Thinning and weeding carrots

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All experienced farmers know that it is not enough to plant plants to get a good harvest, they need to be taken care of properly. If we talk about carrots, the most responsible, painstaking and unloved activities for gardeners are the thinning and weeding of carrots. But, despite this, such work must be done on time and qualitatively, otherwise the harvest will turn out to be weak, and the fruits - ugly. If the seeds are planted too thickly, then the crop may not be at all.

How to properly weed carrots

Carrots sprout for a relatively long period - no less than 21 days. But during this time not only a healthy vegetable grows, but also various weeds. If you do not weed the carrots in time, the weed will not allow it to germinate and the crop will not. And, if you are late - strong roots of grass during weeding will pull the weak sprouts of carrots.

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Often, in order to not lose carrot sprouts among weeds in the first weeding, during sowing, seeds of such crops as radish, salad or spinach are planted in each row along with carrots. They rise much faster, becoming beacons for the gardener, allowing to carry out weeding of carrots without fear of touching the shoots of this vegetable.

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Also, there are two opinions about what weather is best for weeding:

  • Some gardeners are more inclined to the fact that weeding is better done after a little rain. As an argument, it is stated that the moist earth becomes softer and more pliable for loosening. Weeding is done by small metal rakes. Weeds are extracted by hand from the ground and discarded. If the rain is not expected in the near future, then before weeding the carrot, water the beds with water and wait until it is completely absorbed.
  • Other gardeners believe that it is best to weed carrots only in dry and warm weather. The main argument in this case is that the small roots of the weeds that remain in the soil will simply dry out in the sun and will not allow the grass to germinate again. They also believe that it is best to pull young weeds by hand, so as not to damage the root vegetables of the vegetable.

Thinning carrots - the guarantee of a delicious harvest

In the event that the seeds were sown at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other, it is unlikely that you will need to thin the carrot. If the seeds were poured densely, with a reserve, then there will come a time when it will be necessary to do the thinning of the beds. The thing is that too closely planted vegetables will prevent each other from growing and developing. It is not recommended to delay the carrying out of this process, because during growth the root part of the carrot can interlace and significantly complicate the removal of some sprouts, and the vegetables themselves will be much weaker develop.

Thinning carrots are usually done twice. To simplify this process, you should use tweezers, which makes it much easier to grab a thin stalk near the base. See at the end of the article a video on how to properly carrots.

The first thinning is carried out immediately after the appearance of the first shoots. To facilitate this process, it is better to water the shoots first. Squeeze carrots must be strictly up, not tilting and not loosening. If you do not comply with this condition, you can break off or damage neighboring sprouts. This will contribute to the formation of a branch in the root crop and it will be horned. After the first thinning of the carrot shoots should remain, approximately, every 3-4 cm. The remaining plants need to be poured with warm water, about two to three liters per square meter. The earth around them needs to be compacted, and between the rows - to loosen. Extracted shoots of carrots, unlike beet, can not be transplanted to another place. Too weak root system does not take root.

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The second time carrots are thinned 21 days later, when the stems grow to ten centimeters. After this, the distance between the shoots should remain within 6-7 centimeters. Extruded seedlings, too, can not be transplanted, because they will not be able to get accustomed. In the process, there may be a smell attracting carrot flies. To avoid this trouble, carrot thinning should be done late at night or early in the morning.

Torn plants should be thrown into the compost and covered with earth. It is also nice to sprinkle the carrot with tobacco.

Advice on alleviating weeding and thinning carrots

After sowing beds, they are covered with wet newspapers in about 8-10 layers. Then cover with a film. Thus, a greenhouse is obtained in which moisture is well retained, but, due to the increased temperature, the weeds do not germinate. In two weeks, the greenhouse can be removed and waiting for the emergence of carrots. This will occur in parallel with the growth of weeds. After another 10 days you can weed out the weeds, and cut the carrots.

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How to weed carrots - video

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