Incubator Blitz - the choice of experienced poultry farmers

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Increasingly, villagers and gardeners provide themselves with meat and eggs, engaged in poultry farming. Incubator Blitz will help get a full brood of chickens, goslings, quail. These thermostats provide 100% results, subject to the rules of operation.

Device Incubators Blitz

A two-layer case made of birch plywood and dense, extruded polystyrene foam. At the same time the surface is galvanized from the inside. The wall thickness is at least 3 cm. Most Blitz incubators have a transparent cover that allows you to observe the process.

On one side, a control unit is attached to the side wall. Thermocouples and a fan are mounted inside. In the working chamber there are evaporating trays, and a tray for laying eggs.

The Blitz Incubator is equipped with:

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  • thermostat, which is activated by the button, and the setting knob sets the task;
  • thermometer on the panel shows the actual temperature at the monitoring point with an accuracy of 0.1;
  • rotary mechanism performs horizontal movement of the tab at 45 after 2 hours;
  • fan runs continuously, from a 12 V converter;
  • baths for evaporation two, but for the brood floaters establish both, for chickens and turkeys enough from one;
  • backup battery is not included in all models.

6ST55 battery is used for backup power, the charge lasts for 18-22 hours, depending on the volume of the incubation chamber. Provides automatic switching without changing parameters. The manufacturer of incubators Blitz gives a guarantee for devices 2 years.

Each instrument is accompanied by a manual with a detailed description of the preparation of the incubation material and the sequence of operations. Exact following will allow to receive the necessary result.

Types of incubators

Depending on the size of the thermostat and its equipment with automatic equipment, 6 series of devices are manufactured.

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The Blitz-48 incubator model is suitable for household use. From a small flock it is difficult to get more full-fledged fertilized eggs in a short period. The fresher the egg, the better the conditions for the development of the embryo. You need to choose a quiet place to install an exit camera. It is better to buy an incubator Blitz-48 digital. Its feature is in the presence of an automatic egg flip. If the temperature in the chamber changes, the battery turns on or is close to discharge, a beep sounds. True, the automation noticeably weights the model in weight from 4.5 kg to 7.5, and in terms of cost. For the first time to incubate any eggs will help instructions to the incubator Blitz-48.

For the last two days before the end of incubation, the automatic coup mode is disabled. Leaning eggs do not disturb. After the appearance of the chicken, it is allowed to dry out and chicks and shells are removed, opening the chamber every 8 hours.

The clear interface of the control panel will help even the novice to understand the process of displaying feathered offspring. All models for bookmarking 72 and 120 eggs have a glass lid, the incubation chamber is fully visible. Reliability, accompanied by a pleasant price, makes the incubator from Orenburg popular.

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Incubator Blitz-72 is available in a simple version and with an electronic control unit. From the previous model is more spacious. Starting with this series, the device is equipped with a battery, but it costs more. The budget and lighter version of the automatic incubator. The Blitz is presented in a foam case without plywood facing. The device weighs 4.5 kg, has full functionality.

More capacious chambers already have 2 lattices under the eggs, since it is inconvenient to flip the large plane 45 degrees. A larger chamber volume requires the installation of an additional two trays - evaporators and a fan. Incubator Blitz-120 is available only with automatic adjustment of the process.

Modern, technologically not inferior to imported counterparts, consider the base series devices. These devices retained the advantages of predecessors, but received some improvements that allow the use of equipment in business projects.

Incubator Blitz Base has become more massive by replacing the plywood lining with a metal case. Heavy machine put on the wheels. Five trays for eggs, a reinforced fan, and even a down filter are in the chamber. Bookmark 520 eggs allows you to put the sale of day-old chicks on a commercial basis.

Access to the instruments through the rear opening panel. Front glass in the incubation chamber allows you to monitor the process. Incubator Blitz Base in its form resembles a refrigerator.

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Regardless of the model of the selected Blitz incubator, the instructions for laying and the process of incubation must be strictly followed. It is important after each cycle to carry out a thorough hygienic cleaning inside the chamber with disinfection.

The advantages and disadvantages of incubators Blitz

Most often in the household use models for 48 and 72 eggs. It is on them you can find more reviews. Users note the reasonableness of the design:

  1. The upper transparent cover is convenient for controlling the process without depressurization of the chamber.
  2. A set of trays with different cell sizes allows you to use the device for the withdrawal of any species of birds.
  3. Understandable control system and automatic process management.
  4. Ability to complete the output process even in the short-term absence of mains power.

Disadvantages noted by users: inconvenient topping up water, and laying eggs. Other complaints have been identified. But on later models, the developer took into account the comments.

Wash the galvanized inner surface of the incubation chamber with soapy water and rinse with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Dry the device in direct sunlight.

Buy Blitz incubators from the manufacturer with no trade margins, but with the payment of shipping costs can be at the company in Orenburg.

Acquaintance with the Blitz-48ts incubator - video

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