots. To solve this problem, it is necessary to loosen the row spacing for better ventilation, water it properly, process carrots with fungicides 3-4 times per season.

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Also, carrots are often affected by various viral and bacterial diseases such as: alternariosis, leaf redness virus and others. Viral diseases are spread by aphids and other insects. In order to get rid of pests, it is necessary to treat plants with insecticides 1 time in 2 weeks.

The plant often suffers from fungal diseases. The fungus develops on plants with weakened immunity, therefore, to cope with the disease, it is necessary to increase watering and fertilize carrots with potash fertilizers.

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