Growing the Navajo Blackberry, Features of the Variety

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Blackberry Navajo - a successful variety, bred by American breeders and known everywhere. Berries have a rich dessert taste, so they can be consumed both fresh and in various preserves. The variety is quite unprivileged and does not require special care, but annually yields a high yield.

Characteristic of the variety

Blackberry variety Navajo is a perennial plant. The bushes form strong straight shoots, each of which can reach up to one and a half meters in length. Berries are not particularly large (up to, g each), but their size does not affect the yield of the variety. From one adult bush it is possible to collect up to 500 berries per season.

Among the advantages of the Navajo blackberry can be identified:

  • a high tasting rating (from, to, at different periods);
  • The absence of spikes on the shoots, which greatly simplifies the manual harvesting of berries;
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  • good yield with simple care;
  • The fruit's ability to maintain its shape and density for 5 days, which allows them to be transported to places of sale.
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The description and characteristics of the Navajo blackberry can not but affect its taste. The berries are juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness and a pronounced blackberry flavor. They ripen in late summer or early autumn, each bush fruiting about 3 weeks.

Rules of landing

Planting and caring for the blackberry Navajo does not work. This plant reproduces seedlings, which need to be purchased and placed in open ground. It is worth paying attention to the site under the planting, since the bush with proper care lives about 15 years. The requirements for this variety are simple:

  1. Blackberry prefers places where direct sunlight does not reach. It is better to choose a half-darkened area.
  2. To the composition of the soil the plant is unpretentious. However, in the description of the Navajo blackberry variety, it is said that the best yield can be obtained on sandy or loamy grounds.
  3. When planting it is worth considering that bushes can grow quite large, so between neighboring plants should remain at least, m.
  4. In the pit under the planting place organic fertilizers (compost, humus), so that the blackberry is better taken root. The plant is lowered carefully so as not to damage the roots, and then watered.

Planting of the Navajo blackberry is carried out in the spring. In warm southern regions it is possible to plant it in the fall, but for the winter the seedlings must be covered.

Features of care

Despite the fact that the variety is quite unpretentious to the composition of the soil, lighting, fertilizers and other conditions, it is also not recommended to leave it growing independently. The bushes will not lose their vitality, but the amount of the harvest and its taste may decrease.

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Among the basic rules for caring for this cultivar can be identified:

  1. Watering is carried out 1-2 times a month, one bucket needs 1 bucket of water. Plants do not water during their flowering period.
  2. Once a month, it is recommended to loosen the soil under the bushes and remove the weeds.
  3. Fertilizers can be applied 2-3 times a year. At the beginning of the year, nitrogen fertilizing will be useful, which stimulates the growth of leaves and shoots, and then - potassium and phosphorus fertilizers that increase yield.
  4. Pruning is carried out in autumn, when they reach at least 1 m in length. On each bush leave from 7 to 9 shoots.

The variety is not considered frost-resistant, so the bushes should be laid for the winter. A week before the first frosts they are hidden under the soil or with special tissue coverings.

Before you start growing this berry, it is worth looking at the description of the Navajo blackberry variety with a photo. The berries of this plant are not particularly large, but very sweet and grow in large numbers. You can grow them in the garden or in the garden, but you need to make sure that the bushes do not burn under the scorching sun. One plant will be able to harvest for 15 years, subject to competent care. Berries can be eaten fresh or cook jam, jam, confiture, compote for winter.

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Introduction to the Navajo Blackberry - video

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