Grow in planting stock, for example, and for daily consumption. Here are described some diseases of plum and fight against them, and a photo to help the gardener. Any disease is easier to prevent at the stage of care and prevention. To eradicate once and for all all the sources of disease is impossible, they are incorporated in the program of Nature. But to restrain, not allow viruses and fungi in their garden, people have learned.
Classification of Plum Diseases
Before taking a knife or a sprayer, it is necessary to figure out which ailment a favorite plum tree has visited. Diseases are divided by their distribution and action into three types:
- fungal;
- bacterial;
- viral.
Non-communicable diseases can be caused by improper care. Consider photos of plum diseases and fight with them.
If the plum leaves suffer from rust, the juniper and anemone must be removed from the garden.
Fungal diseases
Fungal diseases are transmitted from tree to tree with thickened foliage, which has not had time to dry out from rain and dew for a long time. In a warm, humid summer, spores of fungi brought from outside, take root in the tissues, creating a mycelium. A few days - the disease is already hosting, eating the fruit and foliage. Examples of such diseases are monilioz plum, klyasterosporioz, rust.
Often a tree suffers from more than one disease. Fungicides destroy any fungal diseases, there are drugs of systemic action. For insect pests and diseases use different substances.
Specialists say moniliasis or monilial burn is the most terrible disease. A sign of the disease is the instant drying of individual branches. The leaves turn black, but do not fall off, the fruits continue to grow. The infection is also introduced into the fruit, if there are scratches or wounds on the skin, causing a disease of the plum - the gray rot of the fruit. Disputes are passed from one berry to another, coming into contact. As a result, the harvest is ruined and it will take a long time to eradicate the infection. The fungus lives in the fruits, fallen leaves, after wintering, will begin to multiply in the spring again.
Another disease that can leave the host without harvest is a marsupial or plum pockets. A sign that the disease will manifest itself, is a long flowering, a long fruit is poured, which remains green for a long time, turns brown, dries out and falls. Only fruits are affected.
Viral diseases
Viral diseases are terrible for any plant. Look at the photo of viral diseases of plums, the fight against them so far is to use systemic drugs. The disease affects the vascular system, is transmitted by leaf-eating and sucking juice insects. For plum, scary disease or smallpox is a terrible disease. She can go to the tree, even with clover. Another viral disease is chlorotic ring leaf blotch. In this case, the leaves are lightened, the dried-up plate becomes in the holes, the tree is oppressed. Leaf curl may appear. Any modification of the leaf blade of the seedling should alert when buying.
Bacterial diseases
Bacterial diseases are caused by microbes and bacteria that are transmitted with planting material, tools. On the leaves appear bordered small spots. The inner part of the plate dries, crumbles, and a clear border is visible outside and the sheet around is lightened. Fruits are covered with black and brown spots. Plums become inedible, fall off.
It happens that bunches of thin branches appear on the branches - the witch's broom. This is mycoplasmosis. A contagious plaque forms on the leaves below.
Non-infectious diseases include acupuncture caused by careless pruning when gum tree tries to tighten the wound. Therefore, care for stone trees should be as careful as possible. For no reason, this drain may begin to dry out. The reason lies in the close standing of groundwater, freezing, or the soil does not fit the tree.
As you can see, it weakens the tree, deprives the crop of any of the plum's diseases and their treatment should be timely so that the tree does not die.
Prevention and folk remedies to combat diseases of plums
Prevention of diseases of plums is the right choice of place under the tree. The soil should be fertile, the plant while receiving additional feeding and preventive treatment. To get rid of the nursery of diseases of the foliage from the garden is not used in compost, burned. The barrel must be audited, after bleaching. Pristyvolny circle to keep clean, without weeds.
There are no recipes for combating plum diseases using traditional methods; only special chemicals deal with them. Even preventive spraying in the spring should be carried out with the use of copper-containing preparations.