Planting rules
AS page 17or by dividing a bush. But there comes a time when these methods become ineffective, since together with the vegetative planting material all the accumulated diseases are transmitted. The best way to update the varietal fund and get rid of the disease will be planting strawberries for seedlings. In 2018, it is not too late to do this, and with the help of our detailed instructions you will receive a harvest of large, fragrant berries in a few months.
Where to get
seeds The seeds are best picked at a specialty store, preferring those with a shelf life of more than 1 year. Among gardeners, remontant strawberries are popular, fructifying until frost - Alpine, Ali Baba, Baron Solimacher. These varieties do not give a mustache and later easily reproduce by dividing the bush.
Of the large-fruited species, the following varieties will advise the buyer:
- Queen Elizabeth;
- Picnic;
- Moscow Debut;
- Alexandria.
Large-fruited strawberries are propagated by dividing the bush and by the mustache. In addition to the usual care gardener will have to regularly remove unnecessary layers.
To grow strawberries from seeds at home can be done in another way - take ripe berries from healthy bushes and cut off the top thin layer of pulp with a sharp knife. The cut pulp with seeds is laid out on napkins and left for several days in a dry warm place. During this time, the seeds dry up, and they are easy to clean from the husk, rubbing between the fingers. Dried sunflower seeds are laid out in paper bags, they sign a variety and collection dates, and they are stored in a cool dry place.
Strawberries are in fact a highly expanded receptacle, and the seeds are nuts.
Planting dates in 2018
To get strong seedlings, gardeners go for different tricks. Many of them believe that planting strawberries with seeds must be carried out according to the lunar calendar. In 2018, the best days are:
- January 27, 28 and 29;
- from February 21 to February 28;
- from March 21 to 26.
Read also: Newspaper pots for seedlings: how to make your own hands?
On these days, the growing moon passes through the constellations Gemini, Cancer, Taurus, Leo. This time is considered the most favorable for sowing seeds for seedlings.
The dive of strawberry seedlings grown from seeds in 2018 should be dealt with:
- from 10 to 12 and from 20 to 26 March;
- from 17 to 22 and from 25 to 28 April.
Planted seedlings are planted in the following numbers:
- from 18 to 22 and from April 25 to 28;
- from 17 to 19, 22, from 25 to 27 May;
- 15, June 20 to 24;
- from 18 to 22 and from 25 to 26 July.
The timing of planting strawberries for seedlings depends on your region. In the south of Russia, seedlings are planted in open ground in the second and third decade of May, in the northern regions in early June. The seedling by this time should have a developed root system and several leaves. Strawberry bushes usually reach this size in 3 months.
In the days of the full moon, new moon, as well as 2 days before and after sowing the seeds are not recommended. It is better to devote this time to choosing seeds, preparing the ground, watering or loosening sprouted seedlings.
What kind of soil is needed strawberries
The preparation of a ground mixture for sowing strawberries with seeds for seedlings should be considered carefully, as the seeds of this crop are small and sprout for a long time. Experts offer several options for soil mixture:
- high peat, biohumus and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1;
- turfy or leafy ground, peat and sand - 2: 1: 1;
- mature compost and sand - 5: 3.
Some gardeners replace compound soil with peat tablets or use specially designed for the cultivation of berry seedlings. There are no uniform requirements for its composition, but when choosing it should be remembered that the soil should be light, breathable, but nutritious.
Before planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings, the ground should be decontaminated. This is done in one of the following ways:
- is scattered on a baking sheet and heated in an oven at 40–45 ° C for 1–2 hours;
- shed the ground with a 1%( hot pink) solution of potassium permanganate;
- is frozen in bags or buckets all winter outside.
Read also: Growing camellia from seeds at home
The latter option is suitable for residents of the northern regions with long frosty winters.
After disinfection, the soil needs to be revived - filled with useful microflora. To do this, it is shed to a wet state by one of the biological products - "Baikal 1M", "Shining", "Fitosporin".Then the soil is left for a few days in a warm place so that the microorganisms begin to develop. At the same time, the earth mixture will dry up to a friable state and will be ready for sowing strawberries for seedlings in 2018.
Preparing Seeds for SowingNext, the seeds need to harden. To do this, they are placed in several layers of gauze dipped in a stimulator, and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for the night, covering with a lid or film. In the afternoon, the seed containers are rearranged on a window sill with a temperature of 18–20 ° C.Hardening is carried out for 3 days, not longer, since they can begin to germinate. Hardening can be replaced by stratification. After it, the seeds sprout twice as fast. The most convenient way is to stratify the strawberries after sowing. Boxes with sown strawberries put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for the entire period. Periodically, containers are opened for ventilation. It is necessary to monitor the soil moisture. In cold regions, containers are left in the street under the snow.
For large-fruited strawberries, the stratification period must be at least 2–2.5 months.
At the end of the stratification, the boxes are brought into a warm room.
How to sow strawberries correctly and care for themThen snow is put on the surface of the earth and the seeds are laid out on top. When melting snow snows them to the desired depth. The container is covered with glass or film with holes for ventilation and placed on the windowsill, keeping the temperature at 18–20 ° C.
The first shoots of stratified seeds appear on the 5–6th day, the mass ones begin in two weeks. After the appearance of sprouts, the air temperature is reduced to 15–17 ° C so that they do not stretch. Shelter with the boxes removed after the appearance of two or three leaves. The soil is kept wet but not wet.
In order not to fill in weak sprouts, water it very carefully - in the grooves between the shoots with a pipette or a syringe without a needle. Shoots kept in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight.
The grown seedlings dive in the phase of 3-4 leaves. If the seedlings are strongly drawn out, this procedure can be carried out twice. The pick strengthens the root system, and the growth of the aerial part at the same time slows down somewhat. Carry out a dive like this:
- land pre-watered;
- seedling gently remove and pinch the central root;
- a new cup is filled with earth and a recess is made in the middle;
- carefully lower the seedling, straightening the roots and squeezing it with earth on all sides.
- after diving seedlings watered.
When planting strawberries, it is necessary to ensure that the growing point is above ground level.
After the picking, strawberry bushes are fed with complex fertilizers containing a lot of phosphorus, potassium and very little nitrogen. Feeding is carried out 1 time in two weeks. The most convenient way to use special formulations for seedlings that contain the necessary trace elements.
Read also: Cups for flower seedlings from the newspaper( video)
Rules for planting in open ground
Two weeks before planting in open ground, seedlings are hardened. For this, it is taken out to cool rooms at first for 1–2 hours, then the time is increased. Before planting, seedlings are left on the balcony or veranda at a temperature of up to 10 ° C around the clock.
Planted seedlings in the ground heated to 12 ° C, ensuring that the growing point remains above the soil level. If at the time of planting are clear sunny weather, the first time seedlings pritenyuyut. Further care consists of irrigation, loosening and dressing.
Strawberries sown in this way for seedling in 2018 over the next few years are propagated by whiskers or by dividing a bush. Then, for the improvement of planting material, it is desirable to again sow strawberries with seeds.
Planting strawberries in the video
If you have any questions about growing strawberries from seeds, watch the video, which describes in detail and shows the whole process from selecting seeds to planting seedlings in the ground.