For residents of the Urals and the Moscow region - plant species grown through seedlings, sowing seeds in March

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Seeding of seeds for seedlings in cool and variable climatic conditions in which plants do not have enough heat for final development and maturation begins in February - March. If February is characterized by planting seeds of crops that germinate too long and have a rather long growing season, then March is acceptable for sowing early varieties of vegetables and flowers that you still want to admire before the end of the summer season.

The natural climatic conditions of the Urals and its suburbs are characterized by abundant precipitation and low temperatures, summer is not hot here.

If we consider the areas of the Urals, then on its territory there are changing climatic conditions, which is the cause of too dry or too humid areas. The Moscow region is characterized by a more temperate climate, which causes a short summer. So, it is necessary to choose which plants to plant on seedlings in these regions, based on the characteristics of the vegetables and flowers themselves, in order to finally get the desired crop, ensuring proper care for them throughout the growing season and fruiting.

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The first half of March is always allocated for sowing vegetables, the ripening time of which is slightly longer than that of early crops, but the second half of the month is allocated for early varieties of vegetables.

March is characterized by a long day, which causes a sufficient amount of natural light for the shoots of seedlings, and this eliminates the use of artificial lighting devices to create effective photosynthetic processes.

Read the article: when to plant tomato seedlings?

How do the summer residents of the Urals and Moscow Region begin their seasonal work?

Most often the first eggplants are sown. A vegetable demanding to heat has a growing season of about a hundred days, so it doesn’t work to get fruit without seedlings. In the conditions of the Urals and the Moscow region, hybrid varieties that take on the cold growing conditions — Giselle, King of the Market, King of the North, Swan Lake, Sadko, Marzipan, are perfectly accustomed. Eggplants are sown in the middle or end of March, often in the twenties and thirties of the month. This culture is very sensitive to damage to the roots, therefore, in order to prevent sowing of seedlings, seeds should be sown immediately in separate containers. Eggplant seedlings are planted in the ground in early May.

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Tomatoes are not less thermophilic than eggplants, and they are also planted in late March. Naturally, the best yields give hybrids. Here are some of the most unpretentious: Shuttle, Blast, Pink Giant, Moscow delicacy, Blagovest F1, Rookie RO.The seedling of tomatoes during the growing period several times to be pickled, planted in the ground in mid-May. It should be noted that the March seedlings are always stronger than the February ones, because it absorbs more natural light and, thus, is programmed for high yields.

Growing seedlings in March in the Urals and in the suburbs without everyone's favorite sweet pepper does not do, because the period from sowing to harvest is one hundred and fifty days. More preferred varieties for the Moscow region - Rhapsody, Fidelio, Atlantic, Agapovsky, Semko, Buratino, for the Urals - Montero, Selvia, United, Alyosha Popovich, Player. Landing in the ground is carried out in mid-May.

In the second half of March, you can also sow such crops as leeks, black onions, early carrots, radishes, dill, mustard, Chinese cabbage, salads, spinach, celery, basil, broccoli, kohlrabi cabbage, cauliflower, white cabbage.

When growing seedlings of vegetables, it is necessary to strictly monitor the soil moisture. For seedlings in the same degree as the drying of the soil, and its excessive moisture.

Seedlings flowers in March

Growing seedlings in March means growing not only future vegetable high-yielding crops, but also flowering plants that can make the whole summer glad with their flowering and beautify the landscaped flowerbed design:

  1. like petunia, begonia, viola, sweet peas, lobelia, verbena, ageratum, phlox, pansies, asters.
  2. Perennials also need sprouts - seedlings, carnations, and cornflowers.
  3. Flowers that breed tubers are also grown from seedlings - dahlia, peony.
  4. Flowers are an adornment of not only outdoor flowerbeds, but also home window sills. During March, seeds of indoor flowers such as hippeastrum, lemon eucalyptus, palm trees of various kinds, balsam, pelargonium, fuchsia are sown.
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It is the practice of summer residents to show that it is better to plant in March in the Urals and in the Moscow Region. Conducting experiments, many amateurs achieve high yields and beautiful landscape design of their country children.

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