How to grow sprouts mallow at home?

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Tell me how to grow seedlings of mallow at home?

Mallow, or as it is also called stem-rose, is a beautiful tall flower, possessing both decorative and medicinal properties. The plant is one- or two-year-old, grows to a height of more than a meter, has beautiful large flowers of various colors and shapes. The mallow is propagated by seeds. If you do not need to achieve flowering in the year of planting, the seeds are sown directly in open ground. But a more reliable way at home is to grow mallow through seedlings, and then it will bloom in late summer.

Rules for growing mallow seedlings at home

Sowing mallow seedlings on seeds need at the very beginning of spring. In order for the mallow seeds to sprout faster, they must be poured with warm water in the evening and left overnight. In the morning, swollen seeds should be planted in peat pots on the principle: one seed - in one pot.

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Three-year mallow seeds germinate better than seeds harvested later. But more than three years to keep the seeds is not recommended.

For better seed germination, it is better to buy a fairly loose soil, or make it yourself out of the garden, sand and humus in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.

Read also: Self-preparation of soil for seedlings

Since the mallow has a rather long root system and does not tolerate transplantation, pots of peat will be preferable for it to a common container. If suddenly they were not at home, you can sow in a common box, and the seeds spread out with a distance of 4 cm.

In case of general sowing, seedlings will need to be planted earlier in separate containers before they are intertwined with roots. Usually planted seedlings after the formation of three leaves. It is not necessary to bury the seeds of mallow, just lightly sprinkle the ground on top. Now pour and cover them with a film to create a mini-greenhouse. The optimum temperature for germinating seeds is 20 degrees of heat. After the mallow comes up( about two weeks), remove the film and rearrange the seedlings on the bright window sill.

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Mallow - light-loving plant, therefore needs additional lighting. The sun is still not enough in the winter, the day is short, and in order for the seedlings not to stretch out and not get sick, it needs to install artificial lighting.

Caring for mallow seedlings is as follows:

  • watering as needed, avoiding complete drying or over-wetting of the soil;
  • gradual hardening of seedlings in the open air.

Planting of mallow seedlings in open ground

Seedlings of annual mallow are planted in open ground in May. Perennial mallow is transplanted in late summer or early September. If the seeds were sown in peat pots, they can be planted with them.

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A place for seedlings to pick up a well-lit and without drafts. The ideal option would be a flower bed along the fence, then you will not need to take care of additional supports for the garter of adult plants.

Taking care of the planted mallow seedlings

Mallow is an ideal flower for those who do not have much free time. The plant is completely unpretentious, it is enough to observe the following recommendations:

  1. Water as necessary in dry and hot weather - more often.
  2. Weed and loosen the soil around the bush.
  3. Remove flowers that have dried.
  4. Before laying the buds, feed them with mineral fertilizer.

In order to obtain a perennial plant from an annual mallow, experienced flower growers are advised to cut off all flower stalks immediately after flowering.

How to sow mallow seeds on seedlings, see the video

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