Popular varieties of gooseberries without thornsvarieties of bush plants that can produce a good and stable crop. One of the favorite berries for many of our compatriots is the gooseberry, which can be successfully grown throughout the central and southern parts of Russia. Given the high taste properties of fruits, as well as a large composition of vitamins and minerals, many people want to see it on their site. However, in order to get a good harvest every year, it is important to find out the best varieties of gooseberries, as well as the features of its proper planting and cultivation. What you need to consider when choosing gooseberry variety?
Today in the domestic market there is a huge number of varieties of red gooseberry and amber-yellow, each of which has its own characteristics. It is important to take into account that you need to choose the appropriate variety of gooseberry based on the person’s place of residence, depending on the region and region, since each species has its own preferences in terms of climatic and soil conditions, temperature conditions. Thus, the best varieties of gooseberry for the Moscow region and unique varieties of gooseberry in Ukraine will be different, because the natural conditions here are different from each other.
Interesting photos of gooseberry varieties with a description of
. So, every summer resident quite reasonably wants to find a variety of berry bushes that will not only give a good and abundant crop, but also have good resistance to plant diseases. Extreme temperature fluctuations, severe frosts, drought and other harmful factors can significantly reduce the plant immunity, which can be the cause of its damage by pests. That is why if a person lives in Ryazan, Kostroma, Tula, Tver or another area lying at the same latitude, then the best varieties of gooseberry for the middle band are best suited.
Read also: Proper feeding of gooseberries after harvesting
The popular and resistant to pest infestation include the Russian gooseberry variety, which has weak branching, a crown of medium thickness, and a strong spreading. The berries of this bush elliptical shape, sweet-sour taste.
This variety tolerates strong winter frosts, as well as summer drought, which makes it the most profitable option for many summer residents.
Proper spring pruning, which consists in pruning old 5 and 6 year old shoots gives a good result.
If you need to plant such a variety, where the number of thorns is small, you can pay attention to the gooseberry variety Phenicus, which is characterized by juicy fruit pulp, dark red berries, sweet taste.
The high productivity of a bush pleasantly pleases many summer residents, but here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the likelihood of defeat by powdery mildew in wet years increases significantly.
If you need to get the berries of an average ripening period, you can pay attention to the gooseberry variety Komandor, which comes to fruition rather early. It is highly resistant to powdery mildew, as well as to such pests as sawflies and septoriosis.
Among its advantages are the following:
- High yield - 80-155 q / ha;
- A pleasant sweet and sour taste of berries;
- Resistance to major pests;
- Good winter hardiness;
- A small number of thorns.
Large-fruited gooseberry varieties are usually put up for sale, as they are distinguished by their beauty, as well as good transportability, which is very important for many farmers.
The first large varieties of this plant were imported to our country from Europe, namely from Italy, where it was traditionally grown. However, they didn’t get accustomed, as they could not stand the domestic severe winters and today they are used quite rarely.
The following domestic species have gained high popularity among large varieties of gooseberry:
Gooseberry Spring.
This variety has large yellow berries that have a fairly rich sweet taste. The universal way of its use makes it possible not only to eat it, but also to make jams from it and to cook compotes. -
Gooseberry Jubilee.
The variety is bred in a selection method, it is distinguished by its average winter hardiness, which is why it is most often grown in the southern regions of Russia. The height of the bush can reach 1.5 m., So very often a trellis peg is required here. Berries have a high transportability, and therefore they are freely grown not only by summer residents, but also by domestic farmers. -
Gooseberry Russian yellow.
tolerates harsh winters, has a spreading crown, has a sweet and sour yellow berries of medium size. Early ripening gives this species a special popularity among many gardeners. Among the minuses can be attributed to low transportability of the plant, so this gooseberry is most often found on personal homestead farms, in summer cottages and vegetable gardens. -
Gooseberry Senator( Consul).
It has a high winter hardiness and good yield, as a result of which it is not afraid of spring frosts. The advantages of this gooseberry include a good resistance to powdery mildew, as well as the soft and delicate taste of ripe berries. The berries are rounded, dark red in color, with a delicate skin and a sweet and sour taste. The average yield of the variety is 5 kg / bush. This and other gooseberry varieties for the Leningrad region are very common among summer residents of the Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov and other regions. -
Gooseberry Captivator.
This is a wonderful late-maturing variety bred in the USA.The berries have a brownish-pink color, they are distinguished by a rich, sweet-sour taste, and are well suited for both fresh consumption and seaming.
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Popular varieties of gooseberries without thorns
The main disadvantage of traditional gooseberry varieties are their prickly bushes, which makes the process of picking berries very difficult and not very pleasant. However, our breeders were able to bring out unique varieties of gooseberry, which absolutely do not contain any thorns.
One of them is the Kolobok gooseberry, the description of which should be started with berries that are rather large and weighty. Usually from one large bush it is possible to get up to 10 kg of berries, and healthy and strong ones, since the variety is sufficiently resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose.
Berries of this variety have a pleasantly sour-sweet taste, have an oval shape and a dark red color. Even if the bush freezes hard in the winter, in the spring it can be easily restored after proper pruning.
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Other popular varieties of gooseberry-less gooseberry include Malachite and Grushenka, which have a pleasant taste and uniform distribution throughout the bush. In general, their properties are very similar and the difference is only in the color and shape of the berries, since in Grushenka they are slightly elongated, and in Malachite they have a regular round shape. In many gardeners gooseberries without thorns varieties and photos of which can be found on the net, are extremely popular.
However, it should be noted that any artificially bred bearingless gooseberries, varieties of which can be purchased in specialized stores, will not have such a rich taste, as usual, with spikes. That is why some summer residents prefer to buy traditional varieties and pick berries carefully.
Features of growing gooseberries in the Urals
Separately, it is necessary to say a few words about the gooseberry, which is grown in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East. Despite the harsh climate, it is also possible to harvest this berry here, but for this it is necessary to use especially winter-resistant species. Beryl, Harlequin, Kazachok, Ural emerald, Black Cherkashin and Red East are among such varieties of gooseberry for Siberia.
All gooseberry varieties for the Urals should be planted correctly, as this will reduce the likelihood of damage to the inner root part in extreme frosts. A hillock of earth is poured around the root collar, and in the winter all the stems necessarily bend down to the ground so that they are well covered in snow. This will provide reliable protection from severe frosts.
The main conclusions of the
Summing up the above, we can say that when choosing a gooseberry variety, the main thing is to be guided by goals and objectives, since for industrial cultivation one should choose well transportable varieties, and for ordinary home use - take with excellent taste properties. This necessarily takes into account the climatic features of a particular region.
Gooseberry Varieties - Video
Gooseberry: How to Buy, Varieties, Care( video)